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How Turkish ‘justice’ works

Fvck the government, the will of the people is what brought us here today. Following morons has no idea they are violating the constitution and separation of powers by giving AKP the control of the HSYİK. They can assign the judges they want to whatever case they want.

As for the "track record" thingy, I know it means NOTHING to some certain people
I wouldn't spit on Erdo's face.

As far as I'm concerned Balyoz is a fraud. But f.ck it, it's not my place to judge What I'm angry about is for these people to stay under arrest for so long, like they will flee the country they fought for.
I am also critical about the long incarceration time pending trial. But I know that the government is also critical about this as well. How can they solve this? I don't know, reforms in the justice system, but as far as I know, the main problem cited for this is because the trials are taking too long. I remember seeing a news story that many trails were about to age out because after 20 years (or something) the trials didn't get concluded. And many trials were on shelves just waiting to get attention.

"The will of the people is what brought us here today", not sure what you are referring to with this, but if you are referring to the trials like Ergenekon and Balyoz, I'd say these are important steps for the country and I'm glad that the current government found the courage to resist to groups like this (I suspect the EU negotiations were a big source for their courage). Trials like this is important to secure the future of the country, so plotters of coup's wont be given any opportunity's to put their plans into action in the future.

Edit: After posting this, I remembered there was an Ergenekon or Balyoz suspect that fled the country, after a google search I found the following:
According to the article, Mustafa Bakici fled to Russia with the help of PKK.
Edit: After posting this, I remember there was an Ergenekon or Balyoz suspect that fled the country, after a google search I found the following:
"PKK yard
According to the article, Mustafa Bakici fled to Russia with the help of PKK.
What a disgrace to the uniform! I can't believe such a spineless piece of sh.t could advance in the ranks of the Turkish Army.

However, What i meant was that AKP gave a Hobson's choice to the people in 2008's referendum which gave AKP dictatorial rights over the Justice system, the carrot was "to punish coup d'etats". AKP owns HSYK now, they can assign judges and prosecutors to any case they want. This is rotten. And this is all on AKP.
What a disgrace to the uniform! I can't believe such a spineless piece of sh.t could advance in the ranks of the Turkish Army.

However, What i meant was that AKP gave a Hobson's choice to the people in 2008's referendum which gave AKP dictatorial rights over the Justice system, the carrot was "to punish coup d'etats". AKP owns HSYK now, they can assign judges and prosecutors to any case they want. This is rotten. And this is all on AKP.
I don't know the details of this, but I remember back then that I was supporting this move. I remember that the then current HSYK president Kadir Ozbek did some very questionable moves, like removing public prosecutors from high profile cases like the Ergenekon case, which raised question marks back then.

The thing about AKP controlling HSYK, looking at this link: HSYK kanunu tasar I don't really get the impression that AKP has highjacked HSYK.
I don't know the details of this, but I remember back then that I was supporting this move. I remember that the then current HSYK president Kadir Ozbek did some very questionable moves, like removing public prosecutors from high profile cases like the Ergenekon case, which raised question marks back then.

The thing about AKP controlling HSYK, looking at this link: HSYK kanunu tasar I don't really get the impression that AKP has highjacked HSYK.

Avrupa Yarg?çlar Birli?i: HSYK hükümetin temsilcisi gibi

hahah, more interesting news :)


You can visit the PKK leader with a company of politicians with VIP helicopters but you can't necessarily visit other inmates if they aren't in favor of AKP :) What's more, it's not even news in televisions and newspapers, it's Turkey, everything's perfectly normal.
Avrupa Yarg?çlar Birli?i: HSYK hükümetin temsilcisi gibi

hahah, more interesting news :)

Art?k Silivri Cezaevi'ne ziyaret de yasakland?

You can visit the PKK leader with a company of politicians with VIP helicopters but you can't necessarily visit other inmates if they aren't in favor of AKP :) What's more, it's not even news in televisions and newspapers, it's Turkey, everything's perfectly normal.
"Yasaya göre, HSYK 22 asıl, 12 yedek üyeden oluşacak. Kurul, 3 daire halinde çalışacak. Kurulun Başkanı Adalet Bakanı olacak. Adalet Bakanlığı Müsteşarı kurulda tabii üye olarak yer alacak. Müsteşar bulunmadığı zaman kendisine vekalet eden kişi kurul toplantılarına katılacak.

HSYK'nın diğer üyeleri Cumhurbaşkanınca seçilecek 4 asıl, Yargıtay'dan seçilecek 3 asıl ve 3 yedek, Danıştaydan seçilecek 2 asıl ve 2 yedek, Türkiye Adalet Akademisinden seçilecek 1 asıl ve 1 yedek, birinci sınıf olan adli yargı hakim ve savcıları arasından seçilecek 7 asıl ve 4 yedek ile birinci sınıf olan idari yargı hakim ve savcıları arasından seçilecek 3 asıl ve 2 yedek üyeden oluşacak."

I just can't see how AKP can hijack HSYK if this is the way they elect it's members.

I have also found a link where HSYK has replied to the EAJ report:
HSYK'dan o eleþtirilere yanýt geldi! | GAZETE VATAN
They are claiming that EAJ based their report on YARSAV's opinions.

As to the second news: I am not happy about the principal and I don't see the need of it either. But I wish to know what the reason for this decision is. I'll look out for any response by the department of justice about this issue in the following days.
HSYK'nın diğer üyeleri Cumhurbaşkanınca seçilecek
Says it all... Please note that this was supposed to be a system that could close down the ruling party in case it goes corrupt. It can't function anymore. AKP has power to manipulate judges and prosecutors with their involvement in HSYK. This goes against the separation of powers and our constitution. I gotta go.
Says it all... Please note that this was supposed to be a system that could close down the ruling party in case it goes corrupt. It can't function anymore. AKP has power to manipulate judges and prosecutors with their involvement in HSYK. This goes against the separation of powers and our constitution. I gotta go.
4 of a total of 22 members though. It's not a given that Cumhurbaskan will always be someone close to AKP either. I am still not convinced that AKP has the power to manipulate the judges and prosecutors as it wishes. I'm sure once the EU negotiations restart again, they will come out with reports and if there is something wrong with HSYK, AKP will hear about it.
The change of HSYK was made in 2010, so it's not far fetched for me to think that when they made this change, they had the EU in mind.
No idea. I wouldn't support a closing of a political party anyway, because there is no point. They'll just remake the party and it makes Turkey look bad in the international arena.
Would you know by any chance that AKP today exists because of one vote? Just google Haşim Kılıç.

If the ruling party gets corrupt, there should be a system to take care of it, people aren't lawyers and the armed forces can be a little harsh. It doesn't matter how many votes they get, if they break the law, somebody should enforce it to them. Hitler came with elections too.
Would you know by any chance that AKP today exists because of one vote? Just google Haşim Kılıç.

If the ruling party gets corrupt, there should be a system to take care of it, people aren't lawyers and the armed forces can be a little harsh. It doesn't matter how many votes they get, if they break the law, somebody should enforce it to them. Hitler came with elections too.
I'm glad Hasim Kilic was there to vote then. I remember the case against AKP as well. The allegations was that 'AKP had activity's against the principal of secularism'. The case ended in cutting AKP's funds in half. I remember lots of criticisms against this court case as well, even from EU. Didn't they change the law about closing parties after this event? I remember the EU being not happy about the laws for closing political parties. I think it is harder to close a political party now.

If you look at BDP's predecessor parties, that were closed with court cases. It only hurt Turkey's image and gave BDP and PKK supporters fuel to use against Turkey.
I'm glad Hasim Kilic was there to vote then. I remember the case against AKP as well. The allegations was that 'AKP had activity's against the principal of secularism'. The case ended in cutting AKP's funds in half. I remember lots of criticisms against this court case as well, even from EU. Didn't they change the law about closing parties after this event? I remember the EU being not happy about the laws for closing political parties. I think it is harder to close a political party now.

If you look at BDP's predecessor parties, that were closed with court cases. It only hurt Turkey's image and gave BDP and PKK supporters fuel to use against Turkey.
No EU didn't say a thing because EU countries have similar laws that can close a political party in case they get corrupted, because of the experience of the Nazi Party. Turns out a bunch of lunatics can still grow in influence and get enough votes to remain in the parliament. "Will of the people" doesn't mean jack sh.t to me because people fooling one person and fooling 70 million isn't so different.
500+ generals and officers are in jail becaus of so called digital evidence. Which country arrest people by Word documents?

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