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How Kargil spurred India to design own GPS

Right! But remember, cruise missiles have redundant guidance systems on board just for this. Nowadays, missiles use advanced systems like GPS, inertial guidance and Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM). So if one system fails or is jammed, the other kicks in automatically.

That is what the Agni series uses. As per V K Saraswat " RINGS and MINGS complemented each other in redundant Mode" . Agni missile uses terminal guidance system on terrine image matching technique for accurately hitting the target.
I am not talking about military grade signal receivers. Civilian receivers made in USA have certain restrictions if being exported. But third country manufactured receivers have no such restrictions. They can be used in missiles if accuracy is acceptable....
am a bit confused here, even if GPS is free to receive, nobody will give me a map of an area that GPS satellite covers for free to me, right?
And GoI was asking for that data (to locate other objects in map) not to locate their own devices.
am a bit confused here, even if GPS is free to receive, nobody will give me a map of an area that GPS satellite covers for free to me, right?
And GoI was asking for that data (to locate other objects in map) not to locate their own devices.

No, Govt of India was asking for GPS Precise Positioning Service. Which requires a receiver of different kind to function and even higher altitudes, like in UAV and Mirage 2000 to identify targets in those terrains. Plus GPS satellite carry Nuclear detonator detectors. This is what India would be asking for as service from US. To detect Pakistani
Great New well done india another field where we dont need help from anybody
am a bit confused here, even if GPS is free to receive, nobody will give me a map of an area that GPS satellite covers for free to me, right?
And GoI was asking for that data (to locate other objects in map) not to locate their own devices.
Maps have nothing to do with GPS sats. Maps are freely available now (for example google maps) but I am not sure whether GSI had digital maps of the required area (Kargil area) back then. Even then, they could read lat and long data (coordinates) from GPS and plot it on paper map (sat nav works in same way. Maps are in the receiver/device, GPS sats provide coordinates and receiver plots this on to digital map)
I am not talking about military grade signal receivers. Civilian receivers made in USA have certain restrictions if being exported. But third country manufactured receivers have no such restrictions. They can be used in missiles if accuracy is acceptable....
Yes that can be done if and only if the data bearing on the particular region is not blocked/altered. eg our fav uncle Sam one day decided to switch off the GPS signal in our region which just happened to be the 5 mins before Brahmos test. So later GLONOS was added to.

A little modified signal can cause the accuracy of 10m to go wrong by 100kms.
Yes that can be done if and only if the data bearing on the particular region is not blocked/altered. eg our fav uncle Sam one day decided to switch off the GPS signal in our region which just happened to be the 5 mins before Brahmos test. So later GLONOS was added to.

A little modified signal can cause the accuracy of 10m to go wrong by 100kms.

Yes agree. But my point was it can't be done to the missile alone. All of the region will go whack, be it missiles or civilian GPS devices, all will get switched off of loose accuracy... There is no way to specifically disable the missile using GPS..
Great New well done india another field where we dont need help from anybody

Kind of pathetic that we needed to ask US to map out our own area - good that things will change in the next couple of years.
Question, can it have non Indian user or only India can use?
This I have been telling Since I joined here.

All of us are saying the same. How ever path of indiginization is not very easy. Arm forces need best. Political will and vision play a very important role. With so much money at our disposal and skilled man power availability , we can certainly make India a weapon manufacturing Hub.
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