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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

Just to make it simple for yu guys tell me one thing who is in majority there hindus or muslims...If yr answer is muslim then who was in majority in 47 if again yr answer is muslims then another question what was the dividing principle if yr answer is "all muslim dominated areas were to make a muslim state and all hindu dominated areas were to make a hindu state" but it dint happen in the case of kashmir

Just to make it simple for you, are you aware that twice before this, on this thread alone, geniuses have tried saying what you are saying, and have been duly instructed in the fundamentals? Have you read the previous posts, before jumping in?

and brits while leaving deliberately made the maharaja then to join indians as they knew this unjust divide will keep both these states locked for decades and they would sell their weapons something they did successfully uptill now...
So dude if any of yu indians have anyother answers for whom i replied yes do let me know...

Yup, right enough.

Obviously haven't done your homework. The Brits had nothing to do with forcing the decision on the Maharaja, but then, REAL he-men don't read earlier posts, do they?

So we get one new clockwork mouse after another, at regular intervals.

Read post #270 before you reduce us to tears of mirth again.

And be assure unless kashmiris get their rights of free will something they were supposed to get back then in 47

Actually, they weren't supposed to. But you don't want to read earlier posts, do you?

OK, let's make it easier for you, since you obviously need to get back to homework before long: the Kashmiris, the real one's, in the Vale, supported joining India in 47.

Now how about that? Go ahead, ask me to PROVE IT!

Use a little sarcasm, perhaps a couple of LOLs; every little bit helps, especially when #270, paras 3 to 7 are staring accusingly at you.

india would have to keep 8 millions soldiers there and even that hasnt helped for so many decades ...

It did, it did.

Like I was telling an ignorant, dumb cluck (not an intelligent, smart dude like you, the last of the REAL he-men) some posts ago, you could look up Operation Gibraltar and Operation Grand Slam.

So be just and hold a referendum there and live in peace

We're doing that, more or less, actually....

we have nothin else againt india they are pretty normal humans like all others ..

Let's not get carried away and start exaggerating things.

And if india doesnt comply we ll always be comin after our kashmiri brothers...

That's fine. Just like you've done for 60 plus years.

The trouble is getting rid of the bodies.

Yu are arguing for the sake of it and dint reply to my logical questions..Its this attitude of yrs which nullify justice completely that has brought our nation at this point ..Instrument of accession wasnt a methood described in that division..

It was, actually. Read the back posts, genius.

Yu talk abt azad kashmir we have no issue conductin a referendum there as we aint afraid of anything...2nd remember that if we can take it forcefully then we can do it now too bt ofcourse its gonna be hell more bloody something we wanna avoid

Of course you do.

We noticed you avoiding it in 48, in 65, then continuously from 86.

but if yr establishments insists it happen sooner or later as yu can see from world history that not even the greatest superpowers were able to enslave people for long against their wishes and india isnt even a superpower..think abt it pakistani flags in srinagar on every 14th august clearly indicates what yu guys have got in all these decades...

Pakistani flags? Sure.

But no Pakistanis; they were watching from a vantage point high above it all.

Be rational and its gonna be good for all of us and peace of the region..

Good idea.

Why don't you studs go first?

Forget the english ...

I do not recognize nor India does , any border settlement between Pak-China. it is on illegal terms. If you know those illegal terms kindly share with us.

Look it up. It's in the public domain.

so being a citizen of India, I should keep quite and stay calm, if some one is terrorizing my Nation, through cross border terrorism. What kind of so good thoughts you have. I am pleasured (Sarcasm)

Do you know what being pleasured means, in English? Why do you persist in using a language you simply don't know?
Yu made too much effort to hide the truth but the truth is Pakistani flags fly with all the shine on every 14th august in srinagar..
If yu guys have balls get those 800000 troops out of there and then ask them whom they wanna join..Something that is not forced on gun point and see how much hatered they have for yu...How can one man (maharaja) decide on behalf of millions is that the democracy yu indians believe in....Get a life and a just one it will make things better for yu or else i told yu read my earlier posts its gonna burn and divide india down into dozen states so save yr major chunk and let muslims be with muslims the basic fundamental of indo pak division or yu want US to rule all of yu again like we did for almost a thousand years...Choice is yours..

when yu reply to my posts be careful to have some substance and logic I am not here to teach 5 graders..
Since I am here, and travel throughout the country, including to Kashmir, perhaps my grip of realities on the ground is stronger than yours.

considering ur narrow-minded views on the plight of kashmiris i highly doubt u have travelled anywhere near kashmir

June 17 to July 7, 2011.

Oops! I forgot!! Excuse me.

It's not about facts, it's about opinions, isn't it? And your opinion is that I haven't been there. That's it, then; case closed.

This is not a statement by the UN, it is one made by you.

what statement? the reason u probably missed those findings by the un is cause u were trekking to the local public library to be with other 5 year olds while the rest of us were taking advantage of electronic media which carries entire databases of books, articles, newspapers, etc. save the trip!

So, great. You are so smart, so up to date. Where are the references?

Damn, I forgot again....it's NOT about facts.

And on the basis of somebody sounding off on the Internet you conclude that Kashmiris don't get passports? On the contrary, except for those who are rejected due to security reasons, every Kashmiri who applies gets passports. Look at the Internet yourself, and check to see the number of Kashmiris working abroad on Indian passports. Your ignorance is abysmal.

so the internet is a legitimate source to find kashmiris working abroad on indian passports and not to find kashmiris being denied indian passports for no reason. my ignorance may be abysmal but not more than ur pseudo-intellect.


I was only quoting your favourite source of information back at you.

Dozens of them travel there every month. Journalists don't need special permission, even ordinary foreign tourists are allowed free access, and use that to travel there. Most of the white-water rafting on the Zanskar and the Indus is conducted by foreigners, who also have a heavy presence in the hiking and ski-ing sectors.

What on earth are you talking about?

now thats a good one- no limitations to travel in kashmir...now where did u get these "facts" .
nice slip up...i was actually starting to think u may have travelled to kashmir and knew u what u were talking about.

What slip-up? your opinion again?

I am sorry that you feel that a condescending manner is what makes me superior; surely there are other proofs available.

there there sweety if it makes u feel better that u are superior to a stranger on the internet then i'll let u have it.


For a moment, you had me worried.

u seem like someone who wud probably get a kick out of coming up with a list of proofs so i welcome them.

Oh, I couldn't possibly. It's my opinion, don't you know? If you really want to know, ask Screambowl.

Two points - your strong beliefs are simply that - your strong beliefs. They do not necessarily reflect realities on the ground.

i agree that they do not necessarily reflect realities. nor does ur "opinion" from having "travelled" to kashmir reflect the plight of kashmiris.

Ummmm...no, it doesn't. And in case long hours of wading through the Internet have eroded your attention span, I didn't say so, either. Perhaps you should go back and check what I actually said. Might help to know what my opinion was, instead of going by your opinion of what my opinion was.

My strong belief is that Kashmiris want progress and development more than anything else, except for that section of the political class that depends on stirring up trouble as a matter of its livelihood.

Second, the vast majority of Kashmiris, in the Valley, in Jammu and in Ladakh supported accession to India. Assuming for a moment that there is a section in the Valley that wants independence, do we drag along the other two sections? Do we assume that Pakistan will also allow the Mirpur strip and Gilgit-Baltistan independence?

we are not discussing pakistan at the moment. lets discuss the kashmir problem. does the current population of kashmir support accession to india. lets hold a plebiscite and find out instead of speaking for them. if like u claim the majority wishes to remain with india maybe the plebiscite will legitimize it as indian territory. then they have no reason to continue their azadi struggle. from my understanding and correct me if i'm wrong the azadi struggle is asking for the right to self determination according to todays kashmiris.

Why leave out the rest of Kashmir? If you were so sure about their wishes, why didn't you allow them to elect their own representatives for fifty years?

The Azadi struggle is for the right of self-determination for all Kashmiris.
Azad kashmir is completely autonomous and is a step ahead all other provinces in the sense that they have their own president and primeminister ...We are willing at any given day to hold a referendum there and ask them whomsoever they wanna join or even if they wanna be independent...When are yu gonna do that...Never because yu are afraid of truth and yu know we aint suppressing kashmiris with a million troops like yu ...But if india goes for a referendum there we will hold one here on our side ..
So tell me joe when are yu gonna arrange that as yu seem to know ground realities too well and have visited that place quite often,dont mistake the attitude of a suppressed man equivalent to a free man and thats why yr govt keeps those boots there hoping one day kashmiris will forget all the miseries inflicted upon them by tyrants but read the history it never happened and even after hundreds of years when ever oppressed one's got a chance they secured their freedom and india isnt gonna be an exception..
Yu made too much effort to hide the truth but the truth is Pakistani flags fly with all the shine on every 14th august in srinagar..
If yu guys have balls get those 800000 troops out of there and then ask them whom they wanna join..Something that is not forced on gun point and see how much hatered they have for yu...How can one man (maharaja) decide on behalf of millions is that the democracy yu indians believe in....Get a life and a just one it will make things better for yu or else i told yu read my earlier posts its gonna burn and divide india down into dozen states so save yr major chunk and let muslims be with muslims the basic fundamental of indo pak division or yu want US to rule all of yu again like we did for almost a thousand years...Choice is yours..

when yu reply to my posts be careful to have some substance and logic I am not here to teach 5 graders..

Read post 270.

Azad kashmir is completely autonomous and is a step ahead all other provinces in the sense that they have their own president and primeminister ...We are willing at any given day to hold a referendum there and ask them whomsoever they wanna join or even if they wanna be independent...When are yu gonna do that...Never because yu are afraid of truth and yu know we aint suppressing kashmiris with a million troops like yu ...But if india goes for a referendum there we will hold one here on our side ..
So tell me joe when are yu gonna arrange that as yu seem to know ground realities too well and have visited that place quite often,dont mistake the attitude of a suppressed man equivalent to a free man and thats why yr govt keeps those boots there hoping one day kashmiris will forget all the miseries inflicted upon them by tyrants but read the history it never happened and even after hundreds of years when ever oppressed one's got a chance they secured their freedom and india isnt gonna be an exception..

The day you comply with the UN Resolutions. Read post 270.

I knew yu had nothing to write dude but I can see how propaganda can affect us humans and make us forget the basics of humanity and justice so I forgive yu but I doubt those kashmiries whose young son are killed by yr heroes ,whose daughters are raped and whose homes are searched every now and then and who are called to make lines outside their villages while yr heroes search their daughters and wives touching them all over and then make dirty faces to each other they would ever be able to forget these humiliations.Just think for a second if it is done with your daughter,sister,mother or wife how would yu feel ..

I know even all this wont make a thing move inside yu because yu guys have been slowly poisened and hardened by decades of propaganda but that land belongs to kashmiries their traditions,looks,customs every thing differ from yu ..They are not one of yu and yu were telling me abt the ground realities and here I am who has more relatives in disputed kashmir than you or anyother of your fellow having fun on this thread..

And thats that I have nothing more to argue with you ..Your heart and soul is dead and you guys just think of yr needs and goals and humanity doesnt matter.

have a goodnight sleep with yr loved one's as yu are lucky enough to have that

I knew yu had nothing to write dude but I can see how propaganda can affect us humans and make us forget the basics of humanity and justice so I forgive yu but I doubt those kashmiries whose young son are killed by yr heroes ,whose daughters are raped and whose homes are searched every now and then and who are called to make lines outside their villages while yr heroes search their daughters and wives touching them all over and then make dirty faces to each other they would ever be able to forget these humiliations.Just think for a second if it is done with your daughter,sister,mother oPr wife how would yu feel ..

I know even all this wont make a thing move inside yu because yu guys have been slowly poisened and hardened by decades of propaganda but that land belongs to kashmiries their traditions,looks,customs every thing differ from yu ..They are not one of yu and yu were telling me abt the ground realities and here I am who has more relatives in disputed kashmir than you or anyother of your fellow having fun on this thread..

And thats that I have nothing more to argue with you ..Your heart and soul is dead and you guys just think of yr needs and goals and humanity doesnt matter.

have a goodnight sleep with yr loved one's as yu are lucky enough to have that


Post 270.

Recommended reading for all who flunk fifth grade.

Yu are proving who yu are...and yu will get what yu deserve...

And I repeat kashmiries are not one of you their traditions,customs,lifestyle,looks(they are lot more pleasant looking)religion everything is different from india and they will get their freedom soon inshallah....Nobody can stop the flow of raging water let alone a nation who has highest number of underweight childeren and highest ratio of child laborers ...Millions of hungry and uneducated masses sleeping on roads...

Yu are proving who yu are...and yu will get what yu deserve...

And I repeat kashmiries are not one of you their traditions,customs,lifestyle,looks(they are lot more pleasant looking)religion everything is different from india and they will get their freedom soon inshallah....Nobody can stop the flow of raging water let alone a nation who has highest number of underweight childeren and highest ratio of child laborers ...Millions of hungry and uneducated masses sleeping on roads...

Post 270.

If that doesn't stop the flow of raging words from you, nothing will.

I read that and found nothing convincing or something that addresses the miseries of kashmiries..
Thats the view of one man whose identity is even questionable and I dont know what got him to write that as many truths are distorted I have a first hand knowledge of kashmiries plight and have relatives who got their loved one's dead for nothing..

I have sent him a personal message asking about a certain things he mentioned and his reply will reflect who he is anyways I will keep you posted on that..

As you seem to be better than most of yr fellows in few senses of the word "better" I would advise you against one thing we see what our eyes wanna see but it doesnt guarantee if thats true and just as well and to be just in life requires sacrifice and selflessness..
I read that and found nothing convincing or something that addresses the miseries of kashmiries..

I doubt it strongly. You would have found clearly stated the fact that Kashmiris don't want Pakistan.

The author isn't off the street. He's part of an elect group. I notice you aren't. Maybe someone somewhere (not me) thinks he knows more than you?

The miseries of Kashmiris today is due to infiltrated extremists, and due to a corrupt coterie of people who have been subsidized for decades to keep agitating the state.

Go and take a look at Srinagar now. It's bustling with visitors, and locals are making money hand over fist. There's no time for aZadi now, not while the season is on.

Yu are proving who yu are...and yu will get what yu deserve...

And I repeat kashmiries are not one of you their traditions,customs,lifestyle,looks(they are lot more pleasant looking)religion everything is different from india and they will get their freedom soon inshallah....Nobody can stop the flow of raging water let alone a nation who has highest number of underweight childeren and highest ratio of child laborers ...Millions of hungry and uneducated masses sleeping on roads...

Cool story bro. Now come take Kashmir. Why are you doing Internet Jihad, and not out there in Kashmir getting killed by the Indian Army like your fellow emotional Pakistani Jihadis in Kashmir?

I know technology changes things, but you are doing Jihad the wrong way bro. You do Jihad with guns, not your keyboard, just saying :P
Cool story bro. Now come take Kashmir. Why are you doing Internet Jihad, and not out there in Kashmir getting killed by the Indian Army like your fellow emotional Pakistani Jihadis in Kashmir?

I know technology changes things, but you are doing Jihad the wrong way bro. You do Jihad with guns, not your keyboard, just saying :P

Go for it, Albatross!

He's going to kill all - how many is it these days? 800,000? - the oppressors, using nothing but his jawbone.

There's an apt story in the Bible about that.
Cool story bro. Now come take Kashmir. Why are you doing Internet Jihad, and not out there in Kashmir getting killed by the Indian Army like your fellow emotional Pakistani Jihadis in Kashmir?

I know technology changes things, but you are doing Jihad the wrong way bro. You do Jihad with guns, not your keyboard, just saying :P
Thanks for lightening up my mood with yr good for nothing pop-up but as I m sure like many other non-muslims you must have had a very wrong idea of jihad something equalling to killing all non muslims ..right but thats not true in Islam the biggest jihad is against one's own desires and ownself not against anyone else and its called "jihad e akbar" mean biggest jihad while the jihad against tyrants is termed jihad e asghar of lesser importance as compare to former one and its this jihad you are talking about but I am at the moment trying to control my ownself and doing the biggest jihad as yu may call it and it doesnt ask for any bloodshed only abstaining from wrong doings and hurting mankind..

Anyways thanks for the advise though...I will consider that when things come around your place...;)

I read that and found nothing convincing or something that addresses the miseries of kashmiries..
Thats the view of one man whose identity is even questionable and I dont know what got him to write that as many truths are distorted I have a first hand knowledge of kashmiries plight and have relatives who got their loved one's dead for nothing..

I have sent him a personal message asking about a certain things he mentioned and his reply will reflect who he is anyways I will keep you posted on that..

As you seem to be better than most of yr fellows in few senses of the word "better" I would advise you against one thing we see what our eyes wanna see but it doesnt guarantee if thats true and just as well and to be just in life requires sacrifice and selflessness..

I don't need to be posted about his views. He is among those for whose views I have great respect, and whose judgement is mature and balanced. There are several others like him, Indian and Pakistani alike.

Where he soars above the rest of us is in his close adherence to the facts. He is an example to all of us.

The pity is that many of you jump in without the slightest knowledge about the facts, and spew out nothing but highly emotional harangues. This includes Indians; some of them are big-time offenders.

Will it kill you to read? And to bone up on the facts before you hit the keyboard?
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