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How the 'war on terror' in England became a war on women and children

You know I really don't understand how the UK just keeps producing these kinds of people and why these kinds of ideas have currency there - it's as if Jihalat is portable - all the advantages of an open society and yet... you can take the dehaaty out of the dehaat, but cannot take the deyhaat out of the dehaaty

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Oh, they are much more dangerous than that -- consider, there is a great culture war raging among Muslims in their Muslim majority countries, and things are not really gloomy for for those Muslims who want to be free of these Lunes, while the struggle is bloody especially for faithful, the super Muzloums are basically rejected, they must use violence because otherwise they would have no attention.

And as the wisdom would have it, money is the root of all evil and the Super Muzloums happen to have the best financiers behind them offering hard cash!
Most of Al Jazeera publications are carefully doctored to infuse and an agenda and the undertone of this article is very clear - to incite more anti-west sentiments among the masses by a careful campaign of disinformation, make it sound more legitimate by having British authors do the writting and act like the mouth piece of victimized righteous.(.....)

Could not have said it better!
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