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Huff, puff, India will finally be a $2 trillion economy this year


Sep 18, 2011
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By R Jagannathan

After missing the bus for two consecutive years, thanks to an accelerating slowdown, India will probably keep its tryst with a $2 trillion economy this year.

According to the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) headed by C Rangarajan, the Indian economy’s GDP will hit $2,126 billion (i.e. $2.12 trillion) this year if growth rises to 6.4 percent as projected in real terms. Even if it doesn’t, making the leap from $1,847 billion last year to at least $2,000 billion will be nixed only if we have a further dramatic slowdown this year. Which, even the UPA’s ill-wishers will acknowledge, is unlikely in an election year, when a flood of black money usually rejuvenates the economy.

The real story, though, is the story of missed opportunities. The PMEAC had predicted an economy of $1,944 billion in 2011-12, which, with some rupee appreciation in a high-growth year, could have hit $2 trillion. But not only did the economy head south due to the policy paralysis, even in the following year (2012-13) the rupee’s weakness ensured that the $2 trillion target was not achieved.

Even now, if growth falters for whatever reason, and if the rupee tanks to Rs 60 because the current account deficit (CAD) soars again, we may still miss the $2 trillion mark in 2013-14.

As we said, that appears unlikely at this point, but then who thought growth in 2012-13 would hit a decade’s low?

None of this has prevented the PMEAC from hoping for pie in the sky. Says the Council’s report: “The next decade will be a crucial decade for India. If we grow at 8-9 percent per annum, we will graduate to the level of a middle-income country by 2025. It is once again a faster rate of growth which will enable us to meet many of our important socio-economic objectives.”

The reality is this: raising growth from 5 percent to 8-9 percent will remain a pipedream without dramatic reforms. Especially in factor markets such as labour and land. While there is no sign of labour reforms, land reforms are heading in the direction of a further escalation in costs, which can only slow down growth and destroy jobs.

In percentage terms, CAD is expected to decline from 5.1 percent of GDP last year to 4.7 percent this year, but one wonders if this is entirely consistent with expectations of higher growth of 6.4 percent. The question is whether growth will worsen the CAD (growth requires more energy, especially oil) or improve it, unless exports revive. If CAD worsens beyond what the PMEAC estimates, and if the climate for foreign investment inflows is negative, we should expect the rupee to stay weak.

In an election year, where political uncertainty abounds, it is difficult to be sure that capital inflows will remain predictable.

We should not take the date with the $2 trillion economy for granted even in 2013-14.

Well Rupee will not Breach the 55 mark forget 60 mark this fiscal.

CAD will only decrease from 5.1% & may remain in b/w 4.8-5% levels.

We have passed the worst year of last decade so economy will surely grow more than 5.5% level, may cross 6% but not sure of 6.4% mark.

So, Yes, it can be SAFELY concluded that the Indian economy will surely cross $2 trillion mark this fiscal becoming Only the 10th country to HIT that mark.

BUT, nothing can be said till it's UPA - Un-Productive Alliance ;)
Well Rupee will not Breach the 55 mark forget 60 mark this fiscal.

CAD will only decrease from 5.1% & may remain in b/w 4.8-5% levels.

We have passed the worst year of last decade so economy will surely grow more than 5.5% level, may cross 6% but not sure of 6.4% mark.

So, Yes, it can be SAFELY concluded that the Indian economy will surely cross $2 trillion mark this fiscal becoming Only the 10th country to HIT that mark.

BUT, nothing can be said till it's UPA - Un-Productive Alliance ;)

Indian economy grows despite the politicians :D
I was looking at the Wikipedia for the IMF list of GDP (nominal).

It says Russia is now a $2 trillion economy while India is around $1.85 trillion.

While just last year, both economies were very close to each other.

& AFAIK, It is India that is clocking more GDP growth rate than Russia.

So how did Russia cross the $2 trillion mark before India?? Is this about currency appreciation in Russia & reverse in India??


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I thought this happened already.

By reading this post, I think india should have election every year, then black money can flow into country every year and growth will be huge.

At least that's how i took it from the story.

What is this black money and how does it help economy?
I thought this happened already.

By reading this post, I think india should have election every year, then black money can flow into country every year and growth will be huge.

At least that's how i took it from the story.

What is this black money and how does it help economy?

Not every year,but like once in 3 years or 2.5 years.
I thought this happened already.

By reading this post, I think india should have election every year, then black money can flow into country every year and growth will be huge.

At least that's how i took it from the story.

What is this black money and how does it help economy?

There is a huge amount of money that is not shown by the citizens in the fear of being Taxed.

They find ways to hide this money from Income Tax authorities.

Lot of Indian money is in Swiss Banks, etc.

When Elections come, there is a ceiling of Election Commission on the spending by Politicians & Political Parties.

To Break this Ceiling, these parties resort to this Black Money which they bring back to India from foreign banks thus giving a boost to the economy.

& NO, Elections are only Healthy when they are held on time, un-timely elections are not good for Political Stability of a Nation.
There is a huge amount of money that is not shown by the citizens in the fear of being Taxed.

They find ways to hide this money from Income Tax authorities.

Lot of Indian money is in Swiss Banks, etc.

When Elections come, there is a ceiling of Election Commission on the spending by Politicians & Political Parties.

To Break this Ceiling, these parties resort to this Black Money which they bring back to India from foreign banks thus giving a boost to the economy.

& NO, Elections are only Healthy when they are held on time, un-timely elections are not good for Political Stability of a Nation.

obviously being sarcastic, but I guess it's harder to read than to hear.

So this is just public knowledge, Nobody does anything to these people?
I thought this happened already.

By reading this post, I think india should have election every year, then black money can flow into country every year and growth will be huge.

At least that's how i took it from the story.

What is this black money and how does it help economy?

this black money is the gold worth of value around US$ 2 billion and forex US$ 500 billions, hidden without tax and earned illegally by Indians
& AFAIK, It is India that is clocking more GDP growth rate than Russia.

So how did Russia cross the $2 trillion mark before India?? Is this about currency appreciation in Russia & reverse in India??



The increase in actual GDP from one year to the next is based on nominal GDP growth (i.e. real GDP growth + inflation) and movements in the exchange rate.

So if their real GDP growth is low, their GDP could still have increased a lot through inflation and appreciation of their currency.
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So it seems the depreciation of the Rupee has really hurt India's nominal GDP.

I remember around two years ago, India was already on the verge of hitting $2 trillion.

And people say that China is keeping our currency undervalued on purpose. :P
The increase in actual GDP from one year to the next is based on nominal GDP growth (i.e. real GDP growth + inflation) and movements in the exchange rate.

So if their real GDP growth is low, their GDP could still have increased a lot through inflation and appreciation of their currency.

never understood how the inflation adds to the economy ?
2 trillion , does that matter? i mean at all?

what economy?

Monsoon-based agriculture economy or overseas labour remmittance & call centre-based "service" economy?
never understood how the inflation adds to the economy ?

All the Production in a country is first converted to the equivalent value in the currency of that country & than according to the exchange rate, to the dollar equivalent.

If there is more Inflation than the value of currency decreases since people have to spend more for the same thing.

Again if the currency appreciates than the equivalent dollar value increases & opposite for the currency depreciation.
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