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How to Identify different Citizens of India/ Pakistan

2 guys are fighting, suddenly the female members of their families come and start the VERBAL War. Males can not afford this and they try to end the fight
Welcome to rural punjab

2 guys are fighting, one being severely beaten by other. 3rd (who is watching) says "this papu boy can not fight. Surely he is from Islamabad"
Welcome to Rawalpindi



Thnks for the laughs mate.....:cheers:
one guy gets slap and they both call. 40 from each side come and the fight ends. u r in islamabad.
A gets beaten up by B and they both leave. next time when A sees B alone, B gets beaten up and they again leave. u r in rawalpindi.
A gets beaten up by B. B goes to As house and beat him up. Families get involved and they beat each other. It has now become a generational issue. u r in tribal areas of Pakistan (KP + Balochistan).
A and B start fighting. it goes on till one of them cant move or dies. Its pathan territory.
A gets beaten up by B. B tries to corrupt the police. if he fails he will give up and if he succeeds then he is the boss. u r in punjab.
Thanks guys for such a laugh riot. Few from my side:-

2 Guys are fighting on street and just shouting "Tu jaanta nahin mera **** (bhai/ any other relative) kaun hai " (You don't know who my father is ?) Then you are in Uttar Pradesh.

2 Guys are fighting for a girl whom they never talked/proposed and even girl did never ever noticed them. Then you are in North India
Two guys fighting..one is from the majority community and another is from a minority community..The minority community guys is thrashing the guy from majority community,punching in his face....immediately a third person comes(Human rights activist) and starts blaming the guy from the majority community of hitting the minority comm. guy's fist with his head and files a case. - INDIA -

p.s. :Mods if u find it offensive free to remove it.

Two guys fighting(both from upper caste)...third person (politician) comes and makes a grand speech supporting 20% reservation in the fight for OBC s.... - Uttar Pradesh -
Two guys fighting..one is from the majority community and another is from a minority community..The minority community guys is thrashing the guy from majority community,punching in his face....immediately a third person comes(Human rights activist) and starts blaming the guy from the majority community of hitting the minority comm. guy's fist with his head and files a case. - INDIA -

p.s. :Mods if u find it offensive free to remove it.

Even your jokes dont make me laugh... Get a life yaar
Even your jokes dont make me laugh... Get a life yaar

my jokes are not intended for ppl who have cavity in the place where humor cells are supposed to be there in brain...

If u dont want my jokes jus ignore it..i care my foot.:wave::wave:

@if u want to talk to me ..dont derail this thread..PM me and i ll reply. :sniper:

p.s.:the above is the sad reality in many parts of India.
Two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along and Spits his Tobacco adjacent to them and goes un noticed ,then You are non other than in Bihar...

Thats not right...
Correct version../

Two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along and Spits his Tobacco adjacent to them slaps both of them in face for fighting abuses them in meanest way in highest pitch, Both of them feeling let down gang up and beat the hell out of the third guy..and in the evening all the three are drinking THARRA at the ame sack and the third guy is happily paying for it.... ,then You are non other than in Bihar
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All, seems like this was idea... I'm summarizing my observations in one post ....

Scenario 1
Two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along, sees them and walks on.
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Scenario 2
Two guys are fighting. Both of them take time out and call their friends on
their mobiles. Now 50 guys are fighting.
You are definitely in PUNJAB !!!
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Scenario 3
Two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along and tries to make peace.
The first two get together and beat him up.
That's DELHI
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Scenario 4
Two guys are fighting. A crowd gathers to watch.
A guy comes along and quietly opens a Chai-stall.
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Scenario 5
Two guys are fighting and a third guy comes.
He writes a software program to stop the fight.
But the fight doesn't stop because of a virus in the program.
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Scenario 6
Two guys are fighting. A crowd gathers to watch.
A guy comes along and quietly says that "AMMA" doesn't like all this nonsense..
Peace settles in...
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Scenario 7
Two guys are fighting and a third guy comes along, then a fourth
and they start arguing about who's right.
You are in KOLKATA
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Scenario 8
Two guys are fighting. Third guy comes from nearby house and says,
"don't fight in front of my place, go sum where else and keep fighting".
That's KERALA !
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And the best one is ....
Scenario 9
Two guys are fighting. Third guy comes along with a carton of beer.
All sit together drinking beer and abusing each other and all go home as friends.
You are in GOA !!!
two guys are fighting. a bunch of other guys join in and the fight becomes a bloodbath. everyone forgets what they are fighting for. then a bunch of foreigners come in and take all their diamonds

-welcome to africa-
2 Guys are fighting for a girl whom they never talked/proposed and even girl did never ever noticed them. Then you are in North India

nice one.
i actually saw one such fight in Law Faculty of Peshawar university.
guys pl dont spoil this thread. lets prove that we can stick a thread without a fight.
Two guys are fighting and 20 people come along, start pumping both people. Both people call 50 friends each, abuses and some more abuses for hours. In the end they compromise....
Real story,,, once a "desi" volunteered at USA's hospital & during a chit chat at patient's bed standing among 10-12 US graduates desi was telling his story, "...once I had a fight with so-&-so & he started abusing me...",,, the whole ward laughed their guts out...
One guy is disassembling and cleaning his AK-47 on the roof top of his house.While loading the magazine one of the bullet gets out his hands and accidentally drops on the head of another guy passing by in the street.
The second guy being socked quickly fires a couple of rounds in the air......

With in seconds a drone appears from the west and resolves the matter once for all even before it gets started.:eek::angry:

Welcome to North Waziristan.
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