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How Russia got caught by his own hands about Su-24 ?

You messed with Russia and your Turkmen got a response. That's it.

Russia acts like a victim while it provokes, Russian army though they were untouchable though they knew Turkey will react, but not how and then Turkey went like Mirko Cro Cop giving a knock out and Russian leadership and Army is like Holy $#&%, they didn't expect a knock out from Turkey's side of the ring.

It's a foolish arguement! Radar tracking is just monitering the spots moves on a small screen. There were Su24s and F-16s in the air all the time. If the F-16s were far from Su24s and on the Turkish side, why should Russians worry about and inform their pilots on the Syrian side?

Russian army should worry about their equipment and soldiers like a professional army, they should have warned their pilot that they are approaching turkish border and they didn't and the plane got shot down by a F-16 with a rocket that has a range of 60 kilometers.

The fact is that the rescued pilot did not hear anything about 10 warnings from Turkish F-16s. They might have passed Turkish territory for 17 seconds as Turkish claims but the Su24 was hit in the territory of Syria by the Turkish F-16 inside or outside the Syrian air space. It's obvious to be a deliberate act. Given the quick release of well taken videos, radar maps and etc, it looks like an ambush!!!

You're jumping at conclussion and your logic is flawed as you don't consider the following possibilities...

First, Turkey released quickly radar maps and audio to public because rest of the world would be very interested and to try sabotage any Russian propaganda which will falsely accusse Turkey for their action of defending their airspace...

Second, your obvious is stupid, what is obvious is that Turkish F-16 launched the rocket when SU-24 was in Turkish airspace and the rocket just followed and rockets don't have kill switch for security reasons against possible sabotage.

Up to date fighters have fire and forget missiles... You should know that...

Turkey gets flak because of ignorant people like you which Russia takes advantage of, information is power and information can be manipulated.
I will tell just Su-24 case. Not the ISIS lost positions since Russia attacks. (%0.4, oops i said)
I understand right now, why Russia doing that fancy Caspian shows. To cheat the peoples of course.
And that truck pics from Afghanistan. I must admit they knows how to play this game. (Of course they are bombing the ISIS, but they didn't focus to that because of future aims on Syria)
But you can't cheat the peoples who run the worlds neither on Su-24 or on Turkmen's.
So i am gonna tell the truths for the dumbs.

Let's start.
Russia MoD said 2 F-16 tracked Russian plane for 105 mins. And they said we tracked F-16's for 75 mins.
And they claim this is a ambush ??? Yeah, you heard it right.



So what we got ?
Russia tracked F-16' s as Turkey tracked Su-24' s. Survival pilot said ''we heard nothing, we knew nothing, missile came suddenly''. Which means lies of survival pilots proof nothing for the 1516551 times. So if Russia tracked the Turkish planes must be said something to the their pilots right ?

They said we wathced F-16's over 75 mins but we said nothing to the pilots.
They said plane heard nothing from Turkish side. They said we heard nothing from Turkish side, and we said nothing to the our pilots.

And they claim patrolling is a ambush for Russia. They know Turkey patrolling all borders for 7/24 which another bullshit lie.
Maybe they have no idea what is the patrolling or they thinks world stupid enough to believe this words.

I want to write longer but no need the say their disgusting lies.
If Russia is right then they must do something in international laws. But they did nothing except propaganda and bullshit lies.
NATO announced, proofs of Turkey correct with proof of allies. Even Netherland officials and ME Airlines pilots said we heard warnings on the ''guard'' frequency.

Russia you got caught badly in diplomatic ways. So shut your mouths if you don't gonna say nothing but lies. Turkey absolutely right in this case.

And we must don't forget Russia violated air space two times 45 days ago.
They said it's navigation error and won't be happen again.
Turkey protested hard and said it he will shot down if happens again.
Don't know whats going on there..turkey attacking russian jets... CIA and MOSSAD supporting ISIS... ISIS is killing muslims.. Saudi and Turkey investing on rebels...ASSAD govt is supported by Iran and Russia..Kurds is fighting with ISIS...Turkey is fighting with Kurds...Why not all parties sit on table and pressurised ASSAD govt and rebels to find diplomatic solution and a democratic government should be formed...that the only way to bring peace..
One thing I know very well that ISRAEL is only gaining with all this conflicts as they are now destroying masjid-e-aqsa and later will be in stage of creating greater Israel...May Allah gudie us...
The Russians are not technically at fault when one looks at the airspace in the Area of operations. They would have no need to warn the Turks because they were convinced that there would be no retaliation for it. The reason being that unlike both Putin and Erdogan, the leaders of the other nations fighting in the region are not strongmen nor egoistic to go ahead and try to seek a confrontation needlessly.

The Turks have their rebels being pounded as well since Assad is focused on them rather than ISIS as he knows the rest of the world is still giving ISIS a hard time. Turkey allowed ISIS to grow because it wanted Assad out, and it has many other proxies fighting in there.. the proxies have been taking a massive pounding within the past month from Russian and Syrian sorties.
The map of the area of operations then shows how easy it is to end up having technical airspace violations that last a minute at maximum and would be simply unknown to the pilot. These violations have been happening for quite a while now and the Turks would regard them the same way they were until Erdogan decides that the Turkmen are in deep trouble and need help. The Radar track shows that a CAP was setup precisely to catch the Russians in that track of airspace where they wont know they are making that error.. and boom.
The Russians are not technically at fault when one looks at the airspace in the Area of operations. They would have no need to warn the Turks because they were convinced that there would be no retaliation for it. The reason being that unlike both Putin and Erdogan, the leaders of the other nations fighting in the region are not strongmen nor egoistic to go ahead and try to seek a confrontation needlessly.

The Turks have their rebels being pounded as well since Assad is focused on them rather than ISIS as he knows the rest of the world is still giving ISIS a hard time. Turkey allowed ISIS to grow because it wanted Assad out, and it has many other proxies fighting in there.. the proxies have been taking a massive pounding within the past month from Russian and Syrian sorties.
The map of the area of operations then shows how easy it is to end up having technical airspace violations that last a minute at maximum and would be simply unknown to the pilot. These violations have been happening for quite a while now and the Turks would regard them the same way they were until Erdogan decides that the Turkmen are in deep trouble and need help. The Radar track shows that a CAP was setup precisely to catch the Russians in that track of airspace where they wont know they are making that error.. and boom.

...and your theory is flawed...

Russians knew... Russians didn't do anything to notify their pilots.

You can continue to claim what you want to claim, but your claim is opposite of the truth.
...and your theory is flawed...

Russians knew... Russians didn't do anything to notify their pilots.

You can continue to claim what you want to claim, but your claim is opposite of the truth.
The truth which you claim to be the truth. Hence you too have a claim and it could be opposite of the truth that I claim.
Balloon is burst. Russia cheated the world and was caught red handed. Their fighters are no match with western counterpart.
How many times Russia tell lie.
Same as their media. Big mouth but no practical nor any sense to counter their claim. All B.S.
...and now you proceed to lie rather than face the truth as you ignore what Russian ministry of defense has said.

You're pathetic.
What lie is it that is based upon an extrapolation of the statement of a Russian official? Clearly your frustration with being unable to prove your theory seems to be coming out. Maybe you need to learn more about military and geopolitics before coming here and getting frustrated as that is not good for your heart.

Because the Russian official has given no further explanation beyond that they never warned their aircraft. Probably because they never saw it as a threat.
Clearly your frustration with being unable to prove your theory seems to be coming out.

Again... You proceed to lie again...

Maybe you need to learn more about military and geopolitics before coming here and getting frustrated as that is not good for your heart.

Thanks for your assumptions based on your desire...

Because the Russian official has given no further explanation beyond that they never warned their aircraft. Probably because they never saw it as a threat.

What is it then, are you in denial or do you accept? If its denial then you will claim it is a theory, if you're going to accept the reality then you won't act like a mentally unstable individual that says both yes and no at the same time and be a patient.

I am "frustrated" because you hope so that I am. Don't confuse a calm person for a frustrated one.
@Oscar Sir, don't Pakistan and India maintain a 20km buffer from the international border, to prevent inadvertent crossing into hostile airspace?
@Oscar Sir, don't Pakistan and India maintain a 20km buffer from the international border, to prevent inadvertent crossing into hostile airspace?
We do janab and there are hundreds of technical violations that take place. There are noted on both sides and sometimes told about at meetings. But at no point do we fire or otherwise.

The Indians did fire during the Atlantique incident as even that was a technical violation of the buffer zone.

I would suggest writing outside of a post otherwise it does not go into any noticiations.
Secondly, I have absolutely lost what you are even trying to say. You came up with the wild theory about Russia letting its crew get shot down. A theory which I shot down and you have ZERO technical proof to deny it but were eager to use personal attacks to try and act all tough. Sadly for you, I am the last person on which such desperate tactics work and have turned those around on you. Clearly, you seem delusional to think that you have at any point any solid base in this argument.
What lie is it that is based upon an extrapolation of the statement of a Russian official? Clearly your frustration with being unable to prove your theory seems to be coming out. Maybe you need to learn more about military and geopolitics before coming here and getting frustrated as that is not good for your heart.

Because the Russian official has given no further explanation beyond that they never warned their aircraft. Probably because they never saw it as a threat.
Believe in Russians all you want but whole world has seen the warning record and radar tracks released by Turkish army while Russia hasnt provided any evidences for their claims except paint drawing maps.
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