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How to kill time -- the best way


Jan 9, 2012
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Hi guys,

The good news is that I got selected in a PSU bank but Bad news is that now I will have lot of idle time. So guys can you suggest me some ways to kill my time. I did some research on internet and best one I like is to read some good books.

Can you suggest be some damm good books. Genre I like are Fiction, romance, thriller... Thanks
What's a PSU bank?

Assuming you have access to a computer with Internet:

1. Play Angry Birds
2. Surf for pr0n.

PSU means public sector unit more precisely-- a government job

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 PM ----------

What kind of books or topics you love/like? i'm a big book worm, maybe i can help in this case. :lol:

Genre like fiction, thriller, romantic kind of books. I don't believe too much on philosophy.
Genre like fiction, thriller, romantic kind of books. I don't believe too much on philosophy.

If you're looking for fiction-thriller, start with Dan brown novels. They are a must read, you'll find it hard to put it down. Shidney Sheldon books are awesome too, he's the master of literary deception and sudden twist.

For non-fiction economic literature, read Too Big to Fail, by Andrew Ross Sorkin, i'm reading it now, And Ascent of money by Niall Fargusson.

And i'm not a romantic kind of guy to suggest some in that genre. :lol:
Hi guys,

The good news is that I got selected in a PSU bank but Bad news is that now I will have lot of idle time. So guys can you suggest me some ways to kill my time. I did some research on internet and best one I like is to read some good books.

Can you suggest be some damm good books. Genre I like are Fiction, romance, thriller... Thanks

Beside books u can keep visiting PDF .....damn its addictive :hitwall:
u first loyalty should be towards the job because else it would be dishonesty. But of course in PSU there's no work so u could start developing android apps and games ;).
try books of fredrick forsith...........like Avenger, cobra, icon etc..............good for passing time.....and enjoyable too
Isac Asimov(recommended-- "the Gods themselves"),Dan Brown(da vinci code) for light entertaining fiction

If u want amazing literature Go for my favourites-->To kill a mocking bird ,the Gemini contenders,Pride and prejudice

and the best of all end the Lord of the Rings..the movies kinda ruined it for me but still the best adaptation ive seen for a book ..

The Thorn Birds were an accidental favorite...but ill blame it on puberty..u could read this too
For starters read
The Godfather by Mario Puzo.
The Foreigner by Arun Joshi (and his other novels - good reads!)
Dan Brown novels like Skull and Bones mentioned.
The Kite Runner & A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini
"Surely you are joking, Mr Feynman" - by the Nobel laureate Dick Feynman (awesome read!!!)
Pick up any English literary classics - Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, etc. Try Shakespeare?

And oh yes.. there's always p0rn ;)
^^I was gonna recommend the godfather ..but i think the move was better,
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