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how to handle a functional schizophrenic..


I doubt vitamin d can help her but will give it a shot, thanks.

Its worth a shot from personal experience similar issues you describe with family members myself. wont hurt if anything but get 10000iu plus.

I come across similar issues people being overly sensitive/paranoid/depressed. Some people can make it worse like you spoke about your aunt but if shes out the pic thats all good.

Sound trivial i know but youd be surprised, take it consistantly everyday on good dosage and its not overnight but couple weeks plus see what happens.

Alot of people forget "vit" d is actually a hormone.
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Yeah it's very unfortunate, she's the tallest and prettiest among my sister's, the other two are happily married. She should be focusing on getting married and having a normal family life instead of obsessing with all these conspiracy theories everyday and going after my Aunt (Khala).
I think there maybe a reason for that. Try to know that.. sometimes there are some haadsay which one dont share but start on conspiracy theories..
Very sad to hear this.

But don't worry, though it's distressing for your family, it is extremely unlikely to be schizophrenia.

The symptoms you're describing are more common than you think - especially among women. Paranoid delusions, narcissism, bipolar behaviour. Females are hormonal and do irrational things.

I'm afraid that until you convince her to seek help - through reasoning, care and love - you can't really do much. Find the person in her life that she is comfortable with and try to get them to steer her towards medical help.

With age these problems do get worse, but the medicines available nowadays are incredible. She will live a completely normal life - though marriage and typical housewife life may not be in her luck.
Ok. It might sound trivial but do you live abroad? Asians living abroad in the west all without supplementing have very low vit d. It can affect your mood inducing paranoia/ depression negative thoughts. Affects some more then others. Get her high level vit d supplement 10000 iu plus. I had family members come out of similar mind frames you describe come out taking it everyday.
Yes I've heard if this before. It leads to some hormonal deficiency but that's where my knowledge on this ends.

Best of luck. Whatever happens, do not give up on her. There IS A CURE and it's upto us to find it.

In my old small town childhood when such cases come up there will be both a Hindu and Muslim somebody who will do something and give a talisman to wear. So that the patient doesn't feel odd singledout, everyone in the house including her wear it. Whatever it does or does not, it does have a psychological effect. It should however be termed as talisman to ward of all I'll effects by anyone with any Mal intent rather than naming an aunt.

Again all the best.
Canada and BD.


I can advise on correct approach here in the UK however I'm unsure what the standard processes are abroad.

I would personally seek to get her treated in Canada. Mental health services in the 3rd world are a little more "archaic". For example they are more likely to resort to restrictive practices / higher doses of potent drugs.

If she was in the UK I would advise the following:

Diagnosis by psychiatrist ESSENTIAL. The longer you leave it the worse the illness will get. Unfortunately it is unlikely to resolve on its own.

Seek advise from General practitioner / family doctor

They can then refer to specialist mental health services.

In the UK we have specialist crisis teams, intensive home treatment trams, first response teams etc.

If patients don't engage they try to assess them at home. Ultimately if they are deemed to be mentally unwell and a risk to themselves or others, they may be sectioned and forced to attend hospital.

So pretty mush what others have advised. Seek help ASAP. When you are talking to professional make sure they have a proper plan in place/ appropriate safety netting etc.
have a loved one suffering with the same the hardest part is to make the patient understand that they have a problem. The hallucinations are powerful. Consult a excellent phycologist for the diagnoses if its schizophrenia - if yes than what kind? Bad news is this isn't going to go away it can only be managed phases will come and go but good professional help can ease life for family around the patient .
If you are loving in pindi islamabad area, take her to CMH. There is one very great doctor. I forgot his full name but he goes by Col Jan. I highly recommend him as he has treated her one of my family member very successfully.
She needs help, take her to doctor ASAP.....
First and foremost.

When there is a mental patient in home, you have to give them space. Don't talk them too much, otherwise they will think it's a conspiracy. It will be counterproductive.

Secondly, most mental illness are result of bad diet/stress/environmental factors. Make sure the person is eating healthy, add yogurt to the diet, the good bacteria promotes digestion which ultimately results in better mood, reduces anxiety/panic attacks.

Lastly, don't forget to look after yourself. If there is one mentally ill person in house, it affects whole family. It's part of life, consider it a test. Don't lose your marbles, get adequate sleep for yourself too.

I wouldn't be too worried if she is a teenager, they sometimes have these "phases" that they will eventually grow out of. however if she is over 25 you better take it more seriously, if seeing a doctor is not an option there are many online tests for self-diagnosis that you can ask her to take, being "functional" means she can be reasoned I hope
As the title says.
Not the hallucination kind and quite functional, but the person's behavior is intolerable for my parents.
I made the diagnosis. Can't take her to doctor.

SOS. :coffee:

schizophrenia is a scam. Just give them love and everything will be alright.
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