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How Russia prevented a joint US-UK attack on India in 1971

An interview of JFR Jacob who accepted the surrender

You seem to have played a very important role in getting Pakistan to surrender.
Manekshaw called me and said, “Jake, go and get a surrender.” I said, “I sent you a surrender document, three days ago. Do I negotiate on that?” He just told me, “You know what to do.” That’s the only order I got. I was carrying my unconfirmed draft of the instrument of surrender to the meeting with Lieutenant General Niazi, [who headed the Eastern Command of the Pakistan Army]. At the meeting, Niazi said he had only come to discuss a ceasefire and not surrender...I took him to the side and told him that if they would surrender I could guarantee the safety of their families. I gave him 30 minutes and said if we didn’t reach an agreement by then, there would be resumption of hostilities and bombing. Then I thought to myself, “What have I done?” Suppose he says no, what do I do? I had nothing in my hand. Niazi had 26,400 troops. We had about 3,000, that’s all.

Read more: Forbes India Magazine - Lt. General J.F.R. Jacob: I Had To Ignore Orders
Give a neutral sorce not your indian bullshit media ok
utter bullshit
US stopped spares supply to Pakistan, only because they wanted to attack India :laughing my *** off:

It was prevented by Russians who couldnt prevent US from doing anything in the past...Vietnam, Cambodia, Koreas.
Russia didn't do anything special for India...my friend's grandfather was in airforce and fighting for india on that time....he told us that Indira gandhi called russian president and asked for help!
But russia said to her that we will give you the same answer what we received from Jawahar Lal Nehru during cold war which is "NO"
Then Indira said alright.dont help us and uk will defeat india and will capture our country after that they will start war against you from india then we will see what you will do.
Her that sentence changed russia's decision and then russia agreed to help India.!

So that doesn't mean that russia considers india as brother or vice versa
Russia saved india from US/UK just to save itself.

Bullcr@p! Cold war? Cold war was still going in 1970s in fact it'd reach it's zenith in 1970s. Till 1970 it was all just sh!ts and giggles and the harmless space race.

How Russia prevented a joint US-UK attack on India in 1971

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

By : Russia India Report

Exactly 40 years ago, India won a famous victory over Pakistan due to its brilliant soldiers, an unwavering political leadership, and strong diplomatic support from Moscow. Less well known is Russia’s power play that prevented a joint British-American attack on India.

  • As Nixon’s conversations with the wily Kissinger show, the forces arrayed against India were formidable. The Pakistani military was being bolstered by aircraft from Jordan, Iran, Turkey and France. Moral and military support was amply provided by the US, China and the UK.

    The British and the Americans had planned a coordinated pincer to intimidate India: while the British ships in the Arabian Sea would target India’s western coast, the Americans would make a dash into the Bay of Bengal in the east where 100,000 Pakistani troops were caught between the advancing Indian troops and the sea.

    In an interview to a Russian TV programme after his retirement, Admiral Kruglyakov, who commanded the Pacific Fleet from 1970 to 1975, recalled that Moscow ordered the Russian ships to prevent the Americans and British from getting closer to “Indian military objects”. The genial Kruglyakov added: “The Chief Commander’s order was that our submarines should surface when the Americans appear. It was done to demonstrate to them that we had nuclear submarines in the Indian Ocean. So when our subs surfaced, they recognised us. In the way of the American Navy stood the Soviet cruisers, destroyers and atomic submarines equipped with anti-ship missiles. We encircled them and trained our missiles at the Enterprise. We blocked them and did not allow them to close in on Karachi, Chittagong or Dhaka."

    At this point, the Russians intercepted a communication from the commander of the British carrier battle group, Admiral Dimon Gordon, to the Seventh Fleet commander: “Sir, we are too late. There are the Russian atomic submarines here, and a big collection of battleships.” The British ships fled towards Madagascar while the larger US task force stopped before entering the Bay of Bengal.

united states - Did the US and Soviet navies really come close to blows in the Indian Ocean in 1971? - History Stack Exchange

According to a study by the Center for Naval Analysis, the events the Soviet Admiral described did not happen during the war. Because of the long-distances, the American task force did not arrive on station in the Indian Ocean until after foreign nationals had left and just one day before the Pakistanis surrendered. Adm. Kruglyakov's task group, however, arrived three days after Enterprise and was not in position to block the task force from entering the Bay of Bengal if it wanted to. The British fleet, by that point, had already left the scene. Some of the Soviet warships did seek out the Enterprise, according to the CNA study. Otherwise, all American sources I've read say nothing really about any Soviet naval threat.
nonsense !!

more likely ussr wanted to prevent chinese getting involved in south asia, otherwise why would ussr want to save a largely capitalist and western-bloc-oriented india... in fact, after a big war, it is possible that indian socialists would have taken power.

reality of indian establishment was this ( rajiv gandhi saw pakistan as buffer against ussr ).
Give a neutral sorce not your indian bullshit media ok

united states - Did the US and Soviet navies really come close to blows in the Indian Ocean in 1971? - History Stack Exchange

According to a study by the Center for Naval Analysis, the events the Soviet Admiral described did not happen during the war. Because of the long-distances, the American task force did not arrive on station in the Indian Ocean until after foreign nationals had left and just one day before the Pakistanis surrendered. Adm. Kruglyakov's task group, however, arrived three days after Enterprise and was not in position to block the task force from entering the Bay of Bengal if it wanted to. The British fleet, by that point, had already left the scene. Some of the Soviet warships did seek out the Enterprise, according to the CNA study. Otherwise, all American sources I've read say nothing really about any Soviet naval threat.
And this conversation did the indians had bugged the phone lines of Nixon and Kissenger

these conversations were in the tapes declassified and released by the USA. ALL conversations in the oval office are REQUIRED to be recorded but are automatically locked-in as classified for a certain number of years (and certain events such as life of principals involved) after which they are REQUIRED to declassified and released.

Neither side has forgotten that.
Irrespective of PDF veterans and experts think, Indo-Russian co-op is stronger than ever, they have a current book order in India that is valued at more than Pakistan's entire defence budget for the decade.
With additional developments like, frigates, additional awacs, SU30 upg's, Irbis aesa, 5th gen Saturn engine, Diesel Subs, next gen LR AAM, in the pipeline.
Russia is going no where, although our friends going bonkers over 4 helicopters.

of course India must remain in good relations with Russia though the latter is nowhere near the soviet era power. In spite of superior knowledge, resources and comparable global stature, USSR managed to dismantle itself based in disastrous economic and political strategy.

It's always been a miraculous wonder for me that India, given its inconsistent and inefficient nature I most aspects of government, has always somehow managed to maintain working relationship with most power centers of the world, to have now arrived at a point where we can count on USA, Russsia, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, UK, BD, Iran, Vietnam....even Sri Lanka & UAE as friends. I am fairly certain that before its term is out, Modi's team will also manage to make Indo-China relations a lot better.
you are either bliend or idot, the title of this thread " How Russia prevented a joint US-UK attack on India in 1971 ".
you highlited my first line but don,t see the thankfull 2nd line..................? o_O
where i say ............? we are not thankfull to india? :cuckoo:
i don,t know what others prospective but me personally thankfull to india................:cheers:
but after independence do you ever try to understand why most of bangladeshi, including me don,t like you gyes.............? :big_boss:

where you found religious spectacles...........?:angry:
you are talking about respect ? first you need to know how to respect others...................?:angry:

Pls don't get emotional by thanking Russia. Indeed they involved in Bangladesh liberation but not for you, USSR's effort is for Indo-USSR security treaty.

Frankly saying none of the superpowers gave rat sh!t to the people of Bangladesh's suffering at that time. Only nation gave a attention to your sufferings with Pakistan Army's hand is one and only India. Others were just playing their political cards....
united states - Did the US and Soviet navies really come close to blows in the Indian Ocean in 1971? - History Stack Exchange

According to a study by the Center for Naval Analysis, the events the Soviet Admiral described did not happen during the war. Because of the long-distances, the American task force did not arrive on station in the Indian Ocean until after foreign nationals had left and just one day before the Pakistanis surrendered. Adm. Kruglyakov's task group, however, arrived three days after Enterprise and was not in position to block the task force from entering the Bay of Bengal if it wanted to. The British fleet, by that point, had already left the scene. Some of the Soviet warships did seek out the Enterprise, according to the CNA study. Otherwise, all American sources I've read say nothing really about any Soviet naval threat.
Where does the article states that at time of surrender indian troops numbered 3000? Pathetic again
India should never forget what all USSR did for India, an old and reliable friend is better than two new ones

United states military was already deployed in Vietnam and were fighting the combine militaries of USSR and China from 1965 and by 1964 Chinese did the Nuclear test. United States navy was deployed in Indian Ocean before the 1971 war.

United states armed Pakistan so that Pakistan doesnt move into the Chinese block but in 1965 war , United States did imposed arms embargo on Pakistan . The aftermath of the 1965 war saw a dramatic shift in Pakistan's security environment. Instead of a single alignment with the United States against China and the Soviet Union, Pakistan found itself cut off from United States military support, on increasingly warm terms with China, and treated equitably by the Soviet Union.

Chinese and USSR that time were more bigger threat to India then Pakistan as both were Nuclear weapons states.
Pls don't get emotional by thanking Russia. Indeed they involved in Bangladesh liberation but not for you, USSR's effort is for Indo-USSR security treaty.

Frankly saying none of the superpowers gave rat sh!t to the people of Bangladesh's suffering at that time. Only nation gave a attention to your sufferings with Pakistan Army's hand is one and only India. Others were just playing their political cards....
what your point......?
you want thankful only for india, but you don,t want to thankful for russia..........? what kind of logic is that? :crazy:
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