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well Pak always harbors "jealousy" - the bad kind that leads to jihadism, etc. etc.

Well my man, the one's labeled as Jihadiism....what do you call Masacre of minorities (both Christians and Muslims) in the rich, well educated states of India :) ?? Burning people's entire villages, raping women of all ages in thousands...genocide in Kashmir...killing of hundreds of young muslim children considering them a 'future threat'?? Your sheet stinks just as bad as anyone else doing terrorism. All killings of innocent civilians are terrorist acts. Some done by crazy Talibans and some done by Indian Army's uniform Personnel and Indian police backed up by the BJP - RSS's big guys!!! So do me a favor, call it terrorism as that's what it is, irrespective of who'd be doing it. They are all terrorists acts.

Look at what you did to "Indian" historical places like mohenjodaro/harappa/etc.

I am not good with South Asian history so I googled it. The mohenjodaro/harappa weren't Indian civilizations. In fact, in their own times, they were connected more to Afghanistan and were more advanced engineering and cultural wise than the India of that time.

No wonder such low grade and poor thinking is reflected in the fact that Islam/Muslims are technologically the most backward community in the world barring those who have migrated to the west with some exceptions such as

If you read your statement, the poor thinking is actually reflected in your own statement. You just called 1+ billion people 'backward'. When if you see your own history, pre *** com boom and before the West invited you to give you Western jobs, the major source of income and best jobs for Indians used to be in the Middle East and still is actually. The SAME muslims you are insulting, your government used to beg for jobs for your doctors, labor, engineers, etc, etc as they are rich and don't do labor work.
Till date, majority of the high end electronics, vehicles, etc are targeted at the Dubai / ME, etc at the same time they are being launched in the US and Europe. Can't say the same for China or India. So just because you guys have 'technical labor' that's cheap for the West, doesn't mean you get to walk around with unlimited pride. If the West looked at you as the smartest people on the planet, it'll be different. But the opportunity was given as the Cheap Technical Labor, for computer programming jobs that the Western population doesn't want to do. They'd rather play sports and play guitar and outsource that work to India.
So PLEASE, get off the mighty horse and quit calling others 'backwards'. There are health gyms in the US where the American population goes to at a certain time when the Indian community doesn't go there as the place stinks up and its hard to breathe and hygienically unhealthy environment. Just an example. Not trying to be insulting here but your post is derogatory and offensive to so many people including myself when I really could care less about religion. It's wrong for anyone to portray holly when they are made out of crap like the rest of everyone else!
I am not good with South Asian history so I googled it. The mohenjodaro/harappa weren't Indian civilizations. In fact, in their own times, they were connected more to Afghanistan and were more advanced engineering and cultural wise than the India of that time.

Completely wrong. But, if you want to know more take this to a different thread.

But the opportunity was given as the Cheap Technical Labor, for computer programming jobs that the Western population doesn't want to do.

Not does not want to do, CANNOT do at competitive prices. There is a difference between what you are saying 'does not want' and 'cannot' do at the rates which is done. So don't twist things.
Now my lilliputian dear: Answer the questions I posted - why are you avoid them?


Do you have any rigorous argument / proof to support you attribution of *jealousy* to people of Pakistani heritage ?

By proof I would accept a work, statement, article by an establish academic, journalist, expert (for example Karan Thapar does not qualify)


Just listen to some of your politicians/jihadis and the way they spew venom against India/Hindus (Zaid Hamid: Hindu Kush is where Hindus were slaughtered and saying it with pride and no one on the show including the host challenged him. Can't happen on Indian media. Your pols (sheikh rashid) always blackmailing that if pak goes down so would India. Pakistan is the only country that blackmails the world by pointing the gun to its own head! Obstructing the water doorway: Kishanganga Dam to limit water flow – The Express Tribune

> I think it was Irfan Hussain who said that Pakistan has mastered the art of blackmailing the world by pointing a gun at its own head; well – if we are heading for such a denouement, then so be it. The world is probably getting tired of finding temporary solutions to problems that nations create for themselves – whether Greece, Ireland or Pakistan. The bomb is just one (albeit terrifying) aspect of this uncertainty, but one that can only harden their positions against you as you continue down this road to ruin. (I realize where you are coming from and my comment is not intended to ridicule yours in any way).

I saw another "hero" saying with nuclear bombs the Kaum (hindu) will be destroyed and so will Pak but Islam will still strive in Middle East. The kind of theorem you are asking for is never going to be there and dont try to pull wool over the world's eyes. You probably know exactly what I am talking about but choose to obfuscate Taqiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"If you read your statement, the poor thinking is actually reflected in your own statement. You just called 1+ billion people 'backward'.

I am sorry (but not too sorry) if it hurts your sentiments. But if it helps truth always hurts if it is not convenient.

The very fact of the alias (Aurangzeb’s rule and his treatment of the Hindus | Indian Realist) you have chosen tells me a lot about your inner mind. I would target you as a ******-in-the-wings who if not actually one, provides succor and space for such terrorists.

As for mohenjo-daro I would have more respect for your views if I knew that Pakistanis took pride in it. Nooooo. According to them history started after Islam!!! Post Qasim :laughcry:

Man, you are pathetic.
Just listen to some of your politicians/jihadis and the way they spew venom against India/Hindus (Zaid Hamid: Hindu Kush is where Hindus were slaughtered and saying it with pride and no one on the show including the host challenged him. Can't happen on Indian media. Your pols (sheikh rashid) always blackmailing that if pak goes down so would India. Pakistan is the only country that blackmails the world by pointing the gun to its own head! Obstructing the water doorway: Kishanganga Dam to limit water flow – The Express Tribune

> I think it was Irfan Hussain who said that Pakistan has mastered the art of blackmailing the world by pointing a gun at its own head; well – if we are heading for such a denouement, then so be it. The world is probably getting tired of finding temporary solutions to problems that nations create for themselves – whether Greece, Ireland or Pakistan. The bomb is just one (albeit terrifying) aspect of this uncertainty, but one that can only harden their positions against you as you continue down this road to ruin. (I realize where you are coming from and my comment is not intended to ridicule yours in any way).

I saw another "hero" saying with nuclear bombs the Kaum (hindu) will be destroyed and so will Pak but Islam will still strive in Middle East. The kind of theorem you are asking for is never going to be there and dont try to pull wool over the world's eyes. You probably know exactly what I am talking about but choose to obfuscate Taqiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@ADMIN - do we allow such idiots on this forum?
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