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Featured How Turkey became one of the world’s leading manufacturers of weapons systems


Apr 28, 2011
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How Turkey became one of the world’s leading manufacturers of weapons systems
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When militaries throughout the world need armored vehicles to deal with emerging threats, such as improvised explosive devices, they often look to Turkey.

The defense industry within Turkey has specialized in 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8 armored platforms, tracked infantry fighting vehicles as well as main battle tanks and weapon systems are manufactured by local private companies like FNSS, Otokar, BMC and Nurol Makina. Besides its National Security Forces use them, these systems are exported to a wide range of users worldwide. 8x8 PARS, 6x6 PARS, 6X6 ARMA; 4x4 COBRA, EJDER YALCIN, VURAN; ALTAY MBT and KAPLAN Medium Tanks are the most remarkable product samples of Turkish Defense Industry competing at the global markets.

Since it joined the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance in 1952, Turkey has been a critical member of the organization. As western nations sought to contain the expansion of Soviet communism, the addition of Turkey delivered the alliance a foothold in the Middle East.

In the 1980s, several NATO allies began an effort to modernize their weapons systems, a movement Turkey joined enthusiastically. The country also sought to develop its own capability for weapons production to reduce its dependence on foreign manufacturers. In the years since, Turkey’s success as a developer of weapons systems has led it to become a key supplier around the world.

The Turkish defense industry started its journey with licensed production of armored combat vehicles (ACV’s) and today has access to more complex vehicles and systems such as armored amphibious rigs, antitank vehicles, medium and main battle tanks together with a wide range of turret solutions.

Public-private partnership

An essential element of Turkey’s success has been its ability to take advantage of contributions from government and private industry. The government’s Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) was established in 1985, followed by the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TAFF) in 1987. Born of the merger of many similar foundations, TAFF holds majority shares of several key, private defense companies in Turkey:

· ASELSAN, which integrates and modernizes ground weapon systems and C4ISR

· ROKETSAN, which produces technologies for propelled ammunition, guided ammunition, advanced missile systems and ballistic solutions

· HAVELSAN, which provides software, training simulations and system integration

· ASPİLSAN and İŞBİR, which focus on power and energy systems (such as generators and batteries) for land operations

· TURKISH AEROSPACE, which provides solutions for aviation and space

In addition, MKEK, a weapon and ammunition manufacturer, and ASFAT, which includes military factories, are both affiliated with the state but can carry out commercial activities. Established by SSB for design and production, STM is just one another critical company. Other private enterprises that have made a name in the firearms sector include: Kale, Sarsılmaz, Canik Arms and YDS.

“We manufacture products and services to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces with the coordination of the Presidency of Defense Industries,” said Naki Polat, president of SSI. “The Turkish Armed Forces demand products and services that have superior capabilities, which require very challenging tests and trials.”

Key success in land systems

The value of stringent testing by Turkish defense manufacturers can be seen in the success of their land warfare systems. Development of these systems is aimed to address specific threats seen in combat operations. For example, in order to respond to armed pickup trucks used by terrorists, Nurol Makina produced the completely armored weapon platform NMS, a vehicle with a speed of greater than 140 km/h.

Engineers have also incorporated combat experience into their unique design of vehicles such as the Rapid Deployable Amphibious Wet Gap Crossing System (OTTER AAAB).

“Land systems are an area where we see the value of our investments in a concrete way, where foreign dependency is minimized and we have a wide product range,” said Ismail Demir, president of the Turkish defense procurement authority (SSB). “In the new generation of main battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, tactical wheeled armored vehicles that can be adapted to different missions, unmanned ground vehicles and other land systems we have developed, NATO operation requirements and standards have been taken into consideration from the beginning of the projects.”

Providing defense beyond Turkey’s borders

With its success in producing high-quality weapons systems for its own military, Turkey has advanced to exporting weapons systems to other countries. It supplies systems to countries in the Middle East and Far East as well as within NATO. The Turkish defense industry focuses not only on meeting the demands of warfighters but also on developing new products to address these needs quickly. With its joint production and technology transfer efforts to Kazakhstan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, UAE, Azerbaijan and Indonesia; defense industry of Turkey have also became a technology provider to various countries.

Now, companies are developing systems to deal with myriad warfighting scenarios, ranging from suicide bombings to underground and tunnel warfare to guided anti-tank weapons and defense.

“Next-generation threats make it mandatory to develop next-generation solutions.” said Demir. “When we look at these threats, we see that the active protection system is important, and we are working to be a leading country in this field. We also strive to be a similar pioneer for light, medium and heavy-class unmanned ground vehicles that NATO allies may increasingly need in the future.”


@Foxtrot Alpha
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That is why turkey must finally invest in core technologies and become completely independent of the crusaders and their lobby ...! They're trying to prevent Turkey from getting involved in the arms business and supplying countries with important technology, that are otherwise exploited and suppressed. African countries, among others, that are affected by controlled terrorism and poverty -
That is why turkey must finally invest in core technologies and become completely independent of the crusaders and their lobby ...! They're trying to prevent Turkey from getting involved in the arms business and supplying countries with important technology, that are otherwise exploited and suppressed. African countries, among others, that are affected by controlled terrorism and poverty -
Turkey with Ukraine help could start producing it's own engines fast which are must for total independence.
If Arabs weren't so daft a Muslim country emerging as a potent weapons producer should be a basis for not just Arab but wider muslim world future independence

But instead...........

Good luck to Turkey

Pakistan has achieved a lot but we are always hampered by budget but we need to keep going, it's in our interests that two of our main allies Turkey and China succeed
Now the funny thing is that Ukraine wants to equip us with drone and cruise missile engines, a technology that we have mastered by now -


- and will soon go into series production, at the same time we supply Ukraine with drones and Ukraine, in turn, refuses to help us develop engines?



can someone explain this to me?



So we get AN178 to replace our C130, no tech transfer for engines, arming Ukraine with drones - and no effort to convert our C130 to AC130, which would be particularly helpful in the fight against terrorism and militias like the SAA and YPG?

I have too many questions and I don't get any answers
AC130 is ancient and outdated system and our TB2's are much better for the counter terorısm. I cant speak for the engines but ı remembered that US officals warned Ukraine for stay away form Engine cooperation with Turkey because of the Turkish Defence units recent success. I cant find the article yet but if i find it i will publish it here
AC130 is ancient and outdated system and our TB2's are much better for the counter terorısm. I cant speak for the engines but ı remembered that US officals warned Ukraine for stay away form Engine cooperation with Turkey because of the Turkish Defence units recent success. I cant find the article yet but if i find it i will publish it here

My friend, it's not about old-fashioned, it's about a fully equipped gunship that is unrivaled in striking power and striking radius - and can keep large aerials under control, regardless of the weather conditions. A drone, on the other hand, is quickly brought down with appropriate weapons and cannot be compared anywhere in terms of weapon carrying capacity - the operations of the AC130 speak volumes.

Otherwise, the USA would not further develop the AC130, the AC-130J Ghostrider was only introduced in 2019...
Now the funny thing is that Ukraine wants to equip us with drone and cruise missile engines, a technology that we have mastered by now -


- and will soon go into series production, at the same time we supply Ukraine with drones and Ukraine, in turn, refuses to help us develop engines?



can someone explain this to me?



So we get AN178 to replace our C130, no tech transfer for engines, arming Ukraine with drones - and no effort to convert our C130 to AC130, which would be particularly helpful in the fight against terrorism and militias like the SAA and YPG?

I have too many questions and I don't get any answers
As a ex-USSR member, I think you should know Ukraine inherits quite a part of USSR core technologies, which are still not outdated today, especially engines. We all know Ukraine is in chaos now, but never neglect the accumulation of USSR. "a technology that we have mastered by now" is too confident, there is a long way for Turkey to master aviation engine technology.
Ukraine is good at low-thrust engine. Our L15 trainer uses AL-222 from Ukraine and we currently don't have a matching one in this field. AL-222 saves oil, and have a better stability and service life than our own ones, and it is cheaper than western ones. It is understandable that they refused to transfer the technology since it is precious.
And there is no place for AC-130 in TuAF since they have good UCAVs.
As a ex-USSR member, I think you should know Ukraine inherits quite a part of USSR core technologies, which are still not outdated today, especially engines. We all know Ukraine is in chaos now, but never neglect the accumulation of USSR. "a technology that we have mastered by now" is too confident, there is a long way for Turkey to master aviation engine technology.
Ukraine is good at low-thrust engine. Our L15 trainer uses AL-222 from Ukraine and we currently don't have a matching one in this field. AL-222 saves oil, and have a better stability and service life than our own ones, and it is cheaper than western ones. It is understandable that they refused to transfer the technology since it is precious.
And there is no place for AC-130 in TuAF since they have good UCAVs.

Turkish drones are among the best in the world - so why not a gunship or doesn't the USA have any drones? `

Yes, the technology is valuable, but radar technology is just as valuable, and other military developments also - military tech. and the structures are like the bones in a skeleton, all build on one another -
besides ... we have almost mastered the development of helicopter, drone, and rocket engines that have been sought - what's wrong with that, Jacky?
Turkish drones are among the best in the world - so why not a gunship or doesn't the USA have any drones? `

Yes, the technology is valuable, but radar technology is just as valuable, and other military developments also - military tech. and the structures are like the bones in a skeleton, all build on one another -
besides ... we have almost mastered the development of helicopter, drone, and rocket engines that have been sought - what's wrong with that, Jacky?
Aviation engine is the most complicated part of an aircraft. It needs decades and tens of billions of $$ to develop a reliable engine. Radars/avionics as eyes do matter, but engine as the heart matter much more.
Aviation engine is the most complicated part of an aircraft. It needs decades and tens of billions of $$ to develop a reliable engine. Radars/avionics as eyes do matter, but engine as the heart matter much more.

I know, but not every state is able to do this, so allies have often come together and developed together - only when it comes to turkey all our allies play 'ignorant' or position themselves crosswise ... why do they enjoy helping, but no giving? I mean - ok, china has always been a dictatorship, nobody would help ... but turkey supposedly has allies .. disappointing...fake
I know, but not every state is able to do this, so allies have often come together and developed together - only when it comes to turkey all our allies play 'ignorant' or position themselves crosswise ... why do they enjoy helping, but no giving? I mean - ok, china has always been a dictatorship, nobody would help ... but turkey supposedly has allies .. disappointing...fake
Are Ukraine and Turkey allieso_O they just share a common enemy which is Russia, and Ukraine is neither Turkic nor Islamic. You don't have to be disappointed, since the world run this way
Are Ukraine and Turkey allieso_O they just share a common enemy which is Russia, and Ukraine is neither Turkic nor Islamic. You don't have to be disappointed, since the world run this way

I think turkey is a kind of ally since we gave Ukraine diplomatic support during its crisis and we supply or develop weapons for/with Ukraine to help - and all the other allies - no need to talk ... if china would not slaughter the Uygurs, one would say that we could cooperate, like back when the copied S300 was in conversation...
I think turkey is a kind of ally since we gave Ukraine diplomatic support during its crisis and we supply or develop weapons for/with Ukraine to help - and all the other allies - no need to talk ... if china would not slaughter the Uygurs, one would say that we could cooperate, like back when the copied S300 was in conversation...
Well, Turkey and China are cooperating, "Uighur problem" card is played by US, not Turkey since Turkey is not capable enough to intervene China. Turkey and China are natural allies geopolitically.
Turkey didn't buy HQ-9 because we didn't agree to transfer technology --- Erdogan wants to buy the technology in 4 billions, there is no such bargain in the world. We have transferred B-611 and T-300 technologies for the green-light of our CV-16 through Turkish strait.
BTW, "copied S-300" beats real S-300 in bidding.:p:
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