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How Muslims Helped Cause the American Revolution

hahaha so it was the humble coffee aka Muslim drink that led to the European enlightenment ? Is it any coincidence that the Europeans went on a colonialism overdrive immediately after that enlightenment.

In the Battle of Yarmouk, Khalid ibn Waleed took 40,000 men and defeated the Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius, who had 400,000 soldiers!

When Heraclius interrogated his men, asking how a huge army could lose to just a few men, one of his captains stood up and said:

"They are a people who stand in prayer all night, fast during the day, keep to their covenants, command what is good and forbid what is wrong and they are just amongst themselves. Whereas we drink alcohol, commit illicit sexual behavior, we commit every sin, we break our covenants, we oppress and commit wrong-doings and we call to that which angers God and forbid what pleases Him, spreading corruption in the land."
(Al-Baladhuri, Kitab Futuh al-Buldan (English Translation Ch. X).
In the Battle of Yarmouk, Khalid ibn Waleed took 40,000 men and defeated the Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius, who had 400,000 soldiers!

When Heraclius interrogated his men, asking how a huge army could lose to just a few men, one of his captains stood up and said:

"They are a people who stand in prayer all night, fast during the day, keep to their covenants, command what is good and forbid what is wrong and they are just amongst themselves. Whereas we drink alcohol, commit illicit sexual behavior, we commit every sin, we break our covenants, we oppress and commit wrong-doings and we call to that which angers God and forbid what pleases Him, spreading corruption in the land."
(Al-Baladhuri, Kitab Futuh al-Buldan (English Translation Ch. X).

Thanks for the great reference :).

The exact number of Byzantine soldiers at Yarmuk is disputed by westerners, I wanted to be conservative so I wrote 200,000 on the prev page. But what is generally agreed upon is that they numbered in the hundreds of thousands, and 40,000 Muslims were enclosed in the Yarmuk valley from both sides.
In the Battle of Yarmouk, Khalid ibn Waleed took 40,000 men and defeated the Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius, who had 400,000 soldiers!

When Heraclius interrogated his men, asking how a huge army could lose to just a few men, one of his captains stood up and said:

"They are a people who stand in prayer all night, fast during the day, keep to their covenants, command what is good and forbid what is wrong and they are just amongst themselves. Whereas we drink alcohol, commit illicit sexual behavior, we commit every sin, we break our covenants, we oppress and commit wrong-doings and we call to that which angers God and forbid what pleases Him, spreading corruption in the land."
(Al-Baladhuri, Kitab Futuh al-Buldan (English Translation Ch. X).

And so the coffee came and people started thinking more clearly... :lol:
First of all i was answering his ignorant rant second where did i say it was Muslims who caused the Revolution third and Most important of it all i said Coffee came from Muslim lands its not a Mulsim Drink.

I understand you had to come to his defense but since you been given the tiltle of think tank i suggest Read it first think about what some one is saying then go ahead and asnwer it.

AGain cofee is a hot beverage which wakes you up and is not a Islamic or Muslim drink
No, I don't defend anyone. I have asked a simple question which will pop in anyone's mind. Did I disrespect any religion ?

May be you should try to find and analyze the trajectory of how things changed from starting to end point ?

When it comes to thinking, we have to look at the way things progressed over the years. What were the commonality, differences and the gap that is created or was there already ?

The cultural exchanges over centuries are so intertwined that it takes years to even assume how and where something came from. Th influences of external ideology on local one also happen gradually that it is hard to see the development.

In past, when the means of communication was just letters, people and telephones later on, the impact of one on another ideology was limited. But in today's world things have accelerated way to fast. That's why you see the CHANGE in your society.

BTW Coffee was discovered by goats as many shepherds found them very active after grazing. They found out which plants and beans goats used to eat. and Voila, coffee became part of human civilization.

So buddy, I am extending the discussion from the influence of Muslim civilization on US to paranoia development in US. Why did people don't feel connected now ? There is more to what we see, its not just about terrorism or 9/11, the underlying process needs to be revisited.

This is what i THINK, and I look for historical and normal Markers of influencing factors which led previous perception to present one.
Genghis Khan brutally killed the civilians. Show me a single war in which Muslims killed the civilians?

Well, Ghauri and other Muslim invaders of India did kill, rape and bring Islam to our sub continent... Those were wars weren't they?
Genghis Khan brutally killed the civilians. Show me a single war in which Muslims killed the civilians?

Just go through the campaigns of Muhammad bin Qasim,Ghazni,Ghori etc.All of this invaders were murderers looters and rapists.
Genghis Khan brutally killed the civilians. Show me a single war in which Muslims killed the civilians?

How about Genghis Khan's descendant Timur and who slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians?
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