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How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

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so it means dusre ka moo dekh ker apna moo be laal zror karo nice keep it up

I was just answering the query.

If you want me to answer How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI - then the answer is simple.

Pray to allah and hope he answers the parayer. Thats how PAF can counter the Flanker. Savvy?
I was just answering the query.

If you want me to answer How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI - then the answer is simple.

Pray to allah and hope he answers the parayer. Thats how PAF can counter the Flanker. Savvy?

or instead just nuke it :D whole of india :D no wait no nothing
again :rolleyes:

I mean that U.S dint know about our nukes and CIA failed to detect the location even by satellites but in your case they knew even that you sent a team on c-130 hercules to china and china is helping you and provided uranium.

but never stopped you guys due to rivalry with india :) and need in soviet war .

well its different topic, n i just say that dont think india keep every thing in open and even few people say that our PM even dont know where our nukes are stationed,he just controls the nuclear command and rest is under that command

I never said india keeps everything open...i just want you people to realize that pakistan also hide things.
anyways does your AF pilots know that? so you are saying JF-17 got better radar than MKI? so what it can do even it detected MKI before? it still needs come close to MKI to get lock on.. and fire the missile..

JFT's radar range is >105km for 5m2, while MKI's range is around 120km for 3m2 fighter. MKI got better range but you have to consiider other factors as well, JFT's RCS is under 1m2, and it cannot be loaded with too much of weapons, so its RCS would not increase much when loaded, while the MKI's is giant in size, and fully loaded MKI will have much higher RCS, that way F16 and JF17 will detect mki earlier.

F15 had similar RCS, Yet no one caught that rhino. Son , the RCS doen't play any role in 4th Gen fighters. I suggest u to learn some thing about detection and tracking range of fighters. Even one detect any plane on its radar, it's not sure that it can track that plane for long.

No matter how less you keep the RCS, for 4th gen fighter it won't be lesser than 5m2 , in loaded configuration. And mind that this is just frontal RCS, assuming that the fighters are approaching each other at same altitude.

Even F16 detect Su27 family at 200Km, so what?? Can it successfully track it?? Does F16 has 200Km range AAMs??? As I know 100 KMs is max AAMs range (some say 129-130, in approaching mode, 50-60 in chasing mode). To lock Su27 or F15 one need to come within locking range (80-100 KMs). In 80-100 Kms (BVR scenario), only thing matter is Counter measures, evasive manuver , ECM suit etc...

Here Big Fighters have advantage, Due to huge size they have enough space.

In BVR scenario, if both fighters belong to same generation, same class, 1 or 2 BVR missile can not guarantee the Kill..

Well, JFT's rcs is not gonna increase that much when loaded as JFT is a light weight fighter and doesn't carry large amount of ammunitions as MKI do. I posted that comment because some people think that MKI got radar range as comparable to awacs.

You got to admit that F16/JF17/SU30 all these three fighter will detect each other at almost same distance and any of these three can not fire bvr without getting into the range of other bird's bvr. Do you agree?

And FYI, we are good at producing ECM, and we get these things from other countries as well.
Some people here mention MKI's jammers in a way as if MKI is the only bird in the world who can carry ECM/jammers.

He has just entered puberty. Nuke India and get nuked. He don't understand the simple logics of life.

We would not had 8lac of armed forces if we had to nuke you :welcome:
I was just answering the query.

If you want me to answer How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI - then the answer is simple.

Pray to allah and hope he answers the parayer. Thats how PAF can counter the Flanker. Savvy?

I am sure even the US soldiers pray to their Gods when they go out for battle against freedom fighters armed just with AK-47's! As for Flanker and how PAF should counter it, well the question has been answered in details that were not required for people with ordinary IQ's. However, as you guys are 'extraordinary' in IQ, the answer has to be repeated again and again.

My suggestion would be that you put up a few coconuts under the wheels of your Flankers and pray that atleast the pilots eject safely when these flankers face PAF! I am sure we will return the pilots safe and sound, as always.
i dont think upto rose 3 mairages r BVR capable bt i didnot have info about rose 4 bt this rose 4 program was cancelled bt PAC....
i didnot even heard of using BVR capability from mairage platform...
and u also heard that Pakistan got BVR capability with induction of JFT....
means mairages werenot BVR capable....
well let him beleive what ever he wanna beleive..
okaaa sir
LCA a dream
a jet not yet induced
is the best aircraft...
now happy sir??
well i feel very itchy discussing aabout things which didnot even happened. phewwww...:(

Ignorance is no excuse my friend. Internet & Google are your good friends, look up the details on ROSE upgrades that were performed and the fire control radars that were incorporated. They are BVR capable. Perhaps, we did not have BVR capable missiles before AIM-120C were procured and later SD-10. Maybe we had the capability much earlier, something from China maybe, as there was no point in acquisition BVR capable fire control radars for Mirages without procurement of BVR Missiles.
It is because it is costly... u know the outcome of swiss's deal ?

we have the choice after proper evalualtion unlike pakistan..

even china is continuing to have russian origin jets rather than going for jointly developed "thunder"

:lol: enough said..

Since you know so much regarding the honest and quality oriented deals going on in New Delhi, let me open the Pandora box for you. The deal for Rafale was signed AFTER the French refused to take orders of equipment of JF-17 Block II which included weapons, electronic equipment and the radar. And this must have happened after the French Presidents tour of Sonia Gandhi's bedroom. :D

Anyways before the declaration of Rafale as a winner, all you Indians were doing was just worshipping the Eurofighter and the Mig-35.

Enough said? :D
Since you know so much regarding the honest and quality oriented deals going on in New Delhi, let me open the Pandora box for you. The deal for Rafale was signed AFTER the French refused to take orders of equipment of JF-17 Block II which included weapons, electronic equipment and the radar. And this must have happened after the French Presidents tour of Sonia Gandhi's bedroom. :D

Anyways before the declaration of Rafale as a winner, all you Indians were doing was just worshipping the Eurofighter and the Mig-35.

Enough said? :D

its the marketing actually. Dassault never promoted rafale like others do and india have surely put dassault at top.

So you are using AIM120C with Mirages? Care to tell me when did you order them? No such order was placed for AIM120 missiles.

Please provide a source of your claim that '0' Russian BVR's have engaged a target successfully in combat after over a dozen engagements.

Why on Earth did you decide to jump into a MILITARY FORUM?

Ever heard about Matra 530 AAM? PAF used it and threw it away in the 80s after the Mirages were designated the Strike roles following the introduction of F-16s as the primary Air defense fighter.

As for Russian BVR engagement, Yet again donot INSULT the AMRAAM by comparing it with R-73 and R-77.

Yes, I am saying that Su30 MKI can take on F15, and beat it, whether you accept it or not doesn't affect me in any way.

Guess what? No body cares about your beliefs here too!
:lol: UAE is not buying rafale because of price not because of it's performance.

Refer to the following treat my friend :D

Since you know so much regarding the honest and quality oriented deals going on in New Delhi, let me open the Pandora box for you. The deal for Rafale was signed AFTER the French refused to take orders of equipment of JF-17 Block II which included weapons, electronic equipment and the radar. And this must have happened after the French Presidents tour of Sonia Gandhi's bedroom.

Anyways before the declaration of Rafale as a winner, all you Indians were doing was just worshipping the Eurofighter and the Mig-35.

Enough said?

Hope you enjoyed the performance of Rafale over the Eurofighter :D

china still continuing with mig -21 and other planes... why they don't go for a better and cheap substitute.. ??

Because China already has more then 10 types in service. The role of Mig-21 in PLAAF is air superiority and it is now being replaced by J-10. Not so surprising or is it?

its the marketing actually. Dassault never promoted rafale like others do and india have surely put dassault at top.

Hence it is safe to say the election of Rafale 'may' not be entirely on 'performance' grounds as opposed by many here. Quite understandable actually.
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