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How long can Pak sustain a war?

We will never be able to.

We can wake up somebody who's asleep. We cannot wake up somebody who's pretending to be asleep.

The problem here is that Indians make fun of Rehman Malik for waiting for 'The Right Time' to provide proof of Indian involvement in Balochistan. On the flip side, our Indian friends use the case of border jumpers AS A FACT, NOT AS AN ALLEGATION, when they have yet to prove it, without even promising to wait for the right time. You have a spy satellite God Damn it! Take a picture of one of the many terrorists camps that allegedly litter the entire expanse of Azad Kashmir and throw it to our faces! If you can't, then don't try and act all 'Holier than thou'.
Much longer than two days, which is how long it will take for India to run out of ammunition and surrender. :lol:

That theory was debunked by your own Generals in Kargil.

Wrong. Kargil was only 1 year after the Pakistani nuclear test, at which time they did not have a sufficient enough arsenal of nukes, for any kind of deterrence to work.

In 2008, Pakistan had a sufficient arsenal, which is why India backed off after accusing them of plotting the 26/11 attacks (false accusation).

Today, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is actually bigger than India's. :rofl:
We will never be able to.

We can wake up somebody who's asleep. We cannot wake up somebody who's pretending to be asleep.

Unfortunately.. the balance lies in the middle.
Since India has its fair share of "false-flag" sensationalism , the most recent being the would be Pakistani terrorists in India who were eventually found to have NEVER visited India and whose notoriety did not extend beyond selling refurbished Nokia handsets.
In full fledged war,pakistan dont have capability to fight for more than 3 days.if its U.S then less than 2 days with total collapse of airforce and navy and on diplomacy .

Much longer than two days, which is how long it will take for India to run out of ammunition and surrender. :lol:

India is dong excercise every year which we used to do once in 3 year :P..if you still think we dont have ammunition then god bless ur IQ ;).These are pressure tactics used to get funds from govt.
The problem here is that Indians make fun of Rehman Malik for waiting for 'The Right Time' to provide proof of Indian involvement in Balochistan. On the flip side, our Indian friends use the case of border jumpers AS A FACT, NOT AS AN ALLEGATION, when they have yet to prove it, without even promising to wait for the right time. You have a spy satellite God Damn it! Take a picture of one of the many terrorists camps that allegedly litter the entire expanse of Azad Kashmir and throw it to our faces! If you can't, then don't try and act all 'Holier than thou'.

I've already told ya. We'll never be able to prove it t' ya.

You guys have divine vision. Where there's no evidence, you see it all, where there is all the evidence, you see none.

Can't really wake up somebody who's pretending to be asleep, ya know. :smug:

Anyways, enjoy:

BTW, we're still waiting for the voice samples you had promised to give us.

In fact, you know what, leave it. I know you're also going to go in circles and i have better things to do. So let's just leave it at that.
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Unfortunately.. the balance lies in the middle.
Since India has its fair share of "false-flag" sensationalism , the most recent being the would be Pakistani terrorists in India who were eventually found to have NEVER visited India and whose notoriety did not extend beyond selling refurbished Nokia handsets.

According to the Indians that+being Pakistani= Definitely something fishy.

The sensationalist Indian media has worked on India's insecurity about it's 'Clinically Insane, Unstable' neighbour to sell stories for so long, that now, they no longer require any proof to substantiate their bull crap, I was watching India TV a year ago when they were showing a video of alleged Pakistan based insurgents crossing into India from the LoC, whereas the foliage was tropical! The LoC is supposed to be coniferous for God's sake!
Unfortunately.. the balance lies in the middle.
Since India has its fair share of "false-flag" sensationalism , the most recent being the would be Pakistani terrorists in India who were eventually found to have NEVER visited India and whose notoriety did not extend beyond selling refurbished Nokia handsets.
This is an interesting question as to why the Def. ministry hasn't shown much proof of terrorist camps across the border among the general public.
I'm gonna file a RTI with this query sometime next week.
the final conclusion is absolutely incorrect.. since those reserves will last beyond a "few days"..
But the reduction in war fighting capacity is not wrong.
It also depends on the threat as Pakistan is traditionally bolstered itself along the east..there it holds the infrastructure to sustain an onslaught for at least a week if not more.
for eg.. most independent observers put the PAF with operational capability for around 17 to 25 days until its losses are too great to maintain any significant presence.
The PA is expected to take a battering for over 15 days before its key centre's are overrun(provided it does not take the nuclear option) and the PN is not expected to last beyond a week(except one or two subs).

However, if you replace the threat with say a certain ally then the war capacity shrinks considerably. With that the PAF is not expected to provide any resistance beyond a week and the PN for a few days. Still, the PA is expected to hold out longer due to such an enemy's lack of infrastructure to roll troops on the ground and hold sections without an amphibious operation.
Moreover, for both scenario's.. guerilla operations are not ruled out and it is expected that any final surrender will not come till months after the end of major combat operations.

What is unlikely is that India and our "ally" attack in cohesion since it is still accepted that India has an independent foreign policy and will not be coaxed into playing "toady" to any external power nor will it accept "Help" in responding to any future terror attack.

Again, this assessment was of a war fighting capability where Pakistan is engaged alone.. it would change if Pakistan's closest ally in the north was engaged first and Pakistan respon

You have elaborated here quite well, but you have not taken into account the scenario of Indian naval blockade on Pakistan which is highly likely since it gave dividends to India in 1971 & also the Indian navy threatened about the same in 1999 kargil conflict, later during the war even Nawaz Sharif acknowledged that that Pakistan was left with just six days of fuel to sustain itself if a full-fledged war had broken out.

I would like to add further that if Pakistan will be helped by some other country(China) in the future conflict with India than it is highly likely that some other country (maybe the US) can come for the help of the Indians.
What Indian insurgents have are AK47s

What Pakistani taliban have are Ak47, M16s, Dragnoves, Mortars, Recoilless rifles, AA guns, AT guns, Rockets, Humvees (Stolen), Jeeps, And support of many rich rival intelligence agencies.
hmmm...how about NATO forces in afghanistan ? oh i m sorry, u have a total different relationship with them....
Wrong. Kargil was only 1 year after the Pakistani nuclear test, at which time they did not have a sufficient enough arsenal of nukes, for any kind of deterrence to work.

In 2008, Pakistan had a sufficient arsenal, which is why India backed off after accusing them of plotting the 26/11 attacks (false accusation).

Today, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is actually bigger than India's. :rofl:

No country can tell the number of nukes any other country possess.There are no official figures.They are just estimation.Many reports gave estimation in 2000 that india have enough fissile material to make 1000 bombs so should i go for it ;) ? why india will declare the numbers in hostile neighborhood?

FYI,even during 1984,when india captured siachin,pakistan had nukes but dint declare it :). ;)
who cares how many days it will last in caes of any war.....point is there will be NO war....n i m NOT naive.
I've already told ya. We'll never be able to prove it t' ya.

You guys have divine vision. Where there's no evidence, you see it all, where there is all the evidence, you see none.

Can't really wake up somebody who's pretending to be asleep, ya know. :smug:

Anyways, enjoy:

BTW, we're still waiting for the voice samples you had promised to give us.

In fact, you know what, leave it. I know you're also going to go in circles and i have better things to do. So let's just leave it at that.

So one unsubstantiated news piece is your best bet? Pity. Why wasn't protocol followed after this man's arrest? Was the Pakistani consulate reached? Was he interviewed by the consulate? Was his police record imported from Pakistan? Were arrangements for extradition or incarceration in home country arranged for? Did the family claim Habeas Corpus? Lots of lose ends, but you won't understand logic, you know too well to understand logic. The internet is silent on the protocol ever being followed in these border crosser cases.

As for the voice samples, Indians have been less than co-operative in all fields. If we had an interview with Kasab, we could have secured proof to prosecute Hafiz Saeed, but it was never granted and India still wants the death penalty for Hafiz Saeed, but on what grounds, might I ask? We need a confession from the accessory to murder under supervision of the commission to prosecute him. India denies interview, Hafiz Saeed walks a free man. That's modern law, it's not about what you know, it's what you can prove.
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Unfortunately.. the balance lies in the middle.
Since India has its fair share of "false-flag" sensationalism , the most recent being the would be Pakistani terrorists in India who were eventually found to have NEVER visited India and whose notoriety did not extend beyond selling refurbished Nokia handsets.

Point taken.

The sensationalism is there.

However, how you guys are trying to hide behind that sensationalism does not undo your crimes.
It will be different. War on Water
Oh for christ's sake. We take as much, infact we take even lesser amount of water than is permitted through the Indus Water Treaty. The water shortages are due to the mismanagement on your side, but you'll of course not know that especially after hearing a few speeches of Hafiz Saeed.
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