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Huge Indo-American protest against China - Isolation of China begins!

now I know my enemy faces. good to see their faces surfaces.but these are old chaps where are their youngs gen

Notice the US flags there. Meanwhile they'll all be donating to the BJP efforts at home, and write on their Twitter profiles "let's get rid of the Muslim problem".
I'm not saying they all have such views, but the US in particular is overrun with pro-Sanghi support.

Normal, regular Indian folks of course will protest, but don't have the hypocritical BS with it.
2 ...


ha ha ha ha ......(thunder noise effect )
Notice the US flags there. Meanwhile they'll all be donating to the BJP efforts at home, and write on their Twitter profiles "let's get rid of the Muslim problem".
I'm not saying they all have such views, but the US in particular is overrun with pro-Sanghi support.

Normal, regular Indian folks of course will protest, but don't have the hypocritical BS with it.

Normal Indian folks have brought in this "pro-Sanghi" government.

That too twice.

You differentiation between normal and pro-government Indians could very well be your perception. In India normal people are either pro or anti Modi. Both sides are free to express their views and views from both side are heatedly debated on every available media channel
now I know my enemy faces. good to see their faces surfaces.but these are old chaps where are their youngs gen
Younger ones are licking the boots of whites for green cards...bastads dont take part in anything as they fear that would affect their chances of green card. You people only have to spend a month with them to see what a selfish bastads they are.
Notice the US flags there. Meanwhile they'll all be donating to the BJP efforts at home, and write on their Twitter profiles "let's get rid of the Muslim problem".
I'm not saying they all have such views, but the US in particular is overrun with pro-Sanghi support.

Normal, regular Indian folks of course will protest, but don't have the hypocritical BS with it.

Many US Indians happen to be plain sh*tbags for some weird mysterious reason, as do I think many Americans of other immigrant backgrounds. Wahaa kay ab-o-hawa may hi problem hai. It turns people very different.

I think I know the real reason. America is a very different country compared to the rest of the world. You have to be an arrogant person to be noticed at work, gain romantic interest from women...basically not sound like a "loser" whatever that means. Also a very money-oriented, materialistic society unlike any other. So if you're not ambitious with your career, you're automatically considered a loser.

Other countries are just not that way in terms of rewarding success and punishing failure. Particularly, Europe is the complete opposite. People want to chill more.

Modi wants to turn India into America. Will Indians start walking faster and stop taking a nap from 1 to 4 PM?

Singapore is also a fiercely competitive country. But people are more chill here compared to the frenzied Americans. Very Asian values.
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When you start protesting at someone's embassy, it shows you're helpless and at their mercy and also unable to do anything. So much for the 56 inch.
If i stopped suddenly on a fly over and start looking down more people will stop and gather to look down with me for no reason at all ... :lol:
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