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How Strong is China's military?


Feb 28, 2019
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Just how strong is the Chinese military?
China is investing in advanced weaponry and equipment, and overhauling its military command structure to modernise its armed forces.


China's advances in weaponry amid an increasingly assertive stance in territorial disputes has focused attention on its armed forces [File: Wang Zhao/EPA]
By Shawn Yuan
Published On 29 Oct 2021

Shanghai, China – Amid repeated air incursions close to Taiwan, and reports that China has tested hypersonic weapons, the world is paying closer attention to the modernisation of China’s armed forces and its pursuit of ever more sophisticated weaponry.
Once hailed by the Communist Party as having defeated past adversaries with only “millet plus rifles”, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has now grown into the world’s largest fighting force, with more than two million active personnel.
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Under President Xi Jinping, China has become more diplomatically assertive and shown an increased willingness to back up its claims over disputed territory with demonstrations of its military prowess. Neighbouring countries, and the United States have been watching closely.
“The increasingly loud voices sounding alarm of a potential China-US conflict in the South China Sea mostly came from the fact that the US is now seeing China on equal footing because of the latter’s growing army,” said Yin Dongyu, a Beijing-based analyst on the Chinese military. “And that’s quite a good indication of China’s growing military strength already.”

In recent months, the navies of the US and its diplomatic allies have sailed regularly through Asia Pacific waters – including the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait – to assert navigational rights in international waters.

In October, the US announced AUKUS — a new security alliance with the UK and Australia — that will lead to Australia acquiring nuclear-powered submarines from the United States.
Washington has also stepped up weapons sales to Taiwan, which is modernising its military and developing so-called asymmetric warfare capabilities to thwart any attack from Beijing, which claims the island as its own.
China’s President Xi Jinping is reforming and modernising the Chinese military and developing its navy [File” Li Gang/Xinhua via EPA]
President Tsai Ing-wen this week confirmed media reports that the US had been providing Taiwan with specialist military training for more than a year.

“No one can say without hesitation whether China and the US would go into real conflict over Taiwan or South China Sea, but with China’s growing army, no one wants to see that happen,” Yin said.
Rapid naval expansion
The PLA’s ground force has traditionally been China’s foundation for asserting power in the region. It took the lead recently with India at the two countries’ Himalayan border, for instance.
Within its ranks, there are more than 915,000 active-duty troops in its ranks, dwarfing the US, which has about 486,000 active soldiers, according to the latest Pentagon China Military Power Report.
The army has also been stocking its arsenal with increasingly high-tech weapons.

In 2019, the DF-41 intercontinental ballistic missile, which experts say could hit any corner of the globe, was unveiled during the National Day military parade. But it was a DF-17 hypersonic missile that caught most people’s attention.

This year, it was reported China had actually tested hypersonic weapons twice – once in July and once in August – with a top US general describing the breakthrough as almost a “Sputnik moment“, referring to the 1957 satellite launch by the Soviet Union that signalled its lead in the space race.
With the South China Sea emerging as a flashpoint, the PLA is also developing its navy.
China claims the sea almost in its entirety amid competing claims by Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is now the largest navy in the world, according to the government’s defence white paper, and its submarines have the capability to launch nuclear-armed missiles. To support the navy, China also has so-called maritime militia, funded by the government and known as “little blue men”, which are active in the South China Sea, while this year Beijing authorised its coastguard to fire on foreign vessels.

“China’s military strength has been significantly boosted by a large number of new weapons being added to the arsenal, especially in its Navy force,” said Yin. “That’s where the country’s army is showing some of its fastest growth.”
China’s military advances have found willing buyers elsewhere in the world, particularly its unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as Chindrones [File: Alex Plavevski/EPA]
The air force has also grown into the largest in the Asia-Pacific region and the third largest in the world, with more than 2,500 aircraft and roughly 2,000 combat aircraft, according to an annual report by the US’s Office of Secretary of Defense published last year.
Most notably, the air force now possesses a fleet of stealth fighter jets, including the J-20, China’s most advanced warplane. It was independently developed and designed to compete with the US-made F-22.

Globally, China is also stepping up weapons’ exports to other developing countries with the goal of developing warmer relationships with friendly nations amid the regional competition.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, China’s weapons exports went mostly to Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Algeria over the past decade.
Over the same time period, China has also been one of the world’s leading exporters of armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, with customers including the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, according to SIPRI.
“You see loads of UAVs being exported to the Gulf because the US Congress banned many countries from purchasing them from the US over human rights concerns, and China is soon filling that gap,” said Yin.

But China’s arsenal of headline-grabbing weapons, and seemingly unstoppable military growth masks an opaque command system, endemic corruption, and questions over the quality of its recruits.

The corruption stems largely from a tradition of nepotism and favouritism, and a general lack of oversight, while recruitment is suffering because despite some incentives, the younger, well-educated Chinese that the military wants are more attracted to the booming private sector.

That has left the PLA reliant on conscription for about a third of its manpower. Every province has an annual conscription quota, with each conscript required to complete two years of military service. This year, after a delay because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the military began holding recruitment and induction twice a year instead of once. It has also begun allowing more “second enlistments.”

And despite accumulating more advanced weapons in recent years, the PLA still has a large amount of older and more outdated equipment, some of it built using technology from the former Soviet Union, which collapsed 30 years ago, according to analysts.
China’s navy, for example, has more ships than the US – with 360 vessels – but the fleet consists mostly of smaller vessels. It has only two large aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and Shandong, with the third aircraft carrier Type 003 still under construction. The US has 11 aircraft carriers, the most of any country.
Additionally, the lack of training to operate and maintain the newly developed weapons has also hindered the army’s ability to reach “jointness”, according to a 2018 report published by the RAND Corporation, a US-based think-tank, referring to an army’s ability to command its various forces simultaneously to achieve its military goals.

“Corruption and an outdated command structure have left a very negative impact on the army,” said Shi Yang, a Beijing-based Chinese military analyst. “The large number of relatively outdated weapons also restricted Chinese army’s combat ability.”
Learning from the US
Potentially more of an issue, however, according to some analysts, is that the PLA simply lacks contemporary combat experience.
“It was 1979 when China last engaged in real world conflict – and that was in Vietnam,” Shi explained. “Without fighting real wars, some might argue that the [PLA] might not be able to live up to its expectations.”

The military units still organise various exercises resembling real combat. Earlier this month, for example, China intensified its military drills near Taiwan, with mass air force incursions into the island’s air defence zone. In the same time period, the army also conducted ground drills in southeastern Fujian province – directly across the sea from Taiwan – amid increasingly loud assertions over its claim that Taiwan is part of its territory.

Some say a lack of real-world combat experience is not necessarily detrimental. Such lack of experience “wouldn’t erode China’s military strength in any significant way”, according to Shi.

“The military power of the Chinese army in modern conflict will mostly depend on technology, which has been steadfastly marching towards the right direction,” Shi said.
President Xi has taken a number of steps aimed at addressing some of the military’s shortcomings.
Borrowing from the US military, he has established a new army structure that gives the Central Military Commission, chaired by the president, more direct leadership over the armed forces.

Under the sweeping reforms, five “theatre commands”, geographically located across the country, were established in 2016. The Army, Navy, and Air Force divisions in each area report directly to the theatre command, ensuring the PLA operation is more effectively integrated.

Tackling corruption has been a cornerstone of Xi’s presidency. In the armed forces, that has led to the purge of hundreds of officials accused of taking bribes and other forms of corruption.
Xi is also channelling more money to the armed forces with an ever larger defence budget. In the 2021 fiscal year, 1.36 trillion yuan (roughly $209.16 billion) was allocated to defence — 6.8 percent more than last year.
China has also been developing its air force capabilities with new stealth fighters and other advanced fighter jets [File: Alex Plavevski/EPA]
It remains a fraction of the US defence budget, however, which amounted to $705.39 billion in 2021.

“Many countries in the region have seen China as a threat, and the US is also in that group, so with the growing Chinese military strength, other countries, with the help from the US both explicitly and secretively, are trying to catch up,” Yin Dongyu said of the escalating arms race in the region. “With China’s more assertive attitude towards its territorial claims, I don’t see this arms race to end anytime soon.”
Source: Al Jazeera

When it comes to America/China/Russia these Military Power and comparisons are stupid, cause if any two of the three nations go to war the whole world will die.
Strong enough to successfully defend China against any country on earth including the USA.
But how strong is strong? Strong enough to send Indians fleeing but that's not difficult to do. Being strong on paper and having a well tested and experienced fighting machine is of another order. It's not the size but the quality that matters and the US has both.
U.S. regime propaganda on odd days: China collapse
U.S. regimepropaganda on even days: China threat

Can anyone point me out where they even remotely try to answer the question in their headline inbetween recycling last decades news framed by American glasses with an American spin and projection of Americas aggressions on China for their American audience?
U.S. regime propaganda on odd days: China collapse
U.S. regimepropaganda on even days: China threat

Can anyone point me out where they even remotely try to answer the question in their headline in between recycling last decades news framed by American glasses with an American spin and projection of Americas aggression on China for their American audience?
That is largely true. This article is the recent Al-Jazeera propaganda which is mostly managed by the US intelligence agencies and their usual Sinophobic lens. The PLA in 2021 is vastly superior force with increasing;y state of the art weaponry, technology and AI capability. A few years ago I had a discussion with a retired Chinese senior officer who participated in the crossing of the Yalu river on the Sino-Korean border, and even then the PLA put the fear of God in the US invaders and the 50 assorted puppets that assisted them. The PLA sent a million men, largely lightly armed, but still turned the tables. The idiot MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons then, but was luckily overruled by Truman and sacked. China was not a nuclear power at that stage. On 16 October 1964, the People's Republic of China conducted its first nuclear test, making it the fifth nuclear-armed state after the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France. China had initiated its nuclear weapons programme in the mid-1950s, after the Korean war.

Almost 70 years later, it is a totally different geo-strategic equation. The US never feared the USSR as it was not an economic power and Soviet military was largely over rated as Hungary, Czechoslovakia and finally Afghanistan exposed. China on the other hand is largely a homogeneous state with 1.4 billion people and in real terms, the world's largest manufacturing economy and can outspend the US in any arms race. That is the reason the Pentagon and the US generals are freaking out. Also China's soft power (economic, political and diplomatic) is on the rise with a very large diaspora. That is the reasons these types of Sinophobic "analysis" of dubious nature are produced. If you look at the latest US Defense Department China military annual review its more hogwash. I directly quote from their "Executive Summary":

China’s National Strategy
> The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) strategy aims to achieve “the great rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation” by 2049. China’s strategy can be characterized as a determined pursuit of political
and social modernity that includes far-ranging efforts to expand China’s national power, perfect
its governance systems, and revise the international order.
> The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) frames this strategy as an effort to realize long-held
nationalist aspirations to “return” China to a position of strength, prosperity, and leadership on
the world stage.
> The CCP’s leadership has long viewed China as embroiled in a major international strategic
competition with other states, including, and in particular, the United States.
> In 2019, China intensified its efforts to advance its overall development including steadying its
economic growth, strengthening its armed forces, and taking a more active role in global affairs.

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PLA's combat power has always been world class 。For the level of training and equipment of the PLA, check out this YouTube channel, which is the official channel of the PLA.

According to joint exercises with various countries, the U.S. military is of moderate to low combat power among Western countries, but they are very well equipped. The combat power of the Russian army is in the upper-middle range, but the level of equipment lags behind that of developed countries.
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More advanced than third world countries inferior to western countries

That was true 10 years ago, but not now. The PLA is now world class in terms of weaponry and training. The only strong Western country is the United States, which has always maintained the world's first level of equipment, other Western countries, such as France, Germany, Britain and these countries, their equipment level is actually a big gap with the United States. Turkey's military power is actually no weaker than these countries, although Turkey's military spending is not as good as theirs.
I watched a lot of training videos of Western and Russian armies on YouTube. Compared with the training videos of the PLA, the training level of Western armies is too low, like ordinary citizens familiar with military equipment; a lot of military equipment of Russian armies is still from the Soviet era, but the equipment level of their elite troops has been keeping up with the world trend, and the training intensity of soldiers is similar to that of the West.

This is the channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense

This is a channel about the U.S. military.

This is a comprehensive military channel, with military videos from various countries, such as Germany, the United States, Russia

Take a look at this video of British and German soldiers training together8-)

Western military equipment is ahead of developing countries, but look at the quality and training of these soldiers, this is the current state of the Western military.

Take another look at this video of a military exercise held by the United States and the military of a certain Southeast Asian country. Look at the quality of the soldiers of these two countries, their mental state, their physical state.

The following is a military exercise in Vietnam, look at the training of the army and the quality of soldiers, mental state

Then look at the military drills of China and Russia
If you have experience, you can see the difference between Chinese soldiers and Russian soldiers.

The PLA's military training, soldier quality, and mental state are top-notch in the world. Ten years ago, or 20 years ago, our country sacrificed its military capability to develop its economy and lacked funds for the procurement and development of military equipment, but after 10 years of upgrading military equipment, the PLA is second only to the United States in terms of equipment level. In another 10 years, the PLA's equipment level will surpass that of the United States. Many people may find it unbelievable and do not believe, we do not need to argue, quietly wait 10 years on it, in fact it is now, the PLA has surpassed the U.S. military in many areas of military equipment, which is determined by the level of technology and innovation of the two countries.
We just play the long game and follow through on the concept of winning the peace. China is humble country that believes no matter how strong u are like ottomans and romans, if u seek out war u will be destroyed sooner or later. China only aims to defend its region and make money through business and staying humble.
Take a look at the actions of the French army in Africa ..

A boxer every day and elementary school students to fight, over time this boxer will become a waste.

Look intently at the march of the French army and they are behaving like a military vacation trip. It was a complete crushing of the rabble by equipment.

Let me make an image comparison: comparing war to an exam, the difficulty is 100, the difficulty of usual training and exercises is 50, and the difficulty of fighting elementary school students is 10. If the Chinese army fights these low-level wars every day like the French army, the combat power of the PLA will also be weakened.

This video shows the tactical cooperation between the French soldiers ,How about this level? 8-)

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But how strong is strong? Strong enough to send Indians fleeing but that's not difficult to do. Being strong on paper and having a well tested and experienced fighting machine is of another order. It's not the size but the quality that matters and the US has both.
Absolutely nonsense. US is overrated military hip by Hollywood and western media. To claim PLA, not having experience is another nonsense. Experience can be trained with quality war exercise! In fact, some war exercise is even tougher than real life situation.

Iraq having 8 years of hard fighting war experience fighting Iran (1980-1988), seems didint help them win the 1991 gulf war against the Coalition forces. The war harden iraqi armed forces crumble in just a month fighting.
Absolutely nonsense. US is overrated military hip by Hollywood and western media. To claim PLA, not having experience is another nonsense. Experience can be trained with quality war exercise! In fact, some war exercise is even tougher than real life situation.

Iraq having 8 years of hard fighting war experience fighting Iran (1980-1988), seems didint help them win the 1991 gulf war against the Coalition forces. The war harden iraqi armed forces crumble in just a month fighting.
Your assessment of US hyperbole and generally western military "prowess" is accurate. The fact of the matter is that the Anglo-Americans could not even defeat the Nazis in WW2 and the Soviets had to it, largely on their own. The French are the worst of the Hollywood militaries and have surrendered or lost every war from Battle of Borodino, Dien Bien Phu (Indo-China) to Algeria where they committed the worst atrocities in history.

Most of the revisionist history is written by Hollywood version by the English speaking professional liars, but the reality as opposite as you have correctly stated, US trained militaries from ARVN to ANA in Afghanistan have been the most incompetent disasters and corrupt to the core.

The Iraqi army supported by the whole Arab world (sans Syria , Libya and Lebanon), along with complete US and NATO support, was the most well armed Arab military of the day and invaded Iran with over 4,000 tanks, 350,000 troops and 500 aircraft but had basically lost the war to Iranian irregulars in the first 4 weeks as they failed to achieve a single strategic objective and were blunted at the natural Iranian defence lines at the Karun Rood (river). Considering that the Shah's army had totally collapsed in 1979 and Iran had no regular military, theoretically the Iraqis should have walked all the way to Tehran, but reality was different. The US and western militaries likewise are all paper tigers, but very good at making Hollywood propaganda soldiers.
Your assessment of US hyperbole and generally western military "prowess" is accurate. The fact of the matter is that the Anglo-Americans could not even defeat the Nazis in WW2 and the Soviets had to it, largely on their own. The French are the worst of the Hollywood militaries and have surrendered or lost every war from Battle of Borodino, Dien Bien Phu (Indo-China) to Algeria where they committed the worst atrocities in history.

Most of the revisionist history is written by Hollywood version by the English speaking professional liars, but the reality as opposite as you have correctly stated, US trained militaries from ARVN to ANA in Afghanistan have been the most incompetent disasters and corrupt to the core.

The Iraqi army supported by the whole Arab world (sans Syria , Libya and Lebanon), along with complete US and NATO support, was the most well armed Arab military of the day and invaded Iran with over 4,000 tanks, 350,000 troops and 500 aircraft but had basically lost the war to Iranian irregulars in the first 4 weeks as they failed to achieve a single strategic objective and were blunted at the natural Iranian defence lines at the Karun Rood (river). Considering that the Shah's army had totally collapsed in 1979 and Iran had no regular military, theoretically the Iraqis should have walked all the way to Tehran, but reality was different. The US and western militaries likewise are all paper tigers, but very good at making Hollywood propaganda soldiers.
But the problem is some idiot really take the hollywood bait and think US armed forces is the best, just becos they got some fleshy gears and the hollywood imagine they project... I really pity these people who cant differential reality vs imagination.

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