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How to reform Pakistan Police ?

its les about equippment more of system... stracture. moral and being PUBLIC SERVANTS

You are quoting moulvi ab who zero knowledge abt any defence or law enforcement ...

The answer is simple .. De-politicise police... Recruitment on merit basis rather than shifarish...
[quote="DESERT FIGHTER, post: 6083310, member: 22700"
]You are quoting moulvi ab who zero knowledge abt any defence or law enforcement ...

The answer is simple .. De-politicise police... Recruitment on merit basis rather than shifarish...[/quote]
Sorry did not get first line ...
De politics looks simple but the most difficult to work on...
[quote="DESERT FIGHTER, post: 6083310, member: 22700"
]You are quoting moulvi ab who zero knowledge abt any defence or law enforcement ...

The answer is simple .. De-politicise police... Recruitment on merit basis rather than shifarish...
Sorry did not get first line ...
De politics looks simple but the most difficult to work on...[/quote]

Zarvan is not exactly known for having much info on anything except the talibanic version of Islam ...

As for de politicising .. It can be done I the govt is willin .. It has been done in KPK... Then problem is when govt appoints it's hand chosen officers .. And when cops are recruited on the sifarish of the local MPA or MNA... Meanwhile police commandos are used by politicians as escorts .. Guarding them instead of doing what they were trained for by the tax payers money..(10% tax payers how shameful)..
Sorry did not get first line ...
De politics looks simple but the most difficult to work on...

Zarvan is not exactly known for having much info on anything except the talibanic version of Islam ...
oohh but still he can provided relgious text to boost moral of police force

As for de politicising .. It can be done I the govt is willin .. It has been done in KPK... Then problem is when govt appoints it's hand chosen officers .. And when cops are recruited on the sifarish of the local MPA or MNA... Meanwhile police commandos are used by politicians as escorts .. Guarding them instead of doing what they were trained for by the tax payers money..(10% tax payers how shameful)..[/quote]
Govt will is base of all issue...
even in india with all democracy.. Police still not open
Politician use police for all good and bad purpse .. both fpr plotics and perosnal
till criminal mindeset of people are therir in govt
till there is no clearity on election refomrs....as they use muscle power to keep people under check in some areas need to control police .
till judiciary is not taking step to curb them .... police wll not be free
think in pak perpective
gull baht wins elctection and become home minister ...
which officer take risk to arrest thim when he know may be this guy become Home minster or minister
same hapned in indin in UP and BIhar state ...
Raghuraj Pratap Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fortnalty india judciary doing somrhtinto debar criminal case candidate from entering Parliament and legsalture
small but imp step
Disqualification of convicted representatives in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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1. They whole Police department should de-politicized. All the political based appointments should be cancelled or de-notified immediately. Police is heavily politicized in Pakistan, vast majority of policemen in Pakistan are either the politically affiliated or political workers or has purchased job by paying money for their selection.

2. Made a separate autonomous and fair selection body (such as ISSB PSC) which will conduct aptitude + fitness tests to recruit the policemen.

3. The recruitment process shall be free of ethnicity, free of provincial quota system, free of sectarian believes, free of locality and obviously free of political loyalties.

4. Raise their salaries equal to the police of europe china and other well policing countries.

5. Police should be well-equipped like USA, Europe, Gulf and China.

6. There should be a call centre which will react to immediate rescues, complaints about police behavior and police inquiries.

7. Police station should be upgraded and more fortified. There should be a Central Command and Control Systen in each Division or in each Province.
all is possible except their salaries… police in america start out at 45,000 a year
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