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How the Heck Does WinRAR Make Money?

Macs are far superior to MS operating systems - for about as long as I can remember. I used to use Win because in India everybody does so compatibility is not a problem, plus Macs were expensive. In the US a majority use Macs and after switching over some years back I have no regrets. No boot delays, not a single app crash in years and freedom from viruses.

It means in year 31056 it'll still be running on a trial version.
Mac OS makes my life easy...since I'm an engineer so I have to use Windows too sometimes for using CATIA and other engineering software but my goto laptop is rMBP and I always reach out for it..though I appreciate that windows 10 has made a lot of ground

There's a blizzard tomorrow so I decided to startup my Windows 10 laptop and make sure my VPN setup is ok.

So my laptop connects to my WiFi but I get no data from the internet. Oh come on!!

Run the network diagnostic and I get this
"Wi-Fi doesn’t have valid IP configuration"
Oh for crying out loud...geez

I then have to open up the command prompt and run a few netsh commands and restart my laptop.

Why do I have to do this sh*t? Do I ever do that on a Mac? No!
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There's a blizzard tomorrow so I decided to startup my Windows 10 laptop and make sure my VPN setup is ok.

So my laptop connects to my WiFi but I get no data from the internet. Oh come on!!

Run the network diagnostic and I get this
"Wi-Fi doesn’t have valid IP configuration"

I then have to open up the command prompt and run a few netsh commands and restart my laptop.

Why do I have to do this sh*t? Do I ever do that on a Mac? No!
Mac has a lot of stuff that's builtin which we take for granted until we have to work on other operating systems like on mac you
  • never have to defrag but on windows you have
  • pdf, archiver and unarchiver are built-in features so no need to 3rd party plug-ins
  • Free office productivity apps included (pages, keynotes, numbers)
  • In all the native apps, case change is supported
  • Native support for C++ and many other languages
  • Contacts, Reminder, Calendars, and maps, iTunes, iMoves, Photos, Mail, really good apps
Mac has a lot of stuff that's builtin which we take for granted until we have to work on other operating systems like on mac you
  • never have to defrag but on windows you have
  • pdf, archiver and unarchiver are built-in features so no need to 3rd party plug-ins
  • Free office productivity apps included (pages, keynotes, numbers)
  • In all the native apps, case change is supported
  • Native support for C++ and many other languages
  • Contacts, Reminder, Calendars, and maps, iTunes, iMoves, Photos, Mail, really good apps

After the reboot..ten minutes later Windows 10 said it had to restart AGAIN! Oh god WTF..this is 2017 not 1992.
All the software who use their compression engine...that is not free
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