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How stable is US government? and how safe are its nuclear stockpiles?

JEW USA want to give mini nuclear bomb for zionist Al Qaeda, and say "oops we've lost it"
They attack everybody except Israel, so they are zionists

Regarding how stable the US government is I think this is a perfect example. We fired the person in charge of nuclear weapons for fraternizing with women and disrespecting his hosts. Basically conduct unbecoming of an officer. No revolution or protests as a result because we are very stable and elected civilians control our military.

Are our nuclear weapons secure? I believe this shows we are very serious about the conduct around our nuclear forces. Also consider we don't hide our mistakes like other countries. We are on full display for the rest of the world to criticize. Do you really think other nuclear nation never have issues?
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Nah The US is not forthcoming about its nuclear mishaps at all. This incident was not disclosed for many years. In fact it was classified./quote]

It was disclosed that the accident happened almost immediately. The new disclosure is about the inadequate safety mechanisms we used then.
You are kidding right? What good is it when all those responsible were either dead or retired?
It's no difference from telling your wife you humped her best friend on your death bed.

Would you call it honest? Forthcoming? I think not.
The accident was reported the same day it happened. Thousands of military and civilians were part of the recovery process.
In fact on April 16th 1958 the US Navy announced publicly that the weapon was recovered.
Just to point out The US has had many accidents involving nuclear weapons. We are relatively forth coming on these events.
The fact that one has never detonated is my point that the safety procedures around the weapons are sound.

The fact that we routinely carry nuclear weapons on planes and ships is another matter. One can easily argue that it is dangerous
but at the same time it is a potent symbol that we (the USA) are prepared to use them.
The accident was reported the same day it happened. Thousands of military and civilians were part of the recovery process.
In fact on April 16th 1958 the US Navy announced publicly that the weapon was recovered.

Did you even bother to read the link I provided. The article disagrees with your account.
It cited a declassified document....do you know what declassified mean? It means the incident was once classified, covered up.... for 9 years!!!
The incident happened in 1961, and not 1958 as you stated.
Don't even both to reply. I am done with you.
I am sorry I mixed it up with the Tybee Island Incident that occurred in 1958. I think your are missing my point that the US is rather open especially compared to other nuclear powers.

I am sorry your are "done with me". You sound a little angry so maybe you do need a timeout. Breath and relax and let's try to be civil. We are not fighting here rather this is a discussion to educate everyone. I actually am willing to listen to your point if you can manage to be civil. Throwing sexual references about a persons wife really shows a lack of maturity.

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