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HQ-17: A Classic Russian Missile With A New Chinese Twist


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
HQ-17: A Classic Russian Missile With A New Chinese Twist


HQ-17 in Guangzhou Military Region
The HQ-17, while a copy of the Tor-M1, has important differences including a new IFF array on top of an electronically scanned radar; those modern electronics make it well suited for 21st air defense against cruise missiles and close air support attack aircraft.


HQ-17 Surface to Air Missile
The HQ-17 may have a short range, but manufacturer claims for its Tor-M1 relative claim that it has a 90% probably of destroying cruise missiles.
The Tor M1 “SA-15 Gauntlet” is a 12km ranged Russian air defense missile specifically designed to attack enemy fighters, helicopters, smart bombs and cruise missile; China has bought at least 25 vehicles. Its Chinese license production is designated HQ-17 with key differences including an indigenous all terrain tracked launcher, a new Identify Friend Foe (IFF) antenna on top the search radar, electronically scanned radars for better performance against enemy jamming, and ability to datalink with other Chinese systems. The HQ-17 is rugged enough to keep up with frontline units like tank battalions, as seen here with the 41st Group Army in Guangzhou Province, and protect them from helicopter and drone attacks. At the same time, its vertically launched missiles allows the Tor M1/HQ-17 to engage multiple cruise missiles like the American Tomahawk or Taiwanese HF-IIE aimed at Chinese command and control infrastructure.

@Dem!god @chak de INDIA @Roybot @Indischer @arp2041
@thesolar65 @DRAY @Srinivas @kaykay @Chanakya's_Chant
Nobody doubts my intention behind posting this thread.Its a classic "know your enemy" thread,which I think I am allowed. :-)
@Emmie @Chinese-Dragon
Any objection??


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Nobody doubts my intention behind posting this thread.Its a classic "know your enemy" thread,which I think I am allowed.
why u think any one will doubt ur intentions......:D:D

its nothing new ..most of the chinese tech are reverse engineered of russian and western techs.......
and I think its good...u know...india should also try this.....
HQ-17: A Classic Russian Missile With A New Chinese Twist

View attachment 25766
HQ-17 in Guangzhou Military Region
The HQ-17, while a copy of the Tor-M1, has important differences including a new IFF array on top of an electronically scanned radar; those modern electronics make it well suited for 21st air defense against cruise missiles and close air support attack aircraft.


HQ-17 Surface to Air Missile
The HQ-17 may have a short range, but manufacturer claims for its Tor-M1 relative claim that it has a 90% probably of destroying cruise missiles.
The Tor M1 “SA-15 Gauntlet” is a 12km ranged Russian air defense missile specifically designed to attack enemy fighters, helicopters, smart bombs and cruise missile; China has bought at least 25 vehicles. Its Chinese license production is designated HQ-17 with key differences including an indigenous all terrain tracked launcher, a new Identify Friend Foe (IFF) antenna on top the search radar, electronically scanned radars for better performance against enemy jamming, and ability to datalink with other Chinese systems. The HQ-17 is rugged enough to keep up with frontline units like tank battalions, as seen here with the 41st Group Army in Guangzhou Province, and protect them from helicopter and drone attacks. At the same time, its vertically launched missiles allows the Tor M1/HQ-17 to engage multiple cruise missiles like the American Tomahawk or Taiwanese HF-IIE aimed at Chinese command and control infrastructure.

@Dem!god @chak de INDIA @Roybot @Indischer @arp2041
@thesolar65 @DRAY @Srinivas @kaykay @Chanakya's_Chant
Nobody doubts my intention behind posting this thread.Its a classic "know your enemy" thread,which I think I am allowed. :-)
@Emmie @Chinese-Dragon
Any objection??
I can't see the missile where is the missile
But India acts like "Yudhistir"......:hitwall:
no..its nt always yudhistir stuff.....
nakal ke liye bhi akal chahiye......
Most of the scientist and engineer in Sarkari office have no liability to their job + lot of quota detoriate the quality....can u imagine 50% of the people are from quota and even if general person is there why he will work his a$$ off while other just enjoy...
this is where the problem is......
make it a professional and talent institution and u will see the result....:)
In war, no one cares about where the weapons came from or how it was developed. All that matters is you have weapons to kill the enemy and achieve your geopolitical goals, thats all that matters.

There are no morals in war and geopolitics.

Winner takes all.
Nice guys finish last.
no..its nt always yudhistir stuff.....
nakal ke liye bhi akal chahiye......
Most of the scientist and engineer in Sarkari office have no liability to their job + lot of quota detoriate the quality....can u imagine 50% of the people are from quota and even if general person is there why he will work his a$$ off while other just enjoy...
this is where the problem is......
make it a professional and talent institution and u will see the result....:)

This is what I say:

Remove the clause of job guarantee. Don't infact remove it, just put it on 'candidate's ability to perform prescribed tasks'.

Then see the magic. Suddenly DRDO will become BAE equivalent in 5 years time.
why u think any one will doubt ur intentions......:D:D

its nothing new ..most of the chinese tech are reverse engineered of russian and western techs.......
and I think its good...u know...india should also try this.....
The truth is you don't have that capability even if you want to. You lack political, economic, and technological leverage. For us, we can do it because we have leverage. Russia today or the West can stop selling us weapons but nothing will change in our development as most core technologies we have already mastered. Our next generation of weapons will be design by us. Once again to better yourself, you first need to understand your potential enemy capabilities.
In war, no one cares about where the weapons came from or how it was developed. All that matters is you have weapons to kill the enemy and achieve your geopolitical goals, thats all that matters.

There are no morals in war and geopolitics.

Winner takes all.
Nice guys finish last.

Even if I die in a war, as a proud citizen of a proud sovereign democratic country, I deserve to die by an ORIGINAL weapon. :D
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Reverse engineer & improve existing system is more budget friendly, especially for a developing country like China.:D
Exactly why go through the trouble and time to reinvent the wheel.
Even if I die in a war, as a proud citizen of a proud sovereign democratic country, I deserve to die by an ORIGINAL weapon. :D

You keep thinking that. Makes zero difference to China.

All I care is that China acquires the weapons needed to ensure we dominate Asia by mid century.

To achieve geopolitical goals, we need a powerful military, for a powerful military we need weapons.

I couldn't care less whether we innovate weapons, buy weapons, steal weapons or copy weapons.

Bottom line is we have the weapons necessary to make sure China becomes the most powerful military in the world and can carry out our geopolitical agenda.

I am glad we are copying and stealing as much as we can to save money and catch up as quickly as possible.
Hopefully we quicken up the pace.

By the way, India is not really a democratic country. It's a dictatorship that's extremely obedient to western powers. Not much democracy going on in India.

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