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How the Western World Views Pakistan

Our soft image is terrible but there is SOOOO much potential.

There are some things ALL of us can do. Each of us has access to social media. When Pakistan is mentioned on social media, or when engaging other people especially non Pakistani we should try to present a positive, open image. We should try to articulate our views carefully, so that the people listening actually listen to the message, rather than be offended by the messengers.

Those of us who live abroad should be less negative in an off-hand manner. If you want to discuss negativity, try to give some context and also some perspective. For example many of us will talk about the 42% illiteracy rate in Pakistan, but never mention how most people with are educated can speak some english, and that English is an official language in Pakistan and can be found in signboards all over the country.

We'll all talk about the mullahs on the street, but we also need to mention the majority of the country opposed to them and the young educated vocal opposition against them on social media.

Private companies can do their part too. They could host more conferences in Pakistan, invite clients and investors over at their own cost.

The biggest work has to be done by government though. InshaAllah the PTI govt will follow through on it's promises to increase tourism.
There are some things ALL of us can do.

I spent some time in France, Germany and Netherlands. Like England whose major minority groups come from South Asia, these countries have their own major groups of minorities - Maghrebians in France, Turks in Germany and Indonesians in Holland.

One thing I noticed, every other native guy from these countries want to visit the countries from where their minority comes from. Algeria/Tunisia and Morocco are hot spots for French, Turkey for Germans, Indonesia for Dutch. Some have positive experience, some have negative. Some with negative experience still want to visit again, some even do. That doesn't seem like a case when it comes to England though.

One of my Dutch friend, a tall skinny nerd always wanted to visit Indonesia which he did. There comes his story.
He walking on street and saw a few 9/10 years old kids playing. Like a typical good white guy he smiled at them and kept moving. Kids saw him, looked at each other and dispersed. All of sudden the tall dutch guy got a kick behind his knee. He bent over and couple of kids started to jerk off his shirt. He struggled and they all ran away. He stood up and started walking. After few meters, he realised that his shirt's front pocket is missing. And then he realised that his pocket actually had a expensive pen and kids came for that. This fella loved Indonesia and still wanted to go back. lol

I know Pakistan has its issues but the numbers of tourists have always been too low. May be we need some hardwork promoting our country. May be Brit Pakistanis can help in this promotion too.
What is with this Obsession?

Why do People intend to make Pakistan a Zoo?

Get a respectable profession.

The government should seek Investment in education and infrastructure after agriculture.

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