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How long can Pak sustain a war?

the final conclusion is absolutely incorrect.. since those reserves will last beyond a "few days"..
But the reduction in war fighting capacity is not wrong.
It also depends on the threat as Pakistan is traditionally bolstered itself along the east..there it holds the infrastructure to sustain an onslaught for at least a week if not more.
for eg.. most independent observers put the PAF with operational capability for around 17 to 25 days until its losses are too great to maintain any significant presence.
The PA is expected to take a battering for over 15 days before its key centre's are overrun(provided it does not take the nuclear option) and the PN is not expected to last beyond a week(except one or two subs).

However, if you replace the threat with say a certain ally then the war capacity shrinks considerably. With that the PAF is not expected to provide any resistance beyond a week and the PN for a few days. Still, the PA is expected to hold out longer due to such an enemy's lack of infrastructure to roll troops on the ground and hold sections without an amphibious operation.
Moreover, for both scenario's.. guerilla operations are not ruled out and it is expected that any final surrender will not come till months after the end of major combat operations.

What is unlikely is that India and our "ally" attack in cohesion since it is still accepted that India has an independent foreign policy and will not be coaxed into playing "toady" to any external power nor will it accept "Help" in responding to any future terror attack.

Again, this assessment was of a war fighting capability where Pakistan is engaged alone.. it would change if Pakistan's closest ally in the north was engaged first and Pakistan response

i don't think Pak Supremos are counting on help from china, at least not completely.

Pak policy will be to try to stop thrusts of IA and IAF and lasting for more than week till when international pressure will force both pak and India to halt war

i don't think Pak will use even tactical nukes because it will be responded by Massive Retaliation by India
Are u out of ur brain?
So the ISI is not in govt control?

Please read my post again carefully, my Tamil. :wave:

If you can contradict what I said, then do it. Show me one country on Earth that has officially said that the Pakistani government is behind the 26/11 attacks.

(Except India of course, since India is the one that made the false accusation in the first place.)
This is not the only instance where some misguided Pakistani (a lot of them on this forum) take pride on the actions of Muslim terrorists...

Not to mention how the Indians love firing over others shoulders, never shy to show their teeth at every drone attack.
Oh for christ's sake. We take as much, infact we take even lesser amount of water than is permitted through the Indus Water Treaty. The water shortages are due to the mismanagement on your side, but you'll of course not know that especially after hearing a few speeches of Hafiz Saeed.

yes even Gilani accepted it

On Topic> in next Pak India war, Pak will try its best to outlast IA, IAF so that to buy enough time so that world powers will force both to declare ceasefire
Please read my post again carefully, my Tamil. :wave:

If you can contradict what I said, then do it. Show me one country on Earth that has officially said that the Pakistani government is behind the 26/11 attacks.

(Except India of course, since India is the one that made the false accusation in the first place.)

My dear chinese, no, if u dont considder ISI and military not a part of pakistani govt..
Ur comment itself says, govt in pak, is not in control of both military and ISI...
but Drones are cleaning terrorists...don't you think they deserve this(death,though the procedure is controversial)???

But majority of your country fellows don't see it in that sense,..... the only comfort they salvage is, Pakistan being attacked by America....... oblivious to the bigger picture. !!
Much longer than two days, which is how long it will take for India to run out of ammunition and surrender. :lol:

Wrong. Kargil was only 1 year after the Pakistani nuclear test, at which time they did not have a sufficient enough arsenal of nukes, for any kind of deterrence to work.

In 2008, Pakistan had a sufficient arsenal, which is why India backed off after accusing them of plotting the 26/11 attacks (false accusation).

Today, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is actually bigger than India's. :rofl:
How many bombs you think is enough for pakistan 5,10. that is more than enough. how many are enough for india and china my friend to bring them down to their knees. THINK about it than talk
But majority of your country fellows don't see it in that sense,..... the only comfort they salvage is, Pakistan being attacked by America....... oblivious to the bigger picture. !!

Mate, thats only because Pakistanis get so upset and up in arms about these strikes.. At the heart of it, everyone knows that its America attacking the terrorists who are too strong and too entrenched for PA to take on directly specially since the sociological cost of doing that is too high..
But majority of your country fellows don't see it in that sense,..... the only comfort they salvage is, Pakistan being attacked by America....... oblivious to the bigger picture. !!

nope..we feel comfortable because USA is killing those retarded bas***ds whom Pakistan going to export in Afganistan,India and all over world to kill civilians in the name of "Global Jihad"...thats quite relaxing that those retards got what they deserve..
So that means India will sustain war till Yindians have cow piss to drink ........ after that Pakistan will conquer India......

Ontopic : I think things are better with Govt buying wheat and rice for export which can be used in case of war.
Abbt Oil they have to make sure that they have ample to to keep the country mobile for atleast 6 months at war. Natural gas is the best guess........ atleast for civilans.

As far as ammu is concern , bullet and rockets they are made in Pakistan so we dont have to worry much but yeah the missile for F16 can be issue ......... I am sure they will put one hell of a fight before even going down...... I only worry abt Navy which is not is good shape. It wont survive i would say after 1 or max 2 weeks .

Sorry if i offended u.....but i suppose one one of your leader said so and many pakistanis on this thread and you tube say so.... anyways i have self deleated it..... coz as always hinduism will be dragged into the discussion

ON TOPIC- War is not sustainable for both india and pakistan...... drop this obsession with war on field.... and i am not being partial but pakistanis are to obsessed with war.... all that GHAZWA E HIND stuff:taz:...... but enjoy the war on PDF.
Well well so may prediction and assumptions from a blog? When this is normally used as a source our Indian friends tend to get over excited but hey never mind - lets continue.
How long Pakistan could sustain a war is dependent on who its against. If our Indian members are having wet dreams of Pakistan not being able to sustain a war for 25 days or less - then thats all they will be.
I believe Pakistan are always on alert and always will be to keep our neighbors at bay.
Before you chaps get truly foaming at the mouth - just remember this article and i suggest you look at what we would be up against and think again..... :azn:

Gen VK Singh tells PM some hard truths

The country’s security might be at stake.

The army’s tanks have run out of ammunition, the air defence is as good as obsolete and the infantry is short of critical weapons, General VK Singh wrote to the prime minister recently.

The letter, sent to the prime minister’s office (PMO) on March 12, asks Manmohan Singh to “pass suitable directions to enhance the preparedness of the army”.

The embattled general (the controversy over his date of birth and the Rs14-crore bribe offer) approached the PMO after he failed to get a response from the defence ministry. Ever since the general had a row with South Block — which houses the defence ministry — over his birth date, he has had to face a bureaucracy that seems reluctant to process files.

With the Manmohan Singh-led government in power since May 2004, the military has failed to make any big ticket purchases and even critical operational shortages have failed to move a stubborn bureaucracy. “The state of the major (fighting) arms i.e. Mechanised Forces, Artillery, Air Defence, Infantry and Special Forces, as well as the Engineers and Signals, is indeed alarming,” Gen Singh wrote in his letter. Some of the major issues he has raised are:

- The army’s entire tank fleet is “devoid of critical ammunition to defeat enemy tanks”
- The air defence is “97% obsolete and it doesn’t give the deemed confidence to protect…from the air”
- The infantry is crippled with “deficiencies of crew served weapon” and lacks “night fighting” capabilities
- Elite Special Forces are “woefully short” of “essential weapons”
-There are “large-scale voids” in critical surveillance; night fighting capabilities

Gen Singh points out that the present “hollowness” in the system is a manifestation of the procedures and processing time for procurements as well as legal impediments by vendors. The general’s plea is a direct indictment of the complex and slow defence procurement procedures.

Gen Singh, miffed with ordnance factories that produce weapon systems and other fighting material, felt the work quality was poor and a “lack of urgency at all levels” on matters of national security.
This is frustrating and worrying for the general because some years ago he was entrusted with preparing a comprehensive “transformation study” to modernise the army. As the GOC-in-C (Eastern Command), Singh, then a lieutenant general, had prepared a detailed report to modernise the force.

With two “inimical neighbours” and the “reality of large land borders”, Gen Singh feels such shortcomings severely erode the army’s preparedness. Therefore, there is a need to “urgently mitigate” these “critical deficiencies” that are “impacting the operational capability” of a 1.3million-strong army.

DNA exclusive: Gen VK Singh tells PM some hard truths - India - DNA
forget all this real war stuff........ not goin to happen in our lifetime...... come up with threads such as HOW LONG CAN INDIANS SUSTAIN WAR AGAINST PAKISTAN & CHINA BOTH ATTACKING AT THE SAME TIME IN PDF OR another thread as NEW TROLLING METHODS or YOUR FAVOURITE TROLL POST..... chill maaro .... just troll
India TV is not run by the Indian Govt - you specifically said our Intelligence confirmed in a few minutes that 26/11 emanated from Pakistan. I would like to see the source for this fantastic assertion.

I dont have live feed of of mumbai attack.... But when it was happening one of your Police officer said that they are Pakistanis and they came through boat...... Just watch the 3 days live feed and you'll find it.
Learn to read, my Tamil. :P

"Then why has not one single country in the ENTIRE world officially said that the Pakistani government is behind the 26/11 attacks? Let alone the UN?"

If you disagree, then find me an official statement from any country, that says the Pakistani government was behind the 26/11 attacks. (Except for the Indian government of course, since they are the ones who made this false accusation).

When you claim of high IQ then why dont apply it??

UN and world recognise jamat-ud-dawa and Hafiz Saeed as a terrorist and responsible for Mumbai attack and India wants Hafiz Saeed only.

When did we ask UN to declare Pakistan a terrorist state or hand over there Army/Gov/ISI chief for conspiracy against us???
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