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How to stop the military from taking the reigns of power in Pakistan

Feb 13, 2013
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This thread was inspired by comments made by @blain2 in another thread:

............. You are not going to be able to send a former CoAS and President to the gallows for holding the constitution in abeyance when the counter argument is that the entire foundation/stability of the Country was at stake. You want to stop the military from taking the reigns of power then ensure your judiciary never accedes to or acquiesces with their take over and then ensure the military has a voice in formulating policies that impact all aspects of Pakistan. Idiotic economic policies, lack of internal security jeopardize foreign policy and this is something that the armed forces will not take lightly and this is something that our politicians need to understand. If they shut the military out (disbandment of the NSC), you will have other military officers doing the same as what Ayub and his successors have done...................

The main points I hope will be discussed in this thread as as follows:

1. How can the judiciary be protected so that it is not forced to acquiesce to demands from the military to take over power?

2. Do economic and foreign policies need to be approved by the military?

3. Who is and who should be responsible for internal security and who has the actual resources to ensure it?

4. How can one ensure that previous Presidents/ Prime Ministers/ CsOAS can be put on trial for their misdeeds, no matter who they were regardless of title?
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Unless we don't bring any competent leaders into the power circles until then the door will always be open. Don't leave a power vacuum it is as simple as that.
:omghaha: Hate brigade @ the a$$ of @blain2

This thread was inspired by comments made by @blain2 in another thread:

The main points I hope will be discussed in this thread as as follows:

1. How can the judiciary be protected so that it is not forced to acquiesce to demands from the military to take over power?
Ever considered protecting judiciary from 'Javed Hashmi'?

2. Do economic and foreign policies need to be approved by the military?
Shall Rehman Malik be made in-charge of military?

3. Who is and who should be responsible for internal security and who has the actual resources to ensure it?
In current & rotten setup, Prime Minister is responsible for $hit in and about the country!
Where as in reality, local govts. shall be made autonomous and held responsible for their districts.

4. How can one ensure that previous Presidents/ Prime Ministers/ CsOAS can be put on trial for their misdeeds, no matter who they were regardless of title?
Get rid of corrupt judges... and traitor media.
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The Military power is the only check against the scumbag, lowlife thug Politicians of Pakistan. If it wasn't for our brave Military, these lowlife PPP and Nooners would have sold out the country long time ago. We don't want to curtail the Military Powers, we actually want to increase those powers.
How about Politicians who care about the country get into position?

Pakistan needs honest politicians who only care for Pakistan, not for their pockets & hungry for corrupt power like PPP & PML-N.

If this happens then Pak Army will never take over, everything will be fine but today the politicians in Pakistan are corrupt, incompetent & hungry for power plus SC of Pakistan are also corrupt they have failed so many times to implement their given decision or verdict, no politicians cares what verdict is given against them or the Govt. & they continue to do corruption.
I think I had a comment here in this thread??? where did it go ??
In other words say, you heard Pakistani Army chief meeting U'S Kerry in gulf.

This money eating Military is the biggest slave propagating western designs & interests in Pakistan & region. Musharraf an another puppet has come bak, to meet his eternal peace sooner or later by the ones competing for revenge against him.

And fck this Democracy, should be abolished and put under an Islamic constitutional framework . Pakistanis must work and introduce Islamic Constitutional framework or at minimum stop this selffish Military expanding its economic & power might to rule Pakistan again n again.
My point is that if the politicians perform, people themselves would not allow or support military takeovers.

Secondly, I think this is the first time in Pakistan's history where the Judiciary has truly come into its own element and in the future military will not be able to get them to approve their takeover to gain legitimacy.

However the problem with a firm judiciary and a third rate governing performance by the politicians is that it will only prolong the misery of the masses. The Judiciary will prevent the military from taking over, yet the politicians will continue to exploit the masses until people really start grabbing them by the neck and making them perform or boot them out.

I do not see another military takeover in Pakistan's future.
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