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'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

We don't any support from Taliban.
US presence is actually going down now.. troops are leaving, not coming back. Same with other countries. So this number will just go up.
Yes, and that's why they on'y do bomb blasts in certain areas. Btw, the figure is all over the internet.
I already answered all your questions. And it seems you actually have hopes and not answers.
Won't matter for sh!t.. Taliban will still take over easily.

The Australian TV program above sheds the light on Western aid money. While there is no denying that there have been good accomplishments due to the aid, the fact is that the vast majority of Western aid money gets eaten up by Western companies, Western consultants (who don't actually do anything), and corrupt Afghan officials. Only a tiny percentage trickles down to the actual people.

The TTP have been proved more dangerous and lethal than Afghan Taliban. Three times more Pakistan troops have died in Pakistan than the number of American troops in Afghanistan. So, it is startling to see when Pakistan says that TTP will be eradicated and Afghan Taliban will capture Afghanistan. The Jail break and release of 400 prisoners in Bannu shows that TTP still has widespread influence in FATA and KPK.
Killings in Quetta are due to different reasons, not TTP or anything.

And Lahore blasts???

Terrorism is terrorism.. whether it takes the form of TTP or BLA or Ethnic cleansing of Shias and Ahmadiyas..

And lahore blasts, I was referring to the ones 2 years back
The terrorists were speaking in front of the media about their name,which village they came from,which tribe they each belong etc..If it is a lie it can be easily found out and debunked.

There’s this old joke
The state police had gone into the forest. And were found the next day clustered around a tree where they had tied up a rabbit. As they beat up the terrified little creature, the cops roared, “Bol tu sher hai! Saala bol! (Say you’re a lion! Admit it, saala!)”
Terrorism is terrorism.. whether it takes the form of TTP or BLA or Ethnic cleansing of Shias and Ahmadiyas..

And lahore blasts, I was referring to the ones 2 years back

So then why is world largest democracy (hypocrisy for rest) is backing terrorists in Pakistan?
The TTP have been proved more dangerous and lethal than Afghan Taliban. Three times more Pakistan troops have died in Pakistan than the number of American troops in Afghanistan. So, it is startling to see when Pakistan says that TTP will be eradicated and Afghan Taliban will capture Afghanistan. The Jail break and release of 400 prisoners in Bannu shows that TTP still has widespread influence in FATA and KPK.

There are two elements to any insurgency: external sanctuary and domestic support.

In the case of the Afghan Taliban, some allegedly find sanctuary in Pakistan, while others hide locally because they enjoy local support. There is no question that the Afghan Taliban are locally supported; the Australian documentary showed how they would likely retake Uruzgan within two weeks of NATO withdrawal.

The TTP, while they find sanctuary under NATO in Afghanistan, do not enjoy as much local support within Pakistan. Sure, there do have some supporters but, once NATO leaves and the Afghan sanctuaries are not viable, the TTP will be eliminated.
At what temperature do potatoes turn to tomato ketchup..bro?

In Afghan intelligence custody potatoes make ketchup just few hours of convincing required.
Afghan security officials say they have foiled a huge attack in the capital Kabul, as they gave details of the seizure of 10 tonnes of explosives.

now a silly question from my side " what was the loading capacity of the truck"?... cos as I seen in pictures I think that was a truck of 10 tons loading capacity... am I right ? if yes then how can it cross the border with over loading weight??
I mean 10 tons + potato ....
The TTP, while they find sanctuary under NATO in Afghanistan, do not enjoy as much local support within Pakistan. Sure, there do have some supporters but, once NATO leaves and the Afghan sanctuaries are not viable, the TTP will be eliminated.

Its your assumption that TTP don't have support. Infact TTP has deeply infiltrated inside many principle tribes of FATA/KPK. The Bannu Jail incident shows how much easy for TTP is to do things quite easily, half of the policeman went on leave and 100s of TTP terrorist came in Vehicles and break the jail easily.
Its your assumption that TTP don't have support. Infact TTP has deeply infiltrated inside many principle tribes of FATA/KPK. The Bannu Jail incident shows how much easy for TTP is to do things quite easily, half of the policeman went on leave and 100s of TTP terrorist came in Vehicles and break the jail easily.

I never said they don't have support; I said their level of support is not comparable to the Afghan Taliban's.

It's quite simple: as soon as NATO/ISAF leaves a region, the Taliban move in and retake the region. That is not the situation in Pakistan with the TTP.
I never said they don't have support; I said their level of support is not comparable to the Afghan Taliban's.

It's quite simple: as soon as NATO/ISAF leaves a region, the Taliban move in and retake the region. That is not the situation in Pakistan with the TTP.

Well, the exit of America from Afghanistan and sense of defeat of a Superpower in Afghanistan is going to boost the confidence of TTP which will result in more bloodshed in Pakistan.

Perceptions of Afghan Taliban victory dangerous: Pak general | Firstpost

Perceptions of Afghan Taliban victory dangerous: Pak general

by Qasim Nauman

Peshawar: The withdrawal of most combat troops from Afghanistan at the end of 2014 has raised questions from Kabul to Brussels to Washington about the potential chaos that may follow if the Taliban press to take over again.

Few people are as worried about what the pullout could trigger next door in nuclear-armed Pakistan as Lieutenant-General Khalid Rabbani, commander of the frontline corps fighting militants in the northwest of the country.

Sitting in his office in the heavily-fortified headquarters of the XI Corps in Peshawar — one of the Pakistani cities worst hit by suicide bombings — he speaks anxiously about creating the right perceptions as the foreign troop exit approaches.

The withdrawal of most combat troops from Afghanistan at the end of 2014 has raised questions from Kabul to Brussels to Washington. Reuters
If the Taliban are seen as victors in any way, that could be disastrous for Pakistan, emboldening homegrown Taliban militants, who are close to Al Qaeda, to step up their campaign to topple the US-backed Islamabad government.

“If they are leaving and giving a notion of success to the Taliban of Afghanistan, this notion of success may have a snowballing effect on to the threat matrix of Afghanistan,” Rabbani told Reuters in an interview this week.

“On our side, it may give impetus to the already dying down so-called Tehrik-e-Taliban’s (Pakistan Taliban) effort over here.”

Rabbani has good reason to worry, even though he and other military officials say security crackdowns have hurt the Pakistani Taliban.

The loose alliance of militant groups — the biggest security threat to the state — has proven resilient, despite repeated offensives from the military, one of the largest in the world.

They have carried out suicide bombings and high-profile attacks, including one on army headquarters, since they were formed in 2007 after a military raid on Islamabad’s Red Mosque, which was controlled by its allies.

The Pakistani Taliban have close links with the Afghan Taliban. They move back and forth across the unmarked border, exchange intelligence and shelter each other in a region US President Barack Obama has described as “the most dangerous place in the world”.

Those ties worry military commanders like Rabbani, who believe the strengthening of ties between the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban will complicate efforts to contain any spillover of instability in 2014.

One of the most notorious Pakistani Taliban leaders, Afghanistan-based Mullah Fazlullah, has already demonstrated what may be in store if U.S.-led NATO forces fail to stabilise Afghanistan before 2014.

Hundreds of his fighters staged cross-border raids on Pakistani border posts last summer, killing dozens of Pakistani soldiers.

“Our friends on the other side know exactly where they are because we communicate it to them. But they have capacity issues,” said Rabbani, referring to Western and Afghan forces.

“I wonder, that if the superpowers and the Western world operating on the other side, they have capacity issues, we certainly have them too.”

Critics say Pakistan has created a major security threat along the border by supporting militant groups for decades, an allegation Islamabad denies.

“Counterproductive drone strikes”

Rabbani took command at a time of deep crisis in relations between Washington and Islamabad, a week after a cross-border NATO air attack killed 24 Pakistan soldiers on November 26.

Pakistan’s parliament recently concluded a review of ties with the United States, recommending that the government demand an end to American drone strikes in the nation’s tribal areas.

Even though analysts say drone strikes which kill high-profile Al Qaeda or Taliban militants are not possible without Pakistani intelligence assistance, the campaign fuels anti-American sentiments.

Rabbani acknowledged the strikes can be effective, but said they also kill civilians and are counterproductive.

“You kill five, and you’re making 50 more enemies. It’s very clear arithmetic. This is the arithmetic that we’re trying to make them understand,” he said, adding that instead intelligence should be shared so that Pakistan can act.

“They may indicate (a target), we’ll pound it with the precision shooting of our F-16s. So it can be done, it has been done at one or two places. Why can’t this model be followed, we keep on telling them this is a possible model to be followed.”

Washington has repeatedly urged Pakistan to mount a full-scale assault on North Waziristan and go after the Haqqani network, one of the deadliest Afghan insurgent groups.

The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan said this week that there was “no question” that the Haqqani network had staged coordinated attacks on Kabul and repeated calls for Pakistan to pursue the group.

Pakistan is a recipient of billions of dollars in US aid. It denies that the Haqqanis are based there and says it is too stretched elsewhere fighting the Taliban.

Rabbani said the region near the Afghan border was a major security risk, but repeated the official line that Pakistan will set its own timetable for any operation in the area.

“Something has to be done with North Waziristan. The sooner the better. And we are already looking into it as to how we are going to deal with it,” he said.

“We will have our own time and decision to go.”

Well, the exit of America from Afghanistan and sense of defeat of a Superpower in Afghanistan is going to boost the confidence of TTP which will result in more bloodshed in Pakistan.

You misunderstand.

The only reason TTP survives is because they can run and hide in Afghanistan under NATO protection. Once NATO leaves, Pakistan will pursue them into Afghanistan to the last cave. It will make the drone strikes look like a picnic.
Tell me the last 5 successful attacks in Kabul ? and compare their timeline to attacks on GHQ, Mehran and Lahore blasts or killings in Quetta

Yes, they can carry out 1 successful attack in the big cities combined per year. The only places where they're successful in FATA and parts of Balochistan. That's what I mean. Whereas each year you'd see multiple attacks each year in Kabul.

Proof..?? As they say ....Put up or shut up :)

Just like you've been accusing ISI without any evidence. :lol:

Ask your Rahman Malik to Provide proof instead of false accusation.

And you as well.. accusing ISI without evidence and now are being a hypocrite asking for evidence. :lol:

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