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How Washington stabbed the Saudis in the back

You should just call it 'Gulf' on PDF and end this crap. Every topic goes offtopic because of this.

Anyways, on-topic, is that a surprise? USA just wants its own benefit, and then ditches you, They've done that with every country.

I am 100% sure, in the next few decades or so, the Saudi 'Royal' Family with have the same fate as Gaddafi/Saddam.

gulf is gulf of mexico not persian gulf.
it have always been persian gulf and it always be persian gulf.
gulf is gulf of mexico not persian gulf.
it have always been persian gulf and it always be persian gulf.
I didn't say it wasn't Persian Gulf. I said on PDF it should be called Gulf, because people here are too immature to have a reasonable debate.
I'm sure everybody noticed that how easy to fvck up a thread in ME section. This is the exact reason, why I keep saying "ME section needs some serious moderation."
You can't moderate morons

blackpeshkel goes out of his way to change the name of a body of water within the article he's posting just to create tension!

It's like a Kurdish guy posting an article about Turkey, but instead of posting the original article, he goes out of his way to change the word Turkey to Kurdistan within the article! Obviously the problem isn't moderation. The problem is the poster himself. Ban his wahabi suicide bombing *** and there won't be anything to moderate.
The US owe nothing to KSA after spending so much on defending this country. From different reasons I hope that the US will return to its senses and prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

No country owes another for nothing. For example, the permanent suspension of US aids to all states including Egypt, Jordan, Ghana, Georgia, Israel and Lithuania will empower none other than the US itself! Instead of giving cash away, the Saudis helped the US out a lot, unlike many ban-handling states.

Only fools would think that Pakistan is going to do this and that :lol:
On topic: How is KSA going to have nukes? It doesn't have even initial phases of a domestic nuclear program. And forget about Pakistan, they won't give you nukes. Pakistan's economy isn't that strong right now to invite international sanctions and isolation on itself.

In the same manner when Iran re-initiated its nuclear program after the use of chemical weapons by its adversary against civilians and troops.

And in the same manner when Iraq developed its own chemical-related weapon components infrastructure.
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With due respect to both SA and Iran posters, it is really surprising that SA is upset with Iran and US deal? What is exactly the issue of SA with Iran?...If also Iran makes a bomb, how does it will be different when already middle east is already with nuclear power like Israel and near shore nuclear power power India and Pakistan....I mean...by no means....India and Pakistan is not an enemy of you and of course Iran is also not supposed to be your enemy...So why SA is threatening to go nuclear?


You really spent time to change the name of Persian Gulf in the original article to fake one? :lol:

leave it, what matters is that the whole world knows the truth, including the author of the article.

On topic: How is KSA going to have nukes? It doesn't have even initial phases of a domestic nuclear program. And forget about Pakistan, they won't give you nukes. Pakistan's economy isn't that strong right now to invite international sanctions and isolation on itself.

No...you are wrong..if grapevine has to be believed...Pakistan is a doorway for SA nuclear bomb and of course it is SA has money and Pakistan has the technology...It may not be difficult to get it...But again...if Iran has right to go nuclear then same logic applies to SA too...

What i am not understanding is that ....India,Pakistan and Iran may have some reason to go for nuclear bomb...But i donot see SA going for it when there is no imminent threat from any nation to SA at all....
With due respect to both SA and Iran posters, it is really surprising that SA is upset with Iran and US deal? What is exactly the issue of SA with Iran?...If also Iran makes a bomb, how does it will be different when already middle east is already with nuclear power like Israel and near shore nuclear power power India and Pakistan....I mean...by no means....India and Pakistan is not an enemy of you and of course Iran is also not supposed to be your enemy...So why SA is threatening to go nuclear?

No...you are wrong..if grapevine has to be believed...Pakistan is a doorway for SA nuclear bomb and of course it is SA has money and Pakistan has the technology...It may not be difficult to get it...But again...if Iran has right to go nuclear then same logic applies to SA too...

What i am not understanding is that ....India,Pakistan and Iran may have some reason to go for nuclear bomb...But i donot see SA going for it when there is no imminent threat from any nation to SA at all....

Iranians have also the right to be concerned about the Saudis intention of possessing a signal bullet let alone a fighter jet or nukes.

You should just call it 'Gulf' on PDF and end this crap. Every topic goes offtopic because of this.

Anyways, on-topic, is that a surprise? USA just wants its own benefit, and then ditches you, They've done that with every country.

I am 100% sure, in the next few decades or so, the Saudi 'Royal' Family with have the same fate as Gaddafi/Saddam.

Both of Gaddafi and Saddam turned against their people's will.

Saddam massacred several thousands of Iraq Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds - using WMD against them - he was also responsible for the misery Iraq had gone through under the sanctions which instigated his people against them

Similarly, Ghaddafi was a bloodsucking monster who mercilessly killed ~50k of his own people which lead to the raise against him and later capture him, beating him to death.

I don't think the Saudis, Iran, and you might also add Venezuela :lol:, have reached to the same degree these aforementioned regimes had reached, and thus, this remains to be highly unlikely.

Nice reading though, however, I must attest that your take was an accumulation of personal emotions, anger, and probably jealousy. This became so objective to you, it's something you have earned.
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With due respect to both SA and Iran posters, it is really surprising that SA is upset with Iran and US deal? What is exactly the issue of SA with Iran?...If also Iran makes a bomb, how does it will be different when already middle east is already with nuclear power like Israel and near shore nuclear power power India and Pakistan....I mean...by no means....India and Pakistan is not an enemy of you and of course Iran is also not supposed to be your enemy...So why SA is threatening to go nuclear?

No...you are wrong..if grapevine has to be believed...Pakistan is a doorway for SA nuclear bomb and of course it is SA has money and Pakistan has the technology...It may not be difficult to get it...But again...if Iran has right to go nuclear then same logic applies to SA too...

What i am not understanding is that ....India,Pakistan and Iran may have some reason to go for nuclear bomb...But i donot see SA going for it when there is no imminent threat from any nation to SA at all....

They consider Iran their enemy haven't you been in the Middle East section before?? As illogical and unreasonable that rivalry might be yet it exists and you can see the sentiments being echoed by both the sides. Therefore if Iran does go nuclear it won't surprise me that KSA would follow suit.
They consider Iran their enemy haven't you been in the Middle East section before?? As illogical and unreasonable that rivalry might be yet it exists and you can see the sentiments being echoed by both the sides. Therefore if Iran does go nuclear it won't surprise me that KSA would follow suit.

Yes i have gone to Middle east section but i always feel that they are rival to each other to present themselves as leader of Islamic world...I do not want to divert the thread..but again...there is a difference between rival and enemy....That is why i was surprised...
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