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How racist are you ?

Funny how you mention racism between Pakistanis and Indians? Are the 2 not both Asian nations. Race refers more to continent rather than a specific nation. E.g. Alright, don't get offended, this is only an example. If I were to say "negro," I'd be racist to all the people with dark colored skin, rather than, say, Nigeria alone. Hence, it's vital how we define "racist."
Funny how you mention racism between Pakistanis and Indians? Are the 2 not both Asian nations. Race refers more to continent rather than a specific nation. E.g. Alright, don't get offended, this is only an example. If I were to say "negro," I'd be racist to all the people with dark colored skin, rather than, say, Nigeria alone. Hence, it's vital how we define "racist."

Well you could hate jew/muslims/hindus etc and still be racist. Racist doesn't mean it's all about race, it country religion country etc. In short if i were saying i hate punjabi and im Pakistani. Still it makes me racist, or i could say i hate muslims which also makes me racist i hope you know what im talking about. This post was just a helping hand and i respect you, no hard feelings by any mean, By the way i love chinies people!!!! :smitten::china::pakistan:
Last night there was a brilliant programme on Channel 4 Uk called - How racist is Britian , This programme is equally relevant to Indians and pakistani's as well - Are we racist based on Language / Colour / Region

Food for Thought

The Event: How Racist Are You? - 29/10/2009 | Channel 4 4OD | Test Tube Telly

Indian or Pakistani should not be a race itself it should be a "Nationality", Race should be classified simply as "Human Race" but if you want to get specific then our race is Asian not Indian Sub Continent or Pakistani. Same as People from Nigeria are Africans and White People are Caucasians.

Personally i am not a big fan of all this race nonsense, the cradle of civilization according to science and many religions including Islam was Africa, yet i hear that the African people are often treated with extreme prejudice in some areas, even today.

If you look at it scientifically under the "Theory" of evolution, When the Neanderthal's were still roaming most of Europe, the Homo sapiens made their way from Africa into Europe and Asia to give the world modern man.

In fact if we look back at Homo Erectus, he does look awfully African does he not? So does this not mean technically we are all from one Genome pool (albeit a rather watered down one)?

And if our Muslim brothers want to go down the religious path, then are we not all directly from the tree of Adam? So how can we be different?

The true question is, is race about belief's, social systems, cultures... Or is it about colour, and our perception and our own inherent prejudices?

Just my two cents
Personally i am not a big fan of all this race nonsense, the cradle of civilization according to science and many religions including Islam was Africa

I think you meant place of origin of man. Cradle of civilization generally refers to ancient civilizations of fertile crescent (present day Iraq).
I think you meant place of origin of man. Cradle of civilization generally refers to ancient civilizations of fertile crescent (present day Iraq).

No, i no what i meant. I meant Cradle of Civilization:

World History Blog: Africa: The Cradle of Civilization

Many countries including China, Japan, Mid-East all claim the title of "Cradle of Civilization" but my reading and opinion is that indeed Africa hold the right as a continent "Cradle of Civilization"... Why Well for starters it pays host to Egypt truly a great civilization in its own right, it pays host to Homo Erectus the standing man and indeed it pays host to the Homo Sapien (Modern Man).

That is enough to give it the title of "Cradle of Civilization"

Your opinion may differ with me on this one, but that being said there is plenty of documentary evidence to support the above. If we look at Iraq we are examining it from the form of "Islamic" thought. i would like to neutral and examine it from a more broader perspective, sure Iraq does pay host to many great things including the "Isthar" gates but lets come back to the original topic... (Race is about continents and not nationality).

So judging Africa as a Continent it has in my humble opinion the greatest historical diversity compared to several others. Perhaps this is a bit negative for me as i am fascinated with Asian history including that of Qin Dynasty 220 BC and Gandahara Civilization. But alas, it is a fact one cannot ignore. :)
Ages ago a survey was conducted , which developed a list of the most racist nations in the world:

israel , on the top
This documentary was to show racism at all levels. Eg. in this video blue eyed people show racisim whichout even realising it that it is racism.

Racism does not specifically mean between different coloured people like white / black / brown / Yellow - but a broader word for discrimination but on whatever factors - Like Nationality / Religion / Language.

All of us racist to a certain extent even without realsing it is kind of racism.
I agree with SecularHumanist. Can't comment about pakistan, but we Indians are as racist as they come. Color is a huge deal for us ..... call it post-colonial hangover if you will, but I believe it goes way way before that period of recent history. Its probably not as overt as say Australia for example where it translates to overt violence and hate crimes, but living in Pune (which has probably India's largest student population, as well as largest foreign student population) one can't help but notice the difference in attitude of us locals towards the Africans versus the Iranis (loosely generic to include ALL middle eastern students ..... Jordanians, Palestinians, Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, etc. ..... and yes, Balochis too :)) - the two largest groups, and you get the vibe pretty clearly. Then we crib and moan when others do it to us, forgetting how we guys treat our own in places like Goa and Koregaon Park in Pune. If you cant respect yourselves first, don't expect others to do it for you. And I do not agree that racism refers to religious differences as well. Racism is plain and simple anthropology ...... slit eyes, flat nose, fat lips, big *****, brown, black, yellow, white, straight vs curly hair, brunette vs blonde, brown eyes versus blue/green eyes, that sort of thing. Its got nothing to do with nationality or religion. And no, I'm not pontificating and acting holier than thou here. There is a lot to be said about racial identity. And all men/races are not born equal. Its all part of the huge and diverse human genome and the process of evolution. I'm big into Darwinism and I believe that nature and evolution takes care of the mistakes it makes along the way. That is up until we humans botch things up in our infinite amateurish wisdom and try to play God. But thats grist for the mill for a new thread :).

Cheers, Doc
The most Racist Nation yet Proud of it.

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Well you could hate jew/muslims/hindus etc and still be racist. Racist doesn't mean it's all about race, it country religion country etc. In short if i were saying i hate punjabi and im Pakistani. Still it makes me racist, or i could say i hate muslims which also makes me racist i hope you know what im talking about. This post was just a helping hand and i respect you, no hard feelings by any mean, By the way i love chinies people!!!! :smitten::china::pakistan:

Hahaha, hard feelings? That was enlightening, thanks man.
Racism is a natural human instinct.
A dog never like other dog to trespass its territory, so the dog barks and bite. Humans are not an exception. Anyone who say that i am not a racist is lair and coward.

Only one thing which control this instinct is the power. This power expressed to curb such reactionary racism can be via individual(physical), law, enforcement and social methods (humiliation etc).

Civilizations are disciplined through exposure of force. Some times these forces as explained above can be directly imposed on individuals or by educating masses through various channels.

Its like give respect and take respect.

When such forces fail to deliver ideal message/justice and become partial to one party the conflicts emerge. This when we call it discriminatory or racism.
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