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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?


May 3, 2009
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Yes its a controversial topic , a thorny one , one of those topics which are usually hard to digest for an emotionally charged nation that is blinded by the jet wash of those fake emotions.

I have been recently looking into the role some Gulf states are playing in risking Pakistan's integrity. Its hard to believe given the smooth ride we have had with these states in the past. We have had great relations , they have helped us in every time we were in need and so did we.

But now the situation is weird , i see some of the gulf states , nominally UAE , Bahrain and Qatar are quite visible in harboring/sheltering BLA terrorists and their financiers [Saudi Arabia is not involved on any level] . UAE has been actively funding BLA terrorists while using PAF Base Shamsi as a base which was given as a "gift" to UAE's monarchy by Pakistan for hunting trips which facilitated their private planes. UAE lent that air base to Americans and because the drone strikes the issue came into light.

Speaking to some SSGs revealed that during targeted night strike ops against BLA , they discovered "sacks" of cash in their hideouts , most of that was the currency belonging to the gulf states i have mentioned. We also know they have been "gifting" super expensive cars to the sardars in the past.
Many of the top BLA terrorists are either living freely in above gulf states , have their financiers there or get unrestricted transit to other countries ie India or Europe.

The most striking case was that of Brahumdagh Bugti , the terrorist head of BRA. It was well known by Pakistani Intelligence apparatus that he was being sheltered by Americans through Karzai govt in Kabul to use him as a bargaining chip to bring Taliban to the negotiating table. However Karzai was forced to banish him , but not without an "Indian Passport".

He flew to Dubai to get a transit to Zurich from Kabul international air port. Mind you , BB was on ISI's terrorist watch list and they share intelligence with UAE. What "should" have happened is that as soon as they had an ID on BB , he should have been apprehended , put on the next military plane to Chaklala. But that didn't happen , he instead flew to Zurich Switzerland on a "Fake" Indian Passport.Qatar is playing its part through fabricated media reports to hype up the issue and Bahrain has a reasonable number of the BLA members hiding there who are financing their terrorist activities.

Now Pakistan must not have any doubts that we are NOT on the same page with the Gulf states on this matter. By sheltering the BLA members and financiers , they are posing a direct threat to Pakistan's national integrity and this is how exactly it needs to be taken and dealt with accordingly.As far as i am concerned , Gulf states are part of a Indo US plan to disintegrate Pakistan , these countries have no foreign policy of their own , moreover they are concerned over Gwadar port and its potential according to some reports.

There are a few things Pakistan can do.

1: Directly engage them diplomatically to make them stand down.
2: Ask Saudi Arabia at the same time to use its leverage over these kingdoms.
3: Engage with Chinese who have huge business interests in the gulf.
4: Diversify relations with Iran and synchronize strategy on BLA for help on Jindullah in return to counter these states diplomatically.

Please , share your thoughts.

* Don't forget to report Trolls & see the magic happen. :D
I have been recently looking into the role some Gulf states are playing in risking Pakistan's integrity. Its hard to believe given the smooth ride we have had with these states in the past. We have had great relations , they have helped us in every time we were in need and so did we.

But now the situation is weird , i see some of the gulf states , nominally UAE , Bahrain and Qatar are quite visible in harboring/sheltering BLA terrorists and their financiers

Yara, last time I got spanked on this topic.

I'm a living witness to the Qatari involvement from 1998, when all stuff was just in the initial stages. That is the day I started to hate them without prejudice.

By the way, inside the higher echelons of PAF, AM + and Army 3 Star +, they have very decent scenarios for countering this threat. All is worked out in detail. Trust me!
now dont say BLA terroists are funded by indian raw....
Never said that. Our intelligence always came across a very strange lead, pointing toward Qatar + Dubai.

Now I don't know what has transpired in the last six years, maybe RAW joined the ARAB bandwagon, but until last time I was with people who matter, it was all ARAB sponsored.
How about bombing their shelters in afghanistan... assasinating brahamdagh and telling the uae n other gulf countries to get their act together?
Diplomatically, Pakistan can't make them stand down as many Pakistanis resides in these countries not the other way round. Loss of remittances is also an issue.

Don't know about KSA, but KSA has been ally of US and especially this time as US stance against Iran is in favor of KSA. As far as India is concerned, KSA wants to increase its ties so I think India will ask them to stay out the equation, so will US.

Chinese are too intelligent to get into this matter. They will only appear in the scenario if access to Gulf through Gwadar is in danger. So they may ask these countries, but at the same time can't dictate them terms as China also needs these states.

Working with Iran is much better idea. But any closeness to Iran will be against West's interest. Getting isolated like Iran is the last thing Pakistan wants.
How about bombing their shelters in afghanistan... assasinating brahamdagh and telling the uae n other gulf countries to get their act together?

2001, MI chief warned the fat-**** and his son in Qatar, in 2005 the Dubai dhasha-slinger was also warned.... No results..... Only language these lap-dogs understand is the language of spanking. At the moment they are on cloud nine, enjoying the company of their masters and their boats.

Don't fret it. They can be handled... In due time :drag:
Yara, last time I got spanked on this topic.

I'm a living witness to the Qatari involvement from 1998, when all stuff was just in the initial stages. That is the day I started to hate them without prejudice.

By the way, inside the higher echelons of PAF, AM + and Army 3 Star +, they have very decent scenarios for countering this threat. All is worked out in detail. Trust me!

Please explain.
2001, MI chief warned the fat-**** and his son in Qatar, in 2005 the Dubai dhasha-slinger was also warned.... No results..... Only language these lap-dogs understand is the language of spanking. At the moment they are on cloud nine, enjoying the company of their masters and their boats.

Don't fret it. They can be handled... In due time :drag:

We have no leverage over them , Pakistan unfortunately has run out of friends this time.
Please explain.
Forget the spanking part.

Since 2001, there is plan in place on how to deal with this particular threat on a bigger scale by the armed forces.

On intelligence front, the MI, IB, FIA all have been briefed on a procedural protocol to report to a specialist wing in ......

We have no leverage over them , Pakistan unfortunately has run out of friends this time.
AE, there is no such thing as leverage. It's about relative posturing and threat perception by the adversary. Don't worry, not all are morons in the armed forces.

We are in an equilibrium of sorts. Settle with India and focus on Western front and economy. :cheers:
This is no secret that while the gulf states are involved, UAE has the lead role. Karachi and gwadar could have been, and Karachi was what Dubai is now. A transit route in the Persian gulf, linking east and west. The gulf states acknowledged this, and now Dubai has even though run out of oil, has a big big say in gulf affairs, and threaten us actively time to time. Will write more tomOrrow.

Good and important topic you touched aeronaut.
Forget the spanking part.

Since 2001, there is plan in place on how to deal with this particular threat on a bigger scale by the armed forces.

On intelligence front, the MI, IB, FIA all have been briefed on a procedural protocol to report to a specialist wing in ......

AE, there is no such thing as leverage. It's about relative posturing and threat perception by the adversary. Don't worry, not all are morons in the armed forces.

We are in an equilibrium of sorts. Settle with India and focus on Eastern front. :cheers:

Sheiks care about only one thing , that is money and that is the reason why they are doing it in the first place. They have to be stopped no matter what , we can keep brotherhood in the drawer for sometime to worry about another day. Pakistan's integrity comes first , everything else comes last.
This is no secret that while the gulf states are involved, UAE has the lead role. Karachi and gwadar could have been, and Karachi was what Dubai is now. A transit route in the Persian gulf, linking east and west. The gulf states acknowledged this, and now Dubai has even though run out of oil, has a big big say in gulf affairs, and threaten us actively time to time. Will write more tomOrrow.

Good and important topic you touched aeronaut.

You are making me feel as we have made a strategic blunder by not allowing a Soviet transit to Karachi and going to war instead. We should have allowed them to come into Karachi , only if we knew that communist soviets can be more of a trust worthy friend than the so called brothers from another mother.
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