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How Many Nuclear Missiles Can the United States Intercept?


Feb 5, 2011
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Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.


Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.

They can't even intercept a single North Korean ICBM :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.


Probably just 10-20% in the best case scenario.

Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.

Why do you think Russia will also launch their missiles on behalf of China or vice versa?
Where did he say that?

Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.


:rap: in op

Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.


American nuclear shield or homeland A2/AD network is in "development phase."

They have fielded a total of 60 interceptors capable of intercepting ICBM class targets by now (GMD = 44; SM3 BlockIIA = 16). Operational requirement is to use 2 interceptors to defeat each warhead. A total of 30 ICBM class targets (or warheads) can be blocked in the present accordingly.

This inventory is sufficient to defeat a North Korean nuclear attack on US homeland for now.

Chinese nuclear warfare capability is much greater on the other hand.

Assuming no malfunctions, a total of 258 Chinese nuclear warheads can reach US mainland in the present:

258 - 30 = 228

Even if USN is able to remove Chinese SLBM from the equation on time:

228 - 72 = 156

The count is still large enough to significantly harm a big country - US homeland in this case.

Now the question is what capabilities Americans have in space in the present:

So there are things that WE are not certain about.

American military is also spread around the world (survival strategy), and they have developed special infrastructure in US homeland which can withstand a nuclear attack. This infrastructure can be used to save most important lives (assuming sufficient warning in advance).

US have a massive nuclear force in the end. A total of 3800 warheads are operational and 1800 warheads are deployed - capable of reaching targets around the world on short notice via ICBMs and SLBMs.

All said and done, China can significantly harm US homeland but the latter can "annihilate" any adversary in a nuclear war in the present.

Coming back to American nuclear shield, it would become far more capable by 2032.

But China is also expanding its nuclear arsenal so let us see.

Still, nuclear war is unlikely. Nobody wants to see beautiful cities reduced to rubble.

Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.

If the tiny Israel can do this:

Imagine what can do the big USA.

They will never say their real capabilities stopping ICBM, they will lie to seem weak.

But you can only know after a WWIII.

Underestimate USA capabilities stopping ICBM is dangerous. If they can win a WWIII, they will never say until after the war.
American nuclear shield or homeland A2/AD network is in "development phase."

They have fielded a total of 60 interceptors capable of intercepting ICBM class targets by now (GMD = 44; SM3 BlockIIA = 16). Operational requirement is to use 2 interceptors to defeat each warhead. A total of 30 ICBM class targets (or warheads) can be blocked in the present accordingly.

This inventory is sufficient to defeat a North Korean nuclear attack on US homeland for now.

Chinese nuclear warfare capability is much greater on the other hand.

Assuming no malfunctions, a total of 258 Chinese nuclear warheads can reach US mainland in the present:

258 - 30 = 228

Even if USN is able to remove Chinese SLBM from the equation on time:

228 - 72 = 156

The count is still large enough to significantly harm a big country - US homeland in this case.

Now the question is what capabilities Americans have in space in the present:

So there are things that WE are not certain about.

American military is also spread around the world (survival strategy), and they have developed special infrastructure in US homeland which can withstand a nuclear attack. This infrastructure can be used to save most important lives (assuming sufficient warning in advance).

US have a massive nuclear force in the end. A total of 3800 warheads are operational and 1800 warheads are deployed - capable of reaching targets around the world on short notice via ICBMs and SLBMs.

All said and done, China can significantly harm US homeland but the latter can "annihilate" any adversary in a nuclear war in the present.

Coming back to American nuclear shield, it would become far more capable by 2032.

But China is also expanding its nuclear arsenal so let us see.

Still, nuclear war is unlikely. Nobody wants to see beautiful cities reduced to rubble.

Maybe they have a railgun aboard Boeing X-37B. Rods from god. There's no atmosphere in space, and a space railgun can be smaller than a terrestrial railgun.

Maybe they can make big plasma clouds in the ionosphere using HAARP to stop RF communications to outer space.

Or maybe they can take advantage of a solar storm reaching Earth to launch a first strike against Russia and China, in the moment they lost the signal from Early Warning Satellites due to a Solar Storm.

I dont know if USA can win a WWIII, but they act like they could.
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Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.

One thing for sure, there wouldn't be more left from ruSSia or PRC...
That's the very interest of the M.A.D doctrine :

You simply don't want to clash with the Yankees => Yankees live in peace and do business as usual...
If the tiny Israel can do this:

Imagine what can do the big USA.

They will never say their real capabilities stopping ICBM, they will lie to seem weak.

But you can only know after a WWIII.

Underestimate USA capabilities stopping ICBM is dangerous. If they can win a WWIII, they will never say until after the war.
Lol.. you are comparing cheap pipe home made rocket to China DF-41? and let me ask u one simple question. Did iron done stopped all Palestine rocket attack? Then how come I see photo of Israel settlement whacked by rockets?

The one who is underestimating enemy is american who really think they are the sole super powa in the world.

American nuclear shield or homeland A2/AD network is in "development phase."

They have fielded a total of 60 interceptors capable of intercepting ICBM class targets by now (GMD = 44; SM3 BlockIIA = 16). Operational requirement is to use 2 interceptors to defeat each warhead. A total of 30 ICBM class targets (or warheads) can be blocked in the present accordingly.

This inventory is sufficient to defeat a North Korean nuclear attack on US homeland for now.

Chinese nuclear warfare capability is much greater on the other hand.

Assuming no malfunctions, a total of 258 Chinese nuclear warheads can reach US mainland in the present:

258 - 30 = 228

Even if USN is able to remove Chinese SLBM from the equation on time:

228 - 72 = 156

The count is still large enough to significantly harm a big country - US homeland in this case.

Now the question is what capabilities Americans have in space in the present:

So there are things that WE are not certain about.

American military is also spread around the world (survival strategy), and they have developed special infrastructure in US homeland which can withstand a nuclear attack. This infrastructure can be used to save most important lives (assuming sufficient warning in advance).

US have a massive nuclear force in the end. A total of 3800 warheads are operational and 1800 warheads are deployed - capable of reaching targets around the world on short notice via ICBMs and SLBMs.

All said and done, China can significantly harm US homeland but the latter can "annihilate" any adversary in a nuclear war in the present.

Coming back to American nuclear shield, it would become far more capable by 2032.

But China is also expanding its nuclear arsenal so let us see.

Still, nuclear war is unlikely. Nobody wants to see beautiful cities reduced to rubble.
Disagree with your statement. The video already sum up very well. You are simply overstate the capabilities of US defense shield. The worst part is defense shield only work on projected track of ballistic missile. The system is not gonna work against unpredicted path of HGV.
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I saw a CNN report when DPRK conducted it's ICBM launch earlier this year.

American estimates are that their anti-missile air defence systems are quite inadequate to intercept multiple ICBM launches (all MIRV capable). As of the last decade or so, they've been tested only a handful of times in specially curated scenarios to maximize chances of success and even so, they only had a 50% interception rate.

Almost undoubtedly, the chances of successful interception in the event of an actual situation plummet further.
Lol.. you are comparing cheap pipe home made rocket to China DF-41? and let me ask u one simple question. Did iron done stopped all Palestine rocket attack? Then how come I see photo of Israel settlement whacked by rockets?
Lol, DF-41 follows a ballistic path just as a "pipe home made rocket" which are actually military standard rockets. Iron Dome has 90% interception rate, better than any other air defense system.
Lol, DF-41 follows a ballistic path just as a "pipe home made rocket" which are actually military standard rockets. Iron Dome has 90% interception rate, better than any other air defense system.
LOL... I guess you dont even know what is latest ballistic missile technology. Do cheap rocket pipe made has decoy? Do cheap rocket pipe travel at 24 mach? Do cheap rocket pipe rocket have terminal trajectory adjusting measures? More or less sum up your military technology knowledge.

You iron doom cant even intercept all home made pipe rocket and now u want to brag about taking on ICBM like DF-41? :lol:
LOL... I guess you dont even know what is latest ballistic missile technology. Do cheap rocket pipe made has decoy? Do cheap rocket pipe travel at 24 mach? Do cheap rocket pipe rocket have terminal trajectory adjusting measures? More or less sum up your military technology knowledge.

You iron doom cant even intercept all home made pipe rocket and now u want to brag about taking on ICBM like DF-41? :lol:
Mach 24 when outside the atmosphere. Within the atmosphere the warheads are drastically slower. Interception of ballistic missiles is possible, basically at all stages, depending on the location of launch.

Decoy detecting methods exist.

Arrow 3, Arrow 4, GMD and other laser/satellite based systems already exist/soon will exist.

In a nuclear war, if there's a way to win one, the side with the better air defenses will win. This side is the west.
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