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Oh yeah, your Greek letters are whole lot different from the Roman letters for sure. By the way, you Greeks were slaves to the Romans one time, proud ?

We founded rome. Rome eas tribal area until Greeks build settelements there and founded it. Later on Greece became part of Roman empire and even later we became the rulers again.

And look i teach so you something.

The Latin alphabet evolved from the visually similar Etruscan alphabet, which evolved from the Cumaean Greek version of the Greek alphabet
We founded rome. Rome eas tribal area until Greeks build settelements there and founded it. Later on Greece became part of Roman empire and even later we became the rulers again.

And look i teach so you something.

The Latin alphabet evolved from the visually similar Etruscan alphabet, which evolved from the Cumaean Greek version of the Greek alphabet
So, you descendant of Greeks and Germans are proud that your ancestors were the slaves of the Roman masters in the Roman empire in that your ancestors contributed in building Roman Empire, WOW !


Q: Did the Romans have Greek slaves? Yes. The majority of Roman slaves were from Greece because of the numerous wars between the two countries and Roman victories. The first great influx of Greek slaves into Rome occurred after the defeat of the Macedonians at the battle of Pydna in 168 B.C.

Roman Slavery: Who Were the Roman Slaves? - Wondrium ...

https://www.wondriumdaily.com › Ancient History


Roman slavery was not based on ideas of race.[30][31] Slaves were drawn from all over Europe and the Mediterranean, including Gaul, Hispania, North Africa, Syria, Germany, Britannia, the Balkans, Greece, etc. Those from outside of Europe were predominantly of Greek descent[citation needed], while Jews never fully assimilated into Roman society, remaining an identifiable minority. The slaves (especially the foreigners) had higher mortality rates and lower birth rates than natives and were sometimes even subjected to mass expulsions.[32] The average recorded age at death for the slaves of the city of Rome was extraordinarily low: seventeen and a half years (17.2 for males; 17.9 for females).[33] By comparison, life expectancy at birth for the population as a whole was in the mid-twenties (36% of men and 27% of women could expect to reach the age of 62 if they succeeded in reaching the age of 10).[citation needed]

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So, you descendant of Greeks and Germans are proud that your ancestors were the slaves of the Roman masters in the Roman empire in that your ancestors contributed in building Roman Empire, WOW !


Q: Did the Romans have Greek slaves? Yes. The majority of Roman slaves were from Greece because of the numerous wars between the two countries and Roman victories. The first great influx of Greek slaves into Rome occurred after the defeat of the Macedonians at the battle of Pydna in 168 B.C.

Roman Slavery: Who Were the Roman Slaves? - Wondrium ...

https://www.wondriumdaily.com › Ancient History


Roman slavery was not based on ideas of race.[30][31] Slaves were drawn from all over Europe and the Mediterranean, including Gaul, Hispania, North Africa, Syria, Germany, Britannia, the Balkans, Greece, etc. Those from outside of Europe were predominantly of Greek descent[citation needed], while Jews never fully assimilated into Roman society, remaining an identifiable minority. The slaves (especially the foreigners) had higher mortality rates and lower birth rates than natives and were sometimes even subjected to mass expulsions.[32] The average recorded age at death for the slaves of the city of Rome was extraordinarily low: seventeen and a half years (17.2 for males; 17.9 for females).[33] By comparison, life expectancy at birth for the population as a whole was in the mid-twenties (36% of men and 27% of women could expect to reach the age of 62 if they succeeded in reaching the age of 10).[citation needed]

Yawn. Says someone who was slave of mongols. 😅👍

Dude stop looking european history, its too complex for you. Constant change, constant flexibility. One day up, one day down. Next day ruler. Its not like china which was mostly stagnant.

Its why we rule the world.
Yawn. Says someone who was slave of mongols. 😅👍

Dude stop looking european history, its too complex for you. Constant change, constant flexibility. One day up, one day down. Next day ruler. Its not like china which was mostly stagnant.

Its why we rule the world.
At least, I am not that proud that Han Chinese maybe had been ruled as second rate citizens to the Mongol people in China at one time. Yeah, you guys were in dark ages most of the time for thousand of years before the Renaissance in the 16th century.
Yeah, your European tranny on the world for last 500 hundred years will come to end soon !
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At least, I am not that proud that Han Chinese maybe had been second rate citizens to the Mongol people in China at one time. Yeah, you guys were in dark ages mos t of the time for thousand of years before the Renaissance in the 16th century.
Yeah, your European tranny on the world for last 300 hundred years will come to end soon !


1. Medival times were 600 years, not thousands of years.

2. Even in medival times Europe was more advanced than China. Any hundred meters high building in China? Nope? No cathedrals?

3. The byzantine empire which was Greek was never in any "dark ages".

P.s. would never use a chinese phone. The cameras suck.

1. Medival times were 600 years, not thousands of years.

2. Even in medival times Europe was more advanced than China. Any hundred meters high building in China? Nope? No cathedrals?

3. The byzantine empire which was Greek was never in any "dark ages".

P.s. would never use a chinese phone. The cameras suck.
Chinese buildings were mainly made of wood before, so literally no old buildings from the ages stand. Europe might built more taller and bigger buildings that you can still find say in today's Italy, but I don't really see any ancient Greek buildings still stand, all I see are ruins, what's your proud ? What's important is how people lived their lives, you Europeans lived miserable lives and were totally oppressed and persecuted by forces such as the churches in the dark ages. It's a pure fantasy in your ignorant mind that you believe Europe is always more advanced than China and maybe also the Arab world too, indeed the whole world, even in your Dark Ages. What technological innovations did Europe made in the Middle and dark Ages ? literally none while China invented paper, printing, compass and gun powder in the same period, just to name a few big ones that changed the world .

By the way, you are all anti-China, so I don't expect you to like and buy anything Chinese.
Chinese buildings were mainly made of wood before, so literally no old buildings from the ages stand. Europe might built more taller and bigger buildings that you can still find say in today's Italy, but I don't really see any ancient Greek buildings still stand, all I see are ruins, what's your proud ? What's important is how people lived their lives, you Europeans lived miserable lives and were totally oppressed and persecuted by forces such as the churches in the dark ages. It's a pure fantasy in your ignorant mind that you believe Europe is always more advanced than China and maybe also the Arab world too, indeed the whole world, even in your Dark Ages. What technological innovations did Europe made in the Middle and dark Ages ? literally none while China invented paper, printing, compass and gun powder in the same period, just to name a few big ones that changed the world .

By the way, you are all anti-China, so I don't expect you to like and buy anything Chinese.

Yup stone is hard to work with.

Oh we lived opressed? 😅👍 Because your emperors were so nice? Dude your entire country is based on opression and slavery.

What technical Innovation we did in dark ages? Steel. Book printing, spinning wheel, eye glasses, mechanical clock.
Yup stone is hard to work with.

Oh we lived opressed? 😅👍 Because your emperors were so nice? Dude your entire country is based on opression and slavery.

What technical Innovation we did in dark ages? Steel. Book printing, spinning wheel, eye glasses, mechanical clock.
So, you disagree with all your European historians that concluded the Europeans lived oppressed lives in the dark ages, Oh yeah, you were so free that for saying that the earth revolves around the sun Copernicus was tortured to death in the most brutal way even in the 16th century. After all, why would you Europeans call the period "Dark Ages" if everything was wonderful ? What does Dark mean to you, definitely not good, right ? In fact , Chinese lived in a much more civilized society than you Europeans for a long period of time especially in your dark ages that most people would agree except you racist adolescent that just can't accept other race is better than you and accept the true world as, just grow up and stop denying with bullshits all the time !

Printing is a Chinese invention and you Europeans stole it, period.
So, you disagree with all your European historians that concluded the Europeans lived oppressed lives in the dark ages, Oh yeah, you were so free that for saying that the earth revolves around the sun Copernicus was tortured to death in the most brutal way even in the 16th century. After all, why would you Europeans call the period "Dark Ages" if everything was wonderful ? What does Dark mean to you, definitely not good, right ? In fact , Chinese lived in a much more civilized society than you Europeans for a long period of time especially in your dark ages that most people would agree except you racist adolescent that just can't accept other race is better than you and accept the true world as, just grow up and stop denying with bullshits all the time !

Printing is a Chinese invention and you Europeans stole it, period.

We call it dark ages because it was not as good as the era before. Doesnt mean it was that way evrywhere on european continent. In our byzantine empire it was not dark ages at all.

Printing is european invention done by Guttenberg. :).

Btw China is and always was opressive. Look i fly Argentina in Nobember, board a ship to Antarctica there. You cant even leave your flat because winnie the pooh ordered all your people locked in . Thats opression.

China was never able to leave any mark outside its borders. We conquered the world. That tells who is better. :)

Btw Copernicus was never tortured. He died 70 years old on a stroke.

Who is "we"? when did Greeks conquer the world.

This conversation is lame. Just postures and absolute statements.

Europeans conquered the world using force and brutality. And it didn't even last long. Europeans no longer control the world. Out of the last 5000 or so years of human history this "conquering" barely lasted a fraction of that history and was done using violence rather than anything else.

Is it fair to say soon Islam will conquer Europe due to nothing more than demographics?

I guess it's appropriate to say Islam is better than European civilization because it will conquer it.

China's got marks all over the world and throughout history. It's one thing to claim and say a ridiculous line like China has never made a mark outside its borders... well for starters there is a rover on Mars and two on the moon. Is that within China's borders too?

Without gunpowder how would the Europeans have savaged so much of the world and stolen so much? Was gunpowder not a "mark made by Chinese"? lol

Europeans: We're civilized and you're all savages

Europeans: We need to all be kind and nice okay? Like us we Europeans are so nice (now that we've stolen from others for generations and used slavery on a scale never done before that)

Europeans: Why are you all so poor??

Europeans: We are liberal and freedom loving... but we conquered you all and we're superior to you all.

lol... really all Europe has done is show how full of double standards it is. Again and again. And your wealth is depleting as soon as you slowed down on the killing and pillaging. Within 100 years European dominance eroded and even during this last century Europe still had colonies and the same old imperialist advantages.

So much for "superior". If any other went on a similar rampage of violence and criminal control of others stuff, they would hold onto power for millennia not just a few hundred years.
We call it dark ages because it was not as good as the era before. Doesnt mean it was that way evrywhere on european continent. In our byzantine empire it was not dark ages at all.

Printing is european invention done by Guttenberg. :).

Btw China is and always was opressive. Look i fly Argentina in Nobember, board a ship to Antarctica there. You cant even leave your flat because winnie the pooh ordered all your people locked in . Thats opression.

China was never able to leave any mark outside its borders. We conquered the world. That tells who is better. :)

Btw Copernicus was never tortured. He died 70 years old on a stroke.

They are locked in simply they don't want to be infected by you careless possibly infected Europeans and Yankees. if you people enjoy so much of your after live or next live that you can't wait, it's your choice. Your are right, China is and was not an expansionist country, they have no interest of going to conquer other lands that are not considered Chinese territory. You whites always want to conquer other lands because your whole society are/were based on barbarism, violence, brute force and blood. Just look who rules in America and EU, basically police with guns, they are free to shoot people literally at their will. While in China, police are not allowed to carry guns working on the streets or anywhere and shoot suspects without approvals. You call your whites' rule of brute force and violence superior, I see it's just pure barbarism !

Chinese don't leave any mark outside its borders ? You mean that Chinese don't go to Europe and other foreign lands to kill others, to plunder and loot others' wealth, you are right, Chines don't do that. Admiral Zheng Ho and his fleet of the Ming dynasty that travelled the waves of the world in the 15th century could have done it, but he chose not to. And the Turks are indeed superior and better than you Greeks becos they once conquered Greece and Greeks were slaves for long time, so that's your logic, right ?

And don't argue with me, you Europeans copied or stole it as the printing technology spread to Europe 150 years after it was invented in China.

Many people for believing Copernicus's theory were sure executed by the churches in Europe in those times, Galileo was also jailed, very civilized !
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Most European countries mark the new year with Chinese fireworks. They start every year with something Chinese but apparently "China was never able to leave any mark outside its borders"... literally leaves a mark in European skies at the start of every year lol.

Nowadays every household from London to Buenos Aires are "marked" with Chinese produce. So much for never leaving a mark. Let the excuses and copium flow... China copied and this that whatever cope the perennial losers prefer to use. Losers have to use copium after all. Cry harder haters.


in response to the very selectively targeted statement from Apollon - "Btw China is and always was opressive. Look i fly Argentina in Nobember, board a ship to Antarctica there. You cant even leave your flat because winnie the pooh ordered all your people locked in . Thats opression."

So China in its lockdown doesn't allow travel. I know for a fact Australia didn't either during its lockdown. But so it must be okay to condemn China exactly when it does lockdown and ignore the fact that others have used lockdowns as well. But this is the time to be selective. Is it me or Euro fanboys can't think.

Europeans never oppressive????????? Really? o_O

European self deception at full force. Yes only Xi's China has ever been oppressive and only it will ever be oppressive ... as per European definition of it. European oppression cannot be called that according to them. Everyone else especially their enemies however, well those people are the worst! they are subhuman unlike Euros.
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Oh no European oppression! After all winnie the pooh doesn't allow Chinese to travel during lockdown.

Buh buh but Dats deeferent says the Euro always lololol.

Look all you losers can do is pick and attack. We can't even be bothered attacking you lot. It's too easy. At most we will talk back at your bitching about us. Let us be.

Chinese lockdown = oppression well then European mandates = oppression. European wars = oppression. European enslavement = oppression. European looting = oppression. European lockdowns also = oppression.

I don't think Europeans could travel when their cities were under lockdown either. How quickly Europeans ignore and forget what they themselves have done.

It seems Euro/freedum crew fanboys operate by an axiomatic assumption of exceptionalism and superiority and then confirmation bias their way into constantly patting themselves on the back and ignoring every piece of evidence that shows nuance and a more fair and accurate version of how things actually are and really were like.

By virtue of being wealthiest and most developed due to centuries of looting slavery and conquest, they derive their sense of unfounded superiority and righteousness. Yes it's easy to make fun of others since they didn't industrialize early and didn't manage to accumulate so much wealth through war and conquest... which btw was facilitated by Chinese gunpowder. One thing leads to another and brought about the European dominated centuries. In the span of human history, it didn't even last longer than Persian and Ottoman empires (next to Europe).

Sorry but the wealthy man isn't always right nor is he always moral or superior somehow. It is how it is because the nature of this cycling is always there.
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Most European countries mark the new year with Chinese fireworks. They start every year with something Chinese but apparently "China was never able to leave any mark outside its borders"... literally leaves a mark in European skies at the start of every year lol.

Nowadays every household from London to Buenos Aires are "marked" with Chinese produce. So much for never leaving a mark. Let the excuses and copium flow... China copied and this that whatever cope the perennial losers prefer to use. Losers have to use copium after all. Cry harder haters.

View attachment 846092

I am pretty confident that number is more than the entire GDP of Greece. I think there're few cities in China/India with GDP more than entire Greece.
I am pretty confident that number is more than the entire GDP of Greece. I think there're few cities in China/India with GDP more than entire Greece.

Indeed it is but let's aim higher. By the time the Global South really begins rising, these Europeans and their new colonies will no longer be able to drain the GS of so much talent and capability. The cycle feeds you and drains you... it is a historic thing but fanboys and chauvinists can never think beyond narrow bands of view.

Indian mark on European civilization is no less epic. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .....

I remember Hamartia Antidote actually saying a few weeks before the Ukraine Russia war that Asians are savages and fight all the time in his usual backhanded bitchy remarks. Europeans have become far too civilized to fight. If the wealth positions were reversed these apes would be chimping out worse than any of the Global South. Indeed their ancient history is built on blood and violence, certainly not anywhere less than others. Centuries of colonialism murdered hundreds of millions directly. Their current "freedumbs" aka economic privileges are built on the blood of people over centuries.
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