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How to counter transgender harassment for money

I told them there are thousands of them roaming the streets of Pakistan and some have even organized as political force.

WTF. The only story I have is one time my brother was out with some friends back in the 1990's showing somebody who just came over to visit the US from Italy (who doesn't speak much English) around. They drive to this red light district and this "girl" comes over to the car and everybody immediately rolls up the windows and locks their doors...except for the Italian guy. He's all smiles with the "girl" and she's leaning in the window.

The friends know this aint no girl but they aren't telling him...and quite the opposite are actually telling the "girl" things like "hey why don't you stick you hand down his.." and they are cracking up laughing so hard as he's completely oblivious.

After a while they say "Hey we have to go" and drive off. They then tell the Italian guy that wasn't a girl.
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you as mujahid e azam told us how much share they should have from wirasat after thier father die ?
According to Islam an intersex should be categorized as a man or woman based on which gender their features match to. For example looks, voice etc. From my experience almost all khwaja saras I've encountered will pass off as men based on looks, voice and physique. So they have to perform all Islamic rituals like a man and their share will be as much as of a man.
According to Islam an intersex should be categorized as a man or woman based on which gender their features match to. For example looks, voice etc. From my experience almost all khwaja saras I've encountered will pass off as men based on looks, voice and physique. So they have to perform all Islamic rituals like a man and their share will be as much as of a man.
wtf did I just see dude :lol:
so it will take long time to fix this social issue . what you expect from thousands of people whom just considered human by own gov 3 years ago ?
Wrong. They can write themselves as men and can do jobs like a man. If you remove their makeup and make them wear male clothes, they are literally men.


99% of khawaja sara have more masculine features than Bilawal Zardari

@Sainthood 101 @Imran Khan
Every now and then at almost every traffic signal there are transgender aka "khwaja sara" harassing people for money. They go as far as touching people's (exclusively men's) arms and face and when you refuse to give them they hurl abuses and make a tamasha out of you in front of public. Why no one raises a voice against this behavior? No law enforcement takes any action.

Be a man! Take testosterone shots! Hit the gym! No khawaja sira ever tried to touch me! Are you a single pasli boi from Karachi? Tsk man! Skinny dude problems! 🀭🀭🀭

On a serious note, man don't be frustrated. Be respectful and kind towards beggars. Even if they are professional or seem professional beggars, a God fearing person would keep his/her tone down. You don't wonna spare some change, thats fine. Drive ahead.
Imran saab don't encourage trannies
They're NOT tranny's.
These are intersex khawaja siraa.
A tranny is male genetic original man who goes through surgical procedures to have Top surgery only.

Fyi : shout out to everyone.

I like to dress as women.
But I don't do it for asking money, with me it's more of hobby lifestyles acting performing etc.

I feel since I live in Canada I virtually get away dressed as women anywhere public but in Pakistan we should be respectful of khawaja siraa.
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They're NOT tranny's.
These are intersex khawaja siraa.
A tranny is male genetic original man who goes through surgical procedures to have Top surgery only.

Fyi : shout out to everyone.

I like to dress as women.
But I don't do it for asking money, with me it's more of hobby lifestyles acting performing etc.

I feel since I live in Canada I virtually get away dressed as women anywhere public but in Pakistan we should be respectful of khawaja siraa.
Nope, vast majority of these "intersex" fellows are biological males with mental health issues wanting to believe they are women. Some of these people are likely just normal beggars using it as a tactic too.

It's classified as gender dysphoria IIRC.
Nope, vast majority of these "intersex" fellows are biological males with mental health issues wanting to believe they are women. Some of these people are likely just normal beggars using it as a tactic too.

It's classified as gender dysphoria IIRC.
Look country Pakistan has such huge amount of undocumented people.

Then there is huge spectrum of levels to types of transgender classifications. A lot of work needs to be done in trans education to determine who is to who is what exactly?

Gender dysphoria is something else. Not beggars.

I live in Canada & I can assure you CA govt does a excellent job in supporting Trans rights to giving respect in public places. But than again inside Pakistan the land of might is right policy! "Jis ka dunda uski bhanse" kinda thing anything goes.

I would never like to be tranz inside Pakistan. Only Canada works.
You know Pakistan has failed when a tranny has more rights than you in your own home... and this is supposed to be an Islamic nation...

it supposed to islamic but it is everything except islamic.

Look country Pakistan has such huge amount of undocumented people.

Then there is huge spectrum of levels to types of transgender classifications. A lot of work needs to be done in trans education to determine who is to who is what exactly?

I live in Canada & I can assure you CA govt does a excellent job in supporting Trans rights to giving respect in public places. But than again inside Pakistan the land of might is right policy! "Jis ka dunda uski bhanse" kinda thing anything goes.

I would never like to be tranz inside Pakistan. Only Canada works.
canada has dark history of kidnapping children and raping n ritual sacrifice. queen visited canada and i think they were native American children went missing. plus rumour is Canada is owned by queen.
Look country Pakistan has such huge amount of undocumented people.

Then there is huge spectrum of levels to types of transgender classifications. A lot of work needs to be done in trans education to determine who is to who is what exactly?

Gender dysphoria is something else. Not beggars.

I live in Canada & I can assure you CA govt does a excellent job in supporting Trans rights to giving respect in public places. But than again inside Pakistan the land of might is right policy! "Jis ka dunda uski bhanse" kinda thing anything goes.

I would never like to be tranz inside Pakistan. Only Canada works.
Listen, you are diverting from your main point here, I didn't ask about global transgender rights or documentation of people.

You made a claim they were not transgenders, but rather medically intersex, which was not true.

Many of them likely use being transgender as a begging tactic and most are likely not even biologically intersex, just biological males masquerading as women. It's very possible some are biologically intersex, but the amount is probably very small in comparison.

I don't believe in this whole gender spectrum bullshit anyway, you are either biologically male, female or intersex, which is a genetic condition entirely different from being transgender which is simply a psychological condition.
Cant you report them to the police? Record the incident and report them to the police. If it’s a repeat problem, put up security cameras around your home to show that it was a B&E (Breaking and entering) and give the video to the police. (Although, this may not work if you think the police won’t help and may actually make the situation worse).

Doesn’t matter who it is, anyone breaking into your home should face the law if possible.
Families disown them at birth.

So does the Pakistani society.

Is it a fact or just a myth? I have never heard any such thing in real life.

Have you ever seen one in a "normal family"?

According to Islam an intersex should be categorized as a man or woman based on which gender their features match to. For example looks, voice etc. From my experience almost all khwaja saras I've encountered will pass off as men based on looks, voice and physique. So they have to perform all Islamic rituals like a man and their share will be as much as of a man.

Please don't spread self concocted bs, again. You clearly are illiterate on the matter and are here, yet again, misinforming and misguiding others. There would be no "intersex" issue at all if all you had to do was to base it on his/her features. Islam is far more respectful and understanding on the matter. It goes as far as acknowledging non-physical reasons behind the condition.

Why do they have to tell anyone what they are? Most of them look like men, sound like man, have bodies like a man so why can't they dress and behave like a man? Seriously no one checks genitals when hiring for a job (except armed forces tbf :fie:)

yeah that is the case

That is an unintelligent thing to say. Would you be willing to dress like a woman, act like a woman, and look like a woman, every day for the rest of your life, to gain employment? Pretty sure no one will check your genitals either. Also, that is not how biology works.

Many of them likely use being transgender as a begging tactic and most are likely not even biologically intersex, just biological males masquerading as women. It's very possible some are biologically intersex, but the amount is probably very small in comparison.

I don't believe in this whole gender spectrum bullshit anyway, you are either biologically male, female or intersex, which is a genetic condition entirely different from being transgender which is simply a psychological condition.
Nope, vast majority of these "intersex" fellows are biological males with mental health issues wanting to believe they are women. Some of these people are likely just normal beggars using it as a tactic too.

It's classified as gender dysphoria IIRC.

I take it you've personally given physicals to the "vast majority of these intersex fellows"?

and this is supposed to be an Islamic nation...

Everything and anything that does not fit your uneducated, ignorant, and obtuse sense of understanding is not un-Islamic. Might want to read up on what Islam actually says about these people and the rights that it guarantees them.

The best thing to do is ignore beggars. When beggars know that people will not pay them, then they will stop begging.

All these ******** should get a job. Plenty of manual labourers required.

How many have you considered hiring?
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So does the Pakistani society.

Have you ever seen one in a "normal family"?

Please don't spread self concocted bs, again. You clearly are illiterate on the matter and are here, yet again, misinforming and misguiding others. There would be no "intersex" issue at all if all you had to do was to base it on his/her features. Islam is far more respectful and understanding on the matter. It goes as far as acknowledging non-physical reasons behind the condition.

That is an unintelligent thing to say. Would you be willing to dress like a woman, act like a woman, and look like a woman, every day for the rest of your life, to gain employment? Pretty sure no one will check your genitals either. Also, that is not how biology works.

I take it you've personally given physicals to the "vast majority of these intersex fellows"?

Everything and anything that does not fit your uneducated, ignorant, and obtuse understanding of the world does not become un-Islamic. Might want to read up on what Islam actually says about these people and the rights that it guarantees them.

How many have you considered hiring?

In the UK I've worked with several transgender people but I didn't hire them, they were co-workers. I did hire a couple of testers who I later found out were gay. Didn't matter one bit to me.

If I had a personal business or a role in my home for domestic help, if the best candidate was transgender it would not mean a thing to me. The right person is the one who'll do the job right.

In our village a young man was apparently born transgender. Its a village rumour, he was quite effeminate. They raised him as a male, he never married, he died recently of a heart attack.
Every now and then at almost every traffic signal there are transgender aka "khwaja sara" harassing people for money. They go as far as touching people's (exclusively men's) arms and face and when you refuse to give them they hurl abuses and make a tamasha out of you in front of public. Why no one raises a voice against this behavior? No law enforcement takes any action.

The legend told you the way 10 years ago.

Everything and anything that does not fit your uneducated, ignorant, and obtuse sense of understanding is not un-Islamic. Might want to read up on what Islam actually says about these people and the rights that it guarantees them.
My bad, I forgot entering into a stranger's house, getting fully nude, and begging for money is an Islamic right. 🀑
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