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How much Islam do Taliban know....??

How much Islam does Taliban know......??? Must watch .......
Not sure how authentic the video is, but it does seem real, there's nothing to indicate that its fake , especially when there are so many other similar videos to back it.

As expected - they're uneducated fools, indoctrinated with stories of ''Jihad'' and absolutely nothing else. Most of them don't even know how wrong they are from an Islamic perspective. The leaders, on the other hand, know the truth. And they know they're manipulating these poor idiots.

That's why I tend to advocate religious education as a way of eliminating the narrative used by the Taliban. Regulations on khutbas, madrasse etc are also essential - all that is to prevent more people from joining, and it would certainly work if done properly. Those who have already joined, well, they can go explain themselves to Allah directly.

God help us Muslims.
I dont think **** government would like to execute this person and Taliban members like this one (if he didnt participated in a fatal attack). He just need to be educated.
if he didnt participated in a fatal attack)
Yeah but that's the difficult part, how do we know? I suppose, if there was no evidence linking that particular member, we could - but then, there is very little evidence against these people anyways because of the extensive network of the Taliban.

For example, we'd have evidence against the people who planted the bomb or used the suicide vest but we probably wont against the one who made that bomb.

I dont think **** government would like to execute this person and Taliban members like this one (if he didnt participated in a fatal attack). He just need to be educated.
But yeah, I understand your feelings, I too feel pity for people like him - his only crime was ignorance that allowed him to be fooled into such a situation. Many of these tribal people don't even have TVs etc for news, so they end up believing whatever the militants or mullahs tell them. This is also partly because of the US/ISAF inadvertently backing the militant narrative. (e.g the militants tell them that they're being invaded by evil murderers and the next day a drone blows up someone's grandmother - they'll obviously feel that the militants are right)

And even those that do have TVs probably don't watch them because their mullahs told them its haram. (If they have electricity, that is). Couple that with a total lack of education and you have a breeding ground for militant groups.
Well that is the problem, had they truly known Islam then these problems would not have arisen.
I never thought of the Taliban as being PRIMARILY radical Islamists. I thought it was only one component of their ideology and that their main concern was Pashtun nationalism. Actually, Karzai and many of his warlord allies are almost as oppressive as the Taliban in some of the stances they take on things like women's rights.
Same as khawarij Knows when they were fighting against Ameer ul Momenen Ali RA.
look at his face, guy is in panic. that is how you scare a talib. all the time ppl were blaming the madersa education, you see, this guy even did not have madersa education. Education and some real jobs are required in tribal areas to get them out of darkness and for peace in rest of the world.
Guys...if you do not mind i will ask you a question....Everyone is here condemning Taliban...and all these radical Islamist people including me too....But why to blame Taliban only...Is it not the case is more or all Muslim countries where Madarassa education creating highly religious orthodox Muslims who believe that they are only people who are good and rest who are non believer are not good...Can you please cite some examples of Islamic nations apart from Turkey and Indonesia where religion is not a critical part of their governance and also they do not discriminate other people who are not Muslims?....It is just beacase it is easy to go behind Taliban as they do not have any one present in online foroum that does not they do not have a case here too....Think rationally, how Talibans are different other Muslims countries who does not provide equal rights to all citizens and they think all Non Muslims are second class citizens?...Talibans are barbaric because they are uneducated and they do not know how to play the sophisticated political games like Arab nations plays for their own political game or Pakistan plays shrewdly with the help of Let and other terrorist groups operating in India...

So blaming Taliban will not solve the problem...Talibans are just an extreme ideology of Islam which is relected in most of the Muslim nations expect Turkey, Indonesia and to some extent Bangladesh...Otherwise Taliban is just an reflection of most of the ruling Muslims nations expect a few nations...So killing few Talibans will not end this issue..You guys has to change the thought process where you have to accept the multi religious world where all relgion and people have the right to lead the peaceful life irrespective of their religion....
I dont think **** government would like to execute this person and Taliban members like this one (if he didnt participated in a fatal attack). He just need to be educated.
Actually you are right about the government but the army currently has many rehabilitation programs for these people in which alot of taliban are currently being educated and alot have already graduated
This much Islam they know.
This isn't a rare phenomena, and it's actually common for many of the rank and file of the Taliban to be ignorant of the most basic of knowledge in the deen.
Taliban were those young brave Muslim guys who met the Russian invasion of Afghanistan head on and won.
Now 20 years later, every one, including young Muslims are blaming them for lack of education (which should be blamed on the US invasion), for terrorism (a word coined by international Zionism = the real terrorism), to have third word nations join in the Zionists against these simple minded (BUT that was fine in wars against the USSR and the US), yet efficient Muslim fighters, for some used and surplus American military gear...candy.
It is so shameful of some Muslim nations not to have helped the Taliban after the war against the soviets, and having allowed the US invasion too. Now Heroin production is at its top, while Taliban had cut it to almost 0% in their 2 years of government. Not to mention the more than 3 trillion dollars in natural resources in Afghanistan. Anyone with good intentions for Afghanistan in particular and the whole Area in general, would have helped them tap into their own riches to better their total infrastructure including education. But what we have witnessed instead is the opposite...So in reality they are not to be blamed, since they were/are attempted to be used as scapegoats for some zionist dark agenda for that extremely important part of the world which also happens to be mostly Muslim...
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My God, even a 5 year old would know better, not just about deen, anything, even cognitive ability. Some of these men have innocent minds, corrupted by; firstly their own ignorance, then by kingpins, and then by each other.
Some of those questions you don't even have to be a muslim to know.
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