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How Many Nuclear Missiles Can the United States Intercept?

Mach 24 when outside the atmosphere. Within the atmosphere the warheads are drastically slower. Interception of ballistic missiles is possible, basically at all stages, depending on the location of launch.

Decoy detecting methods exist.

Arrow 3, Arrow 4, GMD and other laser/satellite based systems already exist/soon will exist.

In a nuclear war, if there's a way to win one, the side with the better air defenses will win. This side is the west.
I guess who forget to watch the video. Your troll explanation is not convincing. Especially for an idiot who compare DF-41 ICBM to home made palestine home made pipe rocket. :lol:
If the tiny Israel can do this:
Imagine what can do the big USA.
They will never say their real capabilities stopping ICBM, they will lie to seem weak.
But you can only know after a WWIII.
Underestimate USA capabilities stopping ICBM is dangerous. If they can win a WWIII, they will never say until after the war.
Tiny Israel can do way much more than Iron Dome... Ever heard about Arrow-3? US MDA head was in awe and declared "We have nothing like this!!!"

France already lies about the real extent of its nuclear arsenal...
58 ASMPA-R, then, 4 submarines, 16 [stealth] SLBMs per sub, 10 MIRVs per SLBM... It doesn't sounds like around 300.... Dismantlements are published, I remember well about the Hades or ASMP missiles' warheads having been dismantled, but not about the cold war citybusters...
just look at a cutview of a SCALP-EG or a MdCN, nonetheless there is payload for resp 1.8 and 1 megaton, but there's also the necessary room!! Usually, dismantlements don't happen before the actual generation is retired from active service...
Now, all that stuff is classified, but, especially considering the budget of the Strategic Force and knowing that price are way more competitive than the US ones, e.g. a B61 gravity bomb lists at about $40M... An ASMPA-R Mach3 cruise missile lists at €18M, moreover, there are no spendings for silo/land based stuff... Frankly, we're many estimating the total available between 1000 and 1200!!! To this, you add a stockpile of 30t mil-grade plutonium, enough to field 600 megatons, but the more likely is to use it as a 1st stage with 4.4kg to get a critical mass, then use much cheaper and with much better weight to yield ratio Liquid Deuterium or Lithium-6 Deuteride or Lithium-7 Deuteride for the fusion stage=> 30t is enough for 6818 first stages as the critical mass is 4.4kg, then you add the fusion fuel you need...

Then, Israel has 80 Jericho-III. Payload is enough for 3, maybe 4x 1 Megaton MIRVs... Israelis absolutely were involved at least up to the 1970 test campaign, including the highly aesthetic Licorne 1Mt test on the Mururoa atoll, as well as the 1968 2.6Mt Canopus test...


According to Colin Powell, Israel had more than 200 warheads about 1Mt while Jimmy Carter spoke about a total about 400 warheads. The Dimona reactor is the same thing as the 3 UNGG ex-reactors in Marcoule, each used to produce 100kg of Mil-grade Pu239, therefore, 400+ warheads with 240 of about 1 megaton is very realistic.

Small/medium nuke powers are more likely to do surface blasts to maximize fallouts: if a 1Mt airburst would bring serious devastation and death toll upon 500-700km² with very few fallouts, in case of surface burst it's about 20-30k km² covered with deadly fallouts and the double if not triple you need to evacuate...

Do you have ever heard a French prez bragging about the nuke arsenal? When it comes to Israel, the subject is even taboo...
Now, when it comes to the French doctrine, it includes a warning shot, a high altitude blast, in case of invasion or attack, but it also says that the an attack on the national territory will get a nuclear response... And it's commonly accepted that the national territory is... the European Union !!!! Moreover, France was the 1st to introduce stealth navy vessels, it's the 1st to introduce stealth ballistic missiles with a new form of stealth resisting even UHF radars...

I'd think twice before starting a war with a medium nuclear power, moreover, the countries tend to be smaller, the chain of command can be a lot accelerated and the much smaller conventional military may imply an over-reaction, then, the more likely is that in case of "DEFCON1", maybe even "DEFCON2", a dead-hand is very likely to be activated:

When a state-owned TV, let's say Rossiya-1, which shows what the govt. of let's say Vladolf Putler the Butcher, tells them to show, and it's such kind of threats, they may think it's funny to do so and pose as the 3ft tall bully on the block making people afraid with his baseball bat with 12 inches nails going through :

but beware of those looking like they ignore you and putting a hand in the pocket, there are 4 shots Derringers up to .357magnum and your form of "fun" may not be seen as funny but as an existential threat...

"Speak softly and carry a big stick" - Theo Roosevelt
Lol.. you are comparing cheap pipe home made rocket to China DF-41? and let me ask u one simple question. Did iron done stopped all Palestine rocket attack? Then how come I see photo of Israel settlement whacked by rockets?

The one who is underestimating enemy is american who really think they are the sole super powa in the world.

Disagree with your statement. The video already sum up very well. You are simply overstate the capabilities of US defense shield. The worst part is defense shield only work on projected track of ballistic missile. The system is not gonna work against unpredicted path of HGV.

Obviously Iron Dome is a different thing, in other scale, it's only a example of how developed all that kind of technology nowadays.

But keep in mind: Iron Dome doesnt stop all rockets because they calculate when the rocket will fall in a place without people, and they have to save interceptors because interceptors are very expensive and they got a limited amount.

But now imagine money is not a problem and Israel can launch 10 interceptor for every rocket, successful rate would be 100%.
And now imagine the same in other scale, World War III scale, ICBM scale, USA military budget scale.

In a WWIII USA wont save in interceptors, maybe they even can afford launch a nuke to the target if the kinetic interceptor fails.
Tiny Israel can do way much more than Iron Dome... Ever heard about Arrow-3? US MDA head was in awe and declared "We have nothing like this!!!"

France already lies about the real extent of its nuclear arsenal...
58 ASMPA-R, then, 4 submarines, 16 [stealth] SLBMs per sub, 10 MIRVs per SLBM... It doesn't sounds like around 300.... Dismantlements are published, I remember well about the Hades or ASMP missiles' warheads having been dismantled, but not about the cold war citybusters...
just look at a cutview of a SCALP-EG or a MdCN, nonetheless there is payload for resp 1.8 and 1 megaton, but there's also the necessary room!! Usually, dismantlements don't happen before the actual generation is retired from active service...
Now, all that stuff is classified, but, especially considering the budget of the Strategic Force and knowing that price are way more competitive than the US ones, e.g. a B61 gravity bomb lists at about $40M... An ASMPA-R Mach3 cruise missile lists at €18M, moreover, there are no spendings for silo/land based stuff... Frankly, we're many estimating the total available between 1000 and 1200!!! To this, you add a stockpile of 30t mil-grade plutonium, enough to field 600 megatons, but the more likely is to use it as a 1st stage with 4.4kg to get a critical mass, then use much cheaper and with much better weight to yield ratio Liquid Deuterium or Lithium-6 Deuteride or Lithium-7 Deuteride for the fusion stage=> 30t is enough for 6818 first stages as the critical mass is 4.4kg, then you add the fusion fuel you need...

Then, Israel has 80 Jericho-III. Payload is enough for 3, maybe 4x 1 Megaton MIRVs... Israelis absolutely were involved at least up to the 1970 test campaign, including the highly aesthetic Licorne 1Mt test on the Mururoa atoll, as well as the 1968 2.6Mt Canopus test...


According to Colin Powell, Israel had more than 200 warheads about 1Mt while Jimmy Carter spoke about a total about 400 warheads. The Dimona reactor is the same thing as the 3 UNGG ex-reactors in Marcoule, each used to produce 100kg of Mil-grade Pu239, therefore, 400+ warheads with 240 of about 1 megaton is very realistic.

Small/medium nuke powers are more likely to do surface blasts to maximize fallouts: if a 1Mt airburst would bring serious devastation and death toll upon 500-700km² with very few fallouts, in case of surface burst it's about 20-30k km² covered with deadly fallouts and the double if not triple you need to evacuate...

Do you have ever heard a French prez bragging about the nuke arsenal? When it comes to Israel, the subject is even taboo...
Now, when it comes to the French doctrine, it includes a warning shot, a high altitude blast, in case of invasion or attack, but it also says that the an attack on the national territory will get a nuclear response... And it's commonly accepted that the national territory is... the European Union !!!! Moreover, France was the 1st to introduce stealth navy vessels, it's the 1st to introduce stealth ballistic missiles with a new form of stealth resisting even UHF radars...

I'd think twice before starting a war with a medium nuclear power, moreover, the countries tend to be smaller, the chain of command can be a lot accelerated and the much smaller conventional military may imply an over-reaction, then, the more likely is that in case of "DEFCON1", maybe even "DEFCON2", a dead-hand is very likely to be activated:

When a state-owned TV, let's say Rossiya-1, which shows what the govt. of let's say Vladolf Putler the Butcher, tells them to show, and it's such kind of threats, they may think it's funny to do so and pose as the 3ft tall bully on the block making people afraid with his baseball bat with 12 inches nails going through :

but beware of those looking like they ignore you and putting a hand in the pocket, there are 4 shots Derringers up to .357magnum and your form of "fun" may not be seen as funny but as an existential threat...

"Speak softly and carry a big stick" - Theo Roosevelt

Israel has a limited amount of money, and yes, they developed Hetz (Arrow) to stop long range ballistic missiles (from Iran) too.
If they can do all that, what can't do USA with a endless military budget?

States hide this information for obvious reasons, but sometimes they want to look strong.

But USA has a lot of reasons to want seem weaker than they really are.

USA has allies (vassals) in Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and so on.

If they someday plan a first strike against Russia and China, they likely will use their vassals like cannon fodder and human shield.

So hide their real capabilities stopping foes ICBM is needed. Like their real capabilities modifing weather (through ionosphere, HAARP, avoiding nuclear winter effects), or in hypersonic weapons (it's very strange all the "errors" of USA in this field).
If the tiny Israel can do this:

Imagine what can do the big USA.

They will never say their real capabilities stopping ICBM, they will lie to seem weak.

But you can only know after a WWIII.

Underestimate USA capabilities stopping ICBM is dangerous. If they can win a WWIII, they will never say until after the war.
Well the Israelis have Arrow for this

Disagree with your statement. The video already sum up very well. You are simply overstate the capabilities of US defense shield. The worst part is defense shield only work on projected track of ballistic missile. The system is not gonna work against unpredicted path of HGV.

My assessment is based on my own readings and knowledge of this theme. I do not recall any Chinese ICBM armed with an HGV in the present; anything can be claimed in a video of-course. DF-17 is operational but MRBM class. I would consider what is currently deployed and usable in my assessment for accuracy sake.

You seem to have misunderstood my assessment - I clearly pointed out the obvious: "China can significantly harm US homeland but the latter can "annihilate" any adversary in a nuclear war in the present." I do not think that US have deployed sufficient number of interceptors (capable of blocking ICBM-class targets) to counter an all-out Chinese nuclear attack on US mainland in the present - this view is in line with total count of GMD interceptors and SM-3 BlockIIA interceptors in the present. I certainly noted that Americans have classified capabilities up there in space to fight a war with China (or any country) - one of the "unknowns" of this theme. My assessment could be right or wrong, therefore.

China does have nuclear deterrence in my view.

Nobody is eager to find out what China can do in this capacity. Maybe China can do better than expected.

Chill and drink coke.
My assessment is based on my own readings and knowledge of this theme. I do not recall any Chinese ICBM armed with an HGV in the present; anything can be claimed in a video of-course. DF-17 is operational but MRBM class. I would consider what is currently deployed and usable in my assessment for accuracy sake.

You seem to have misunderstood my assessment - I clearly pointed out the obvious: "China can significantly harm US homeland but the latter can "annihilate" any adversary in a nuclear war in the present." I do not think that US have deployed sufficient number of interceptors (capable of blocking ICBM-class targets) to counter an all-out Chinese nuclear attack on US mainland in the present - this view is in line with total count of GMD interceptors and SM-3 BlockIIA interceptors in the present. I certainly noted that Americans have classified capabilities up there in space to fight a war with China (or any country) - one of the "unknowns" of this theme. My assessment could be right or wrong, therefore.

China does have nuclear deterrence in my view.

Nobody is eager to find out what China can do in this capacity. Maybe China can do better than expected.

Chill and drink coke.
You shall know that China putting HGV on MRBM is merely to sound defensive. It can be fitted on DF-31A to achieve global strike if needed. The unpredictable trajectory makes any defense shield method to intercept quite useless.

Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.

In a real war scenario against hundreds of warheads? They're not going to be able to stop all of them.

Anti ballistic missile defences aren't the primary defence though, geography and the golden spoon it has bestowed the good ol US is by far the better deterant.

A nuclear bombs has approx ~ 30 km of diameter of devastation. American plans are geared towards shifting chain of command and valuable assets to the vast unknown geography it has. In that scenario one would need to know exact coordinates for a kill strike.

It's not about being able to stop the incoming warheads, it about surviving them. Absent an invasion force, all the bombs would do would be a preclude to a global nuclear war.

So in the end it would again come down to assured destruction of valuable assets( not even complete destruction anymore) that would act as a deterant. If a government has no means to completely nuetralise the other party it would be hesitant to get into a nuclear slug fest that would do nothing but empower enemies whilst weakening one's own ability.
USA vaunted defense cannot even defend Saudi Arabia against a handful of slow poke sub mach drones and missiles


How then your touted defense systems all failed in Saudi Arabia?

And that against only puny sub sonic slow poke drones and missiles

Murica touted ability with their super duper missiles of Thaad and Patriot and Aegis to defend KSA that Murica so clearly and explicitly demonstrated to te entire world

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:



The world see many overlapping safe covered zones of defenses.

Yet the launching and hits were made by several missiles.

To date, records could not even find the tracks where the missiles came from , and if the installations not hit, might not even have existed.



So you think you be doing much much better against supersonics and hypersonics missiles by the hundreds and thousands?

Tell us again of the LAYERED DEFENSE SYSTEM that Saudi Arabia bought from USA

On March 25 or so.



Saudi Aramco storage facility targeted by Houthi attack, causing fire - Our Today

No wonder Saudi Arabia lost all respect for USA and not only refused to accept call from Sleepy Joe.

But created a parody of Sleepy Joe and his Kamala as a sign of the esteem Saudi got for USA now and the failure of USA defensive systems that cannot even stop slow poke attacks from slow poke drones and slow poke missiles.

In a real war scenario against hundreds of warheads? They're not going to be able to stop all of them.

Anti ballistic missile defences aren't the primary defence though, geography and the golden spoon it has bestowed the good ol US is by far the better deterant.

A nuclear bombs has approx ~ 30 km of diameter of devastation. American plans are geared towards shifting chain of command and valuable assets to the vast unknown geography it has. In that scenario one would need to know exact coordinates for a kill strike.

It's not about being able to stop the incoming warheads, it about surviving them. Absent an invasion force, all the bombs would do would be a preclude to a global nuclear war.

So in the end it would again come down to assured destruction of valuable assets( not even complete destruction anymore) that would act as a deterant. If a government has no means to completely nuetralise the other party it would be hesitant to get into a nuclear slug fest that would do nothing but empower enemies whilst weakening one's own ability.
I posted this so many times here and most people here don't seem to be able to get it through their thick heads.
I posted this so many times here and most people here don't seem to be able to get it through their thick heads.
People love a romanticised version of their preferred nation/army/religion reigning supreme.

Actual fighting is hard and complex, it's much easier to call someone a filthy pig online.

Troll who think US can easily intercept US and China ICBM are deluded. Just 10 ICBM of DF-41 or Sarmat or Satan can easily penetrate US defense shield.

And dont be naive China and Russia will just fire 10 each at US. We will make US life miserable if US want to play Armageddon.

Stop being a beast, let's not think nuke as it is puke.
USA vaunted defense cannot even defend Saudi Arabia against a handful of slow poke sub mach drones and missiles


How then your touted defense systems all failed in Saudi Arabia?

And that against only puny sub sonic slow poke drones and missiles

Murica touted ability with their super duper missiles of Thaad and Patriot and Aegis to defend KSA that Murica so clearly and explicitly demonstrated to te entire world

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:



The world see many overlapping safe covered zones of defenses.

Yet the launching and hits were made by several missiles.

To date, records could not even find the tracks where the missiles came from , and if the installations not hit, might not even have existed.



So you think you be doing much much better against supersonics and hypersonics missiles by the hundreds and thousands?

Tell us again of the LAYERED DEFENSE SYSTEM that Saudi Arabia bought from USA

On March 25 or so.



Saudi Aramco storage facility targeted by Houthi attack, causing fire - Our Today

No wonder Saudi Arabia lost all respect for USA and not only refused to accept call from Sleepy Joe.

But created a parody of Sleepy Joe and his Kamala as a sign of the esteem Saudi got for USA now and the failure of USA defensive systems that cannot even stop slow poke attacks from slow poke drones and slow poke missiles.

Saudi defenses include Patriot systems but they do not have THAAD and Aegis systems.

Iranian attack on Abqaiq oil refinery was well-planned and succeeded in 2019 but Saudi defenses have managed to block numerous attacks on Saudi soil through the years - most by Houthi in Yemen. You will find relevant information in following link:

This report cover engagements of the (2015 - 2020) period.

You can see direct evidence of an intercept of a ballistic missile over Riyadh in 2021 in following link:

It is usually the bad stuff which receives much press and publicity.

Saudi defenses are improving but they are still much less capable in terms of shielding Saudi terrain on the whole.

Patriot systems = American BMD Low Tier BMD
Depends on who can mass produce missiles like bullets in the future, it all boils down to a country's mass manufacturing capabilities.
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