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Huge Turkish Army - Tiny European Armies including French Army

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Jul 6, 2017
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Turkey has the 2nd largest military force in NATO, after the US

There are more than 50 Modern Weapons in Turkish Army , Other Armies not even close

Active : since 209 BC
Size : 260.000

Turkish Army is probably the best against guerilla warfare as Turkish Military has been actively fighting against terrorism for three decades


-- 74 KONKURS Launchers with 420 Missiles
-- 80 KORNET Launchers with 800 Missiles
-- 632 ERYX Launchers with 3.920 Missiles
-- 685 MILAN Launchers with 25.000+ Missiles
-- 465 TOW Launchers

Turkey has developed the latest technology ATGM ( OMTAS )

156 M113 TOW


260 KAPLAN and PARS anti Tank Vehicles


-- 800 FIM-92 STINGER with 4.880 Missiles
-- 150 ATILGAN ( 8x STINGER )
-- 80 ZIPKIN (4x STINGER )
-- 120 OERLIKON 35mm
-- 439 OERLIKON 20mm
-- 432 RHEINMETALL 20mm

Turkish HISAR-A Air Defense System will be in service by 2020


-- 658 M60A3-TTS
-- 170 M-60T
-- 328 LEOPARD-2A4
-- 162 LEOPARD-1T

Turkish ALTAY Tank will be in service by 2021
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Turkish Army has more Howitzers than French+British+German+Italian Armies combined

-- 219 M110A2 ( 203mm )
-- 360 M52T (155 mm )
-- 400 T-155 PANTHER (155 mm )
-- 350 T-155 STORM (155 mm )
-- 154 T-155 STORM-II (155 mm ) on order


French+British+German+Italian Armies have only GMLRS with 39km SCATMIN Rockets

Turkish Army has more MLRS than French+British+German+Italian Armies combined
Turkish Army has the best Ballistic Missile fire power in Europe ( except Russia )

-- 40 km TRG-122 MLRS ( 122 mm )
-- 120 km TRG-300 MLRS ( 300 mm )
-- 150 km J-600T Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 280 km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 120 ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missiles ( range of 165 km )


Turkish Army has the biggest UCAV fleet in Europe

-- 87 T-129 Attack Helicopters ( on order )
-- 8 AH-1W Super Cobra Attack Helicopters
-- 27 AS-532 Cougar
-- 10 CH-47F Chinook
-- 86 Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk
-- 57 Sikorsky S-70 Blackhawk
-- 177 Bell UH-1 Uroquois ( all modernized ) being replaced by T-625 GOKBEY
-- 19 MI-17 ( all modernized )
-- 18 AB-212 being replaced by T-625 GOKBEY

-- 100 IAI HARPY Kamikaze Drone ( range of 500 km with 35kg warhead )
-- 8 ANKA-S

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Just because we are superior in terms of numbers doesn't necessarily make us stronger & better, just saying. Maybe less sensational titles in the future :=)

not only numbers but also superior technology

-- Most modern Turkish MPT-55 , MPT-76 , KCR-556 Rifles enter service
-- Turkish OMTAS and French MMP are the latest technology ATGMs in Europe
-- Turkish KORKUT SPAAG with 35mm air burst ammunition ... the best in Europe
-- Turkish T-155 STORM-II Howitzer is superior to French AMX-30 AuF1 and CAESAR Howitzers
-- Turkish KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System ( only Russia and Turkey in Europe )
-- French Army has only 50 of GMLRS with 39km SCATMIN Rockets ,, on the other hand Turkish Army has 120 of 165km ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missiles
-- also Turkish Army has 40km TRG-122 and 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- also Turkish Army has 150 km J600T and 280 km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles are in service ....( French,British,German Armies have NO Tactical Ballistic Missiles )
-- Turkish Army T-129 Attack Helicopter is superior to French-German TIGRE Attack Helicopter
-- Turkish Army is superior with Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy lift Helicopters
-- Turkish Army has SEAD role with 100 HARPY Kamikaze Drones .. (range of 500 km with 35kg warhead ) French,British,German Armies have NO Kamikaze Drones
-- Turkish Army is superior with BAYRAKTAR TB-2 UCAVs ....French,British,German Armies have NO UCAV

French Army is nothing against Turkish Army
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i think france is nuclear power with icbms and slbms as well as good airforce with rafales and mirages indigenously manufactured and aircraft carrier so turkey is inferior in this regard ,never underestimate your opponents
Many inferior powers have defeated superior powers.
Focus on bravery, loyalty and professionalism with God consciousness and you are guaranteed to come out on top.

A man may have have superior weapons but if he does not have anything to fight for is a losing man.
not only numbers but also superior technology

-- Most modern Turkish MPT-55 , MPT-76 , KCR-556 Rifles enter service
-- Turkish OMTAS and French MMP are the latest technology ATGMs in Europe
-- Turkish KORKUT SPAAG with 35mm air burst ammunition ... the best in Europe
-- Turkish T-155 STORM-II Howitzer is superior to French AMX-30 AuF1 and CAESAR Howitzers
-- Turkish KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System ( only Russia and Turkey in Europe )
-- French Army has only 50 of GMLRS with 39km SCATMIN Rockets ,, on the other hand Turkish Army has 120 of 165km ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missiles
-- also Turkish Army has 40km TRG-122 and 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- also Turkish Army has 150 km J600T and 280 km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles are in service ....( French,British,German Armies have NO Tactical Ballistic Missiles )
-- Turkish Army T-129 Attack Helicopter is superior to French-German TIGRE Attack Helicopter
-- Turkish Army is superior with Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy lift Helicopters
-- Turkish Army has SEAD role with 100 HARPY Kamikaze Drones .. (range of 500 km with 35kg warhead ) French,British,German Armies have NO Kamikaze Drones
-- Turkish Army is superior with BAYRAKTAR TB-2 UCAVs ....French,British,German Armies have NO UCAV

French Army is nothing against Turkish Army
i think france is nuclear power with icbms and slbms as well as good airforce with rafales and mirages indigenously manufactured and aircraft carrier so turkey is inferior in this regard ,never underestimate your opponents

Do you know what about Army ?

We are not talking about Air Force and Navy
not only numbers but also superior technology

-- Most modern Turkish MPT-55 , MPT-76 , KCR-556 Rifles enter service
-- Turkish OMTAS and French MMP are the latest technology ATGMs in Europe
-- Turkish KORKUT SPAAG with 35mm air burst ammunition ... the best in Europe
-- Turkish T-155 STORM-II Howitzer is superior to French AMX-30 AuF1 and CAESAR Howitzers
-- Turkish KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System ( only Russia and Turkey in Europe )
-- French Army has only 50 of GMLRS with 39km SCATMIN Rockets ,, on the other hand Turkish Army has 120 of 165km ATACMS Tactical Ballistic Missiles
-- also Turkish Army has 40km TRG-122 and 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- also Turkish Army has 150 km J600T and 280 km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles are in service ....( French,British,German Armies have NO Tactical Ballistic Missiles )
-- Turkish Army T-129 Attack Helicopter is superior to French-German TIGRE Attack Helicopter
-- Turkish Army is superior with Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy lift Helicopters
-- Turkish Army has SEAD role with 100 HARPY Kamikaze Drones .. (range of 500 km with 35kg warhead ) French,British,German Armies have NO Kamikaze Drones
-- Turkish Army is superior with BAYRAKTAR TB-2 UCAVs ....French,British,German Armies have NO UCAV

French Army is nothing against Turkish Army

How is it superior technology when some of those weapons are American and others Joint projects with various NATO partners. We do build quality products but let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet.
How is it superior technology when some of those weapons are American and others Joint projects with various NATO partners. We do build quality products but let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet.

almost all weapons are Turkish , only T-129 Attack Helicopter co-developed with Italy ( btw TEI TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine is coming to replace American Engine ) and Utility Helicopters are American ,,, nothing else

Turkish Weapons in service

-- MPT55 , MPT76 and KCR-556 Rifles
-- JNG-90 and KNT-76 Sniper Rifles
-- Next generation APCs,,AFVs and IFVs
-- OMTAS latest technology anti Tank Missile ....( with top attack capability )
-- KAPLAN and PARS anti Tank Vehicles
-- T-155 Panther Howitzer 155mm
-- T-155 Storm 155mm Howitzer with 50+ km smart ammunition
-- 40 km TRG-122 guided MLRS
-- 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- 150 km J600T Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 280 km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 8 km CIRIT laser guided Rocket for Attack Helicopters
-- 8 km MIZRAK-U Anti Tank Missile for Attack Helicopters
-- FNSS SAMUR Amphibious Assault Bridge
-- KORKUT SPAAG ( 35mm Airbust ammunition )
-- KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System
-- 120 km KALKAN II Air search Radar
-- TAI HURKUS-C light attack Aircraft
-- Bayraktar TB-2 UCAV

and many more

upcoming Turkish Weapons

-- MFY-71 fully automatic Machine Gun
-- KARAOK anti Tank Missile .. ( similar to American JAVELIN )
-- YAVUZ truck mounted 155mm Howitzer
-- ALTAY Tank with AKKOR Active Protection System by 2021
-- KARGI Kamikaze Drone ( 1.000-2.000 km )
-- HISAR-A Air Defense System ( 15 km range and 10 km altitude ) by 2020
-- HISAR-O Air Defense System ( 25 km range and 18 km altitude ) by 2021
-- 600+ km Aselsan EIRS Early Warning Radar
-- TUBITAK high energy LASER
-- TAI T625 GOKBEY Utility Helicopter by 2021
-- TAI 10 ton class Utility Helicopter
-- TAI ATAK-II heavy Attack Helicopter

and many more

French , German and British Armies also uses American Weapons such as GMLRS , JAVELIN , CHINOOK , CH-53 and APACHE Helicopters and many more from Rifles to Missiles

so Turkish Army only guided MLRS + Tactical Ballistic Missiles + UCAVs are enough to wipe out European Armies ...... and European Armies including French Army can do nothing
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What matters is the will and hunger to fight. Thats what the Turks have compared to the french pussies.
Huh,seems like I hurt some Turkish feelings. :D

What's the purpose of this thread anyway ? Are France and Turkey going to enter in confrontation in the future ? And even if there might be (hypothetically,well,read it as never) it will only involve air and naval assets,which France has actually the edge either now or in the future.

I can also post fancy pictures and stuff like the thread opener does on every thread regarding Turkey,but not really my thing.

You can say the Turkish army has more soldiers or equipments.... majority of their soldiers are poorly equipped and trained conscripts while a good part of its inventory is composed of numerous old junks.
Huh,seems like I hurt some Turkish feelings. :D

What's the purpose of this thread anyway ? Are France and Turkey going to enter in confrontation in the future ? And even if there might be (hypothetically,well,read it as never) it will only involve air and naval assets,which France has actually the edge either now or in the future.

I can also post fancy pictures and stuff like the thread opener does on every thread regarding Turkey,but not really my thing.

You can say the Turkish army has more soldiers or equipments.... majority of their soldiers are poorly equipped and trained conscripts while a good part of its inventory is composed of numerous old junks.
He was a famous hyper nationalist, banned previously for posting list after list of fancy projects and stupid claims, and would bite anyone if you dare to raise a question.:coffee:
You can say the Turkish army has more soldiers or equipments.... majority of their soldiers are poorly equipped and trained conscripts while a good part of its inventory is composed of numerous old junks.

Huh,seems like Turkish Peace spring operation in Syria hurt some French,German,British,American,Israeli feelings. :D

If you are so ignorant its your problem , wake up ! İts not 1990s , its 2019

Now majority of our soldiers are highly equipped and well trained professional soldiers ,,, even only Turkish Gendarme is bigger than all French Army

about Turkish Gendarme

The number of professional personnel of the Gendarmerie was increased to 125.000 by 2018

-- In 2017, 24.049 new professional personnel were recruited
-- in 2018, 25.949 new professional personnel were recruited
-- In 2019, 27.180 new professional personnel are planned to be recruited

-- 53 new gendarmerie commando battalions established in 2017 and 17 new gendarmerie commando battalions established in 2018

btw Turkish soldiers are fighting since 1990s , but others are only training

its inventory is composed of numerous old junks.

Turkish Army can fight against Armenia,Syria and Greece in 3 fronts at the same time

Turkish Army has also huge modern weapons ( tiny and old French Army is so pathetic )

-- 400 T-155 PANTHER (155 mm )
-- 350 T-155 STORM (155 mm )
-- 154 T-155 STORM-II (155 mm ) on order

on the other hand tiny French Army has only 77 CEASAR and 105 TRF1 Howitzers

-- tiny French Army has only 12 GMLRS , nothing else on the other hand huge Turkish Army has hundreds of 40km TRG-122 and 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS

-- huge Turkish Army has hundreds of ATACMS , J600T and BORA Ballistic Missiles .. tiny French Army has NO Ballistic Missile
-- huge Turkish Army has 75 UCAVs ... tiny French Army has NO UCAV
-- huge Turkish Army has 100 HARPY Kamikaze Drones for SEAD role ..... tiny French Army has NO Kamikaze Drone
-- huge Turkish Army has KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare Systems ... tiny French Army has NO Radar Electronic Warfare System
-- huge Turkish Army has 10 CH-47F heavy lift Helicopters .... tiny French Army has NO heavy lift Helicopter
-- huge Turkish Army with latest technology OMTAS anti Tank Missiles
-- huge Turkish Army with total of 87 T-129 Attack Helicopters

so tiny and old junk French Army is nothing to compare with Turkish Army

it will only involve air and naval assets,which France has actually the edge either now or in the future.

except nuclear weapons , French Armed Forces have no special to compare with the Turkish Armed Forces

tiny France has no power to match with the Turkish Armed Forces in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkish Armed Forces missile power to destroy hostile navy

-- 400 HARPOON anti ship missiles ( 124-140km )
-- 415 SOM air launched anti ship missiles ( 280km )
-- ATMACA anti ship missiles ( 220km )
-- 50 AGM-84 SLAM-ER anti ship missiles ( 280km )
-- 95 AGM-88 HARM anti radiation missiles

-- Turkish Navy 12 Frigates armed with 608 of ESSM and SM-1MR air defense missiles to intercept Fighter Jets and Cruise Missiles

-- Turkish Navy has 12 Type 209 class hunter killer Submarines armed with anti ship missiles and heavy weight torpedos

-- Turkish Navy has 4 ADA class stealth Corvettes to kill Submarines

-- Turkish Airforce 12 ASW Aircrafts to kill Submarines

-- Turkish Airforce has 4 Boeing E7-T AEWC with 600km MESA Radar

-- Turkish Airforce has 230+ F-16C/D Fighter Jets equiped with state of the art electronic warfare system and 145 of 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles

also Turkey has the best UCAV fleet in Europe and by 2020-201 AKINCI UCAV will carry even AESA Radar + SATCOM and 280km SOM anti ship missile to hit Warships in the Eastern Mediterranean

also Turkish Airforce purchase F35 or Russian SU-35 and SU-57

and S400 Air Defense System can turn French Rafale Fighter Jets into crap of metal over the Eastern Mediterranean

Pathetic France is hidding behind of the US in Syria and Eastern Mediterranean against the Turkish Armed Forces
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Lets compare our Penis sizes the next time.
This forum became a Kindergarten...
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