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HSR ripple effect: Asian neighbors eye specialty programs in China as ties expand


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Asian neighbors eye specialty programs
By Zhao Xinying and Yang Jun in Guiyang (China Daily)
Updated: 2015-11-27 07:52


Students from a vocational school operate numerical control equipment at an exhibition that features educational exchanges between China and ASEAN member countries in Guiyang, Guizhou province, in August. LIU XU/XINHUA

As companies in China's railway industry receive more orders from Southeast Asian countries, a tangible ripple effect can be seen in vocational schools.

The need for a significant number of skilled technicians in construction, operations and maintenance typically follows the signing of contracts for new railway projects, and Chinese training institutions are a good place for countries such as Laos and Thailand to train personnel.

Although there are no specific data, examples abound, such as in Guizhou and Hubei provinces, where vocational schools say they are receiving increasing numbers of students from Association of Southeast Asian Nations members and are launching training programs in ASEAN economies.

Guiyang Vocational and Technical College in Guizhou province has 36 students from a province in Laos enrolled in courses related to the railway industry, according to the school's Vice-President Liu Luming. The students spend a year studying Mandarin in their native country and then spend three years in Guiyang.

Laos and China have agreed to build a railway between Vientiane, the Lao capital, and Kunming in southwestern Yunnan province. Once complete, overland travel between the two cities will be cut to just two hours.

Luangluexay Bounchanh, deputy director-general of communications for Luang Namtha province, said Laos has only one railway connection, which is with Thailand, so there is a shortage of local professionals capable of railway construction and operation. One solution is to obtain help from Chinese vocational schools specializing in the railway industry. He said his department has contacted some of the schools and plans to send Lao students there.

Similar demand has come from Thailand, which also has sealed railway deals with China. Aganit Klungsang, deputy secretary-general of the Thai Vocational Education Commission, said his country would soon need a large number of specialized workers.

Wuhan Railway Vocational College of Technology in Hubei province signed a memorandum of cooperation in August with Thailand's Banphai Industrial and Community Education College to help train railway professionals.

The Banphai school will send at least 150 students a year to Wuhan for courses in railway operation and management, power supply technology and inspection and maintenance of high-speed trains. The first group has already arrived.

"This is just the start," said Cheng Shixing, president of the railway college. "There will be cooperation with more schools in Thailand."

And the vocational training cooperation is not only limited to the railway sector. As more investment from China goes to ASEAN economies as part of the Belt and Road Initiative - proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013 as a way to revive ancient trade links between Asia and Europe - countries have found more opportunities to work together.

Thit Linn Ohn, Myanmar's ambassador to China, said at a recent vocational training forum that professionals who know how to repair automobiles, computers and watches were very much in demand in his country, where most businesses are small and medium-sized enterprises.

China sets a good example because its people are good at applying what they learn in vocational training directly to work, he said. "I fully support increasing the number of Myanmar students receiving vocational and technical training in China."

The situation in Cambodia is similar to that in Myanmar. Pit Chamnan, the secretary of state for education, youth and sport, said an increasing number of Chinese companies are investing in the country and that it needs skilled labor.

The central government's policy has been to stress vocational and technical training to meet the upcoming demand for skilled workers, especially those needed by Chinese investors, he said.

Attending vocational schools in China has multiple benefits for students from Southeast Asia.

A staff member with the Lao Ministry of Education who asked to be identified by his Chinese name, Chen Fuqiang, said 99 percent of the Lao students who graduated from Chinese vocational schools had landed a job, and many were receiving a salary twice that of their peers.

"Studying at vocational schools in China enables students to learn the language and understand more about Chinese culture, which gives them a great advantage in the job market, as 90 percent of foreign investment comes from China," he said in fluent Mandarin.

Souksakhone, a Lao student at Tongren Polytechnic College, a vocational school in Guizhou, said the China experience definitely gives students an edge: "There are great numbers of Chinese enterprises in Laos. Lao students who have studied in China and can speak fluent Chinese will be much favored."

She spent one year learning Chinese in Laos and said she will spend three more in vocational school before returning home to search for a job.

Souksakhone's choice is not limited to Chinese enterprises.

"With a certificate from a Chinese vocational school, I have a competitive chance of landing many other great opportunities, such as taking the exam to be a civil servant," she said.

Zeng Jun and Dong Xianwu contributed to this story.

@Daniel808 , @somsak , @AndrewJin , @cirr , @madokafc et al.
Hope China-Indonesia JV investment can build railways transportation in Papua and Kalimantan (Borneo)

If there is a tender, I am sure China's railway industry will want to take part in.

I will sound pedestrian, maybe, but, I believe sharing is caring and growing together. A prosperous East Asia is good for all.

The more we share knowledge and experience (like China has learned a lot from neighbors from efficient public policies to government-led industrialization), the greater the multiplying effect will be, hopefully.
Vocational School is very important. I give higher value for Vocational School educated kid than a liberal art bechelor degree. China and Thailand should cooperate on this type of engineering education.

I agree. Vocational education is what enable the nation to produce real stuff, not simply some abstract theories.

Countries need social scientists, for sure, but not in numbers that would lead to countless lawyers, historians, IR theorists, etc.
I agree. Vocational education is what enable the nation to produce real stuff, not simply some abstract theories.

Countries need social scientists, for sure, but not in numbers that would lead to countless lawyers, historians, IR theorists, etc.
One little secret--lawyers that quote those great lines about "from article 6, sect 4, paragraph a of XXX." well you know it's the law librarians that find past cases and specific sections of the law that make these lawyers look good.

yeah, less lawyer = more harmonious society.
One little secret--lawyers that quote those great lines about "from article 6, sect 4, paragraph a of XXX." well you know it's the law librarians that find past cases and specific sections of the law that make these lawyers look good.

yeah, less lawyer = more harmonious society.

Theories still need to be laid out. Especially with respect to China's conceptualization of international relations that is based on China's own historical practice and understanding. We need to stop thinking within the confines of Western totalistic thinking, and, while remaining eclectic and adopting the best that is available, create our own discourse in the form of a causative outline-theory.
90 percent route of Jakarta-Bandung rapid train in West Java
Rabu, 2 Desember 2015 18:49 WIB | 1.527 Views

Bandung, W Java (ANTARA News) - West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan revealed that 90 percent of the route of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway is located in West Java Province and the rest is in Jakarta area.

"It is a great opportunity for the people of West Java, and they should utilize it," Heryawan said after a meeting to discuss the accelerated construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project here on Wednesday.

To accelerate the construction of the project, the governor has urged the heads of districts and mayors to jointly coordinate and consolidate their efforts.

Meanwhile, Secretary of West Java Province Iwa Karniwa ensured that the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Project will be adjusted in the spatial arrangement.

"It will be applicable for mainly four areas in Bandung Raya: Bandung City, Cimahi City, West Bandung City, and Bandung District," Karniwa pointed.

The West Java administration has taken into account the spatial arrangement by signing an agreement of the draft presidential decree (Raperpres) related to spatial planning of national strategic areas of the urban basin of Bandung Raya.

"The construction of the rapid train should be in line with the availability of space and protecting the environment," he stated.

Karniwa said that the coordination meeting between the representatives of the West Java government, Indonesia-China Rapid Railways, and districts and cities had anticipated the agreement in the Raperpres related to spatial planning of national strategic areas of the urban basin of Bandung Raya, except for Bekasi and Purwakarta.

"As a result, the development of the rapid train can be accommodated in the Raperpres," he said.

He hoped that the Raperpres would be part of a presidential decree. As a result, the development of the high-speed train will be based on the applicable regulations.

"The determination of the location and environmental impact analysis (Amdal) can be conducted in accordance with the rule," he said.

Director of the Indonesia-China Rapid Railways Hanggoro Budi Wiryawan stated that the route is 150 kilometers in length, and the train will operate at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour.

The rapid train will help commuters cover the distance between Jakarta and Bandung in 30 minutes.

"So, the presence of a high-speed train is expected to reduce congestion and improve mobility of the population," he pointed out.

The initial phase of the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Project will be started on the Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, to Tegalluar, Bandung District, West Java, route.

"The high-speed railway will be constructed from Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, to Tegalluar, Bandung District, West Java," West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan noted after a meeting to discuss the accelerated construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project here on Wednesday.

"The West Java administration will coordinate and consolidate with the Indonesian state enterprise consortium and its Chinese counterpart," he remarked.

The districts and cities involved in the project are Bekasi City, Bekasi District, Karawang District, Purwakarta District, West Bandung District, Cimahi City, Bandung City, and Bandung District.

"The meeting was attended by district heads and mayors. We agree and welcome the implementation of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project," the governor said.

The governor emphasized that the involvement of the head was important. The development of the high-speed railway network would be integrated with the development of new economic growth centers in West Java.(*)

90 percent route of Jakarta-Bandung rapid train in West Java - ANTARA News
90 percent route of Jakarta-Bandung rapid train in West Java
Rabu, 2 Desember 2015 18:49 WIB | 1.527 Views

Bandung, W Java (ANTARA News) - West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan revealed that 90 percent of the route of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway is located in West Java Province and the rest is in Jakarta area.

"It is a great opportunity for the people of West Java, and they should utilize it," Heryawan said after a meeting to discuss the accelerated construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project here on Wednesday.

To accelerate the construction of the project, the governor has urged the heads of districts and mayors to jointly coordinate and consolidate their efforts.

Meanwhile, Secretary of West Java Province Iwa Karniwa ensured that the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Project will be adjusted in the spatial arrangement.

"It will be applicable for mainly four areas in Bandung Raya: Bandung City, Cimahi City, West Bandung City, and Bandung District," Karniwa pointed.

The West Java administration has taken into account the spatial arrangement by signing an agreement of the draft presidential decree (Raperpres) related to spatial planning of national strategic areas of the urban basin of Bandung Raya.

"The construction of the rapid train should be in line with the availability of space and protecting the environment," he stated.

Karniwa said that the coordination meeting between the representatives of the West Java government, Indonesia-China Rapid Railways, and districts and cities had anticipated the agreement in the Raperpres related to spatial planning of national strategic areas of the urban basin of Bandung Raya, except for Bekasi and Purwakarta.

"As a result, the development of the rapid train can be accommodated in the Raperpres," he said.

He hoped that the Raperpres would be part of a presidential decree. As a result, the development of the high-speed train will be based on the applicable regulations.

"The determination of the location and environmental impact analysis (Amdal) can be conducted in accordance with the rule," he said.

Director of the Indonesia-China Rapid Railways Hanggoro Budi Wiryawan stated that the route is 150 kilometers in length, and the train will operate at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour.

The rapid train will help commuters cover the distance between Jakarta and Bandung in 30 minutes.

"So, the presence of a high-speed train is expected to reduce congestion and improve mobility of the population," he pointed out.

The initial phase of the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway Project will be started on the Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, to Tegalluar, Bandung District, West Java, route.

"The high-speed railway will be constructed from Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, to Tegalluar, Bandung District, West Java," West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan noted after a meeting to discuss the accelerated construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project here on Wednesday.

"The West Java administration will coordinate and consolidate with the Indonesian state enterprise consortium and its Chinese counterpart," he remarked.

The districts and cities involved in the project are Bekasi City, Bekasi District, Karawang District, Purwakarta District, West Bandung District, Cimahi City, Bandung City, and Bandung District.

"The meeting was attended by district heads and mayors. We agree and welcome the implementation of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project," the governor said.

The governor emphasized that the involvement of the head was important. The development of the high-speed railway network would be integrated with the development of new economic growth centers in West Java.(*)

90 percent route of Jakarta-Bandung rapid train in West Java - ANTARA News
In Indonesia, if one's house is acquired for a project, how many houses or money can he/she get as compensation?
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