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Sep 14, 2012
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At the turn of the 19th century the US by a variety of means left their comfortable domestic tranquility and entered the imperial path which took them to the Philippines. They found themselves bogged down fighting the Moros who had a long standing culture of violence and wanted to keep their freedom.
naga 7.jpg

"The origin of the word “amok” is actually Malay. The term entered the English language as an idiom when English traders encountered the strange practice of “running amok” among the Muslim peoples of Malaysia, Indonesia, and the southern Philippine Islands.'"...

...Some scholars consider the origin of this strange and deadly practice to lie in the Islamic prohibition against suicide. When “dishonored” a Muslim man could regain his honor (manhood!) by going amok, and dying with sword in hand; forcing others to kill him and thus accomplish his suicide.....

...he juramentado would prepare for his mission by having his TESTICLES TIED OFF WITH COPPER WIRE! In a state of intense agony, the juramentado would spend the night working himself into a killing frenzy. By the next day, the juramentado would be in such agony; in such an altered state of consciousness, that his mind would no longer register additional external pain. The juramentado would be led to where his target was expected (usually in public places). Just before being unleashed against the victim, his arms and legs were tied with occluding ligatures; reducing blood loss from expected wounds to these extremities.

Moro edged weapons


These are very specific beheading blades

Anyway,imo,they resemble your Naga people.


Is it just me? The Moro homeland in the S Phils,is a world away from Nagaland but their weapons seem similar.

Anyway US forces quickly realised their .38 revolvers and double barrel shotguns were useless against paradise seeking Moros. John Browning came to the rescue.

This was as if Henry Ford invented the SUV! It ticked so many boxes-reliability,simplicity,stopping power and multiple rounds it influenced semi auto pistols to this day! Observe the Browning,CESKA,Beretta even the Glock. The dna of the original 1911 still shows.

" At a signal, the bolo men would rush the soldiers lying prone on the trail, willingly losing a large number to rifle fire in order to overwhelm the Americans by their sheer numbers and the ferocity of the charge. Commissioned officers and sergeants, armed only with the Colt .38 revolver, were a favored target.'
http://www.morolandhistory.com/related articles/legend of .45.htm

The .38s were replaced by .45 revolvers as the 1911 came at the close of the war for which it was intended.

"in hand-to-hand combat our soldiers are no match for the Moro. If our first shot misses the target, we rarely have time to get off another." In a matter of minutes, Company F of the 27th Infantry lost both its officers and nearly half its men to the flashing blades. They were only saved from extermination when nightfall and an obscuring fog accompanied by a drenching downpour shielded them from sight while they crawled away from the battlefield through the mud.


The Winchester 97 was the first pump action. It broke the mass Moro rushes of US positions and within a decade the entire Phils' were in Washingtons hands;where they still remain but that's another story.


"It is [also] recommended that each company serving in this department be furnished with four 12-gauge Winchester, repeating shotguns. For outpost duty and advance guard [walking point]É there is no weapon in our possession equal to the shotgun loaded with buckshot."

Anyway next time you duck shoot or chose a .45 for sport or defense remember who indirectly influenced their development.
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