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How to create the Arc of Islam?

Nah, man. Better Australia and New Zealand

That would be awesome but I am just being realistic.

Amphibious wars are very difficult.

US, UK, Canada strongly support Autralia and New Zealand.

This won't happen unless Islamic countries have full backing of China.
The first set off countries are Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Armenia, Georgia, Southern Russia

1) People in Greece and Cyprus need to be repatriated into Eastern Europe. Greece and Cyprus should become part of Turkiye
2) Jews from Israel need to be repatriated into Germany and The independent Palestine nation should arise.
3) People in Armenia, Georgia & Southern Russia including regions like
Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Tatarstan and Crimea. The Slavic people in these regions should be repatriated into European Russia that is North/West of Urals. These parts should become part of Turkiye

Historically it doesnt matter we've always been surrounded.
We can be nice friends or scary enemies.

I'd prefer being friends
Sikhs have zero relevance today, and get bullied by their own state, your arc is over 😹

Also can someone ban OP, this troll is consistently spamming this forum with ridiculous nonsense
PDF Tiger Force when Immi proposes it:


PDF Tiger Force when Abdul Rehman Majeed proposes it:

Whats up with this retards like op and yongpeng all over pdf, is this a place where idiots can show off their stupidity or what?
That would be awesome but I am just being realistic.

Amphibious wars are very difficult.

US, UK, Canada strongly support Autralia and New Zealand.

This won't happen unless Islamic countries have full backing of China.

your cocaine fueled plan involves declaring war on literally everyone outside of the current Muslim majority countries, including china.

never mind that islamic countries have issues between themselves.
Islamic government can have non-muslim citizens as has been evidenced by history. Greece and Cyprus have been parts of Turkic Khilafat alongwith with its Christian inhabitants. No need to displace inhabitants anywhere. When Muslims become internally strong with imaan then outside they will also become strong. Non-muslims can pay Jizya tax to the govt for protection.

I have proposed a one confederation-two country system between Pakistan and Afghanistan. We can consider an EU style union between Muslim countries in Asia by making ECO effective and removing customs duties. These days its more about becoming an economic power than being a military power. When you have money, you can raise an army.
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