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How Jindal Group landed mega iron ore deal in Afghanistan

How is it minority?, isnt the non pushtoons more than the pushtoons and about selling girls - that was crass and I dont know what to say @Sher Malang.

selling minerals is what mineral rich countries normally do - its called international trade, SA has been selling oil to us - you have a problem with that?

Well ignore that dude he has acute mental disease and take him as serious as the sound of a frog in the dark!

@ topic; who gets what in India is non of our business we need good relations and trade with India :)
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Millions of Pashtoons had been killed in last decade. thousands of girls had been shipped to India and this is the character of northern alliance and its supporters.

Taking minerals from occupied land is called stealing.

Got bitten by a rabid dog or what? Where do you get this from? Dont know why mods tolerate this lunatic.

@ Mod ...please ask this guy to give a valid proof for his dirty claim or shut his dirty mouth...
Good for India. I dont know what the author's beef is

Now , kid , open your eyes , check where the article is from and then tell me where did Pakistan come in the discussion :azn:
Well ignore that dude he has acute mental disease and take him as serious as the sound of a frog in the dark!

@ topic; who gets what in India is non of our business we need good relations and trade with India :)

@Sher Malang, my good wishes to you and all Afghans and hope that you will become a 200/300 billion economy in the near future and all Afghans are well educated and business minded. India/ NATO/US has gone to great lengths and sacrificeses to see that the common Afghan sees normalcy and development. Indians have spent their hard earned money and toiled relentlessly to give Afghans a decent life and I hope it increases and you people prossper.
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Here is my source "pakistani342" for Pak to who I responded
Sure you have your rights and am not about to impinge on them. However what makes me curious is why when India does well Pak always harbors "jealousy" - the bad kind that leads to jihadism, etc. etc.

Look at what you did to "Indian" historical places like mohenjodaro/harappa/etc. Some people in Pak actually think/believe history sstarted with Islam Muhammad bin Qasim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. No wonder such low grade and poor thinking is reflected in the fact that Islam/Muslims are technologically the most backward community in the world barring those who have migrated to the west with some exceptions such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdus_Salam but who were then disowned by Pakistan!
War incorporation.... a minority northern alliance is busy killing pashtoons under the pretext of Talibans

What minority alliance?

Is that your perception?

Or are you telling me that all Taliban?

Because mind you, other than in the minds of Pakistanis, all Pashtuns are not Taliban.

Oh and BTW, it is the US that is droning them out. Afghanistan government is too weak currently to make any serious gash in Taliban's kitty. They need time to develop.

while on the other hand selling girls and resources to hindus.

Where did the girls come from?

Seriously buddy. You need to come out of this desert-dweller mentality.

Oh and one more thing; resources are for trading; not for keeping in your guest room and admiration.

Whether it is the Hindus or not, it is Afghan government and therefore their choice.

Here's the deal:

How about you bid for something and try to win it the professional way rather than use such cheap comments to undermine others?

In a race, try to run forward rather than grabbing your competitor by his shirt to throw him off.

You'll end up falling down and getting disqualified.

India are investing in Karzai who barely controls Kabul.

Living in a fools paradise.

After the negotiations are finished with Taliban, they will get major stake. They know who their real friends and enemies are.

I am sure they are well aware Indian money being used to send their young boys as TTP to Pakistan to blow themselves up in suicide bombings..

Try funding them without US babysitting your economy this time.

This isn't 1990s anymore.

So honeymoon period is over.

No more free cookies to distribute.

All this, just because we have been brotherly with Afghanis, fought along them side by side against the Soviets, took in 3 million refugees. Of course they owe us their loyalty, our strategic depth.

Indians having nothing but spite, they are using Afghanis against Pakistanis

In real world, there are only converging interests, trade, business and cooperation.

In your imaginary religious brotherhood, there is everything else.
Sure you have your rights and am not about to impinge on them. However what makes me curious is why when India does well Pak always harbors "jealousy" - the bad kind that leads to jihadism, etc. etc.

Look at what you did to "Indian" historical places like mohenjodaro/harappa/etc. Some people in Pak actually think/believe history sstarted with Islam Muhammad bin Qasim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. No wonder such low grade and poor thinking is reflected in the fact that Islam/Muslims are technologically the most backward community in the world barring those who have migrated to the west with some exceptions such as Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia but who were then disowned by Pakistan!

Not some.

Most of them.

Make an industrial thread, they jump into this qasim guy.

Make a political thread, they jump into this qasim guy.

Make a military thread, it some way or the other leads to this guy or some other Arab/Turkic/Persian invader.

Nothing else.
Millions of Pashtoons had been killed in last decade. thousands of girls had been shipped to India and this is the character of northern alliance and its supporters.

Taking minerals from occupied land is called stealing.

HOW DO FIGURE THAT northern alliance IS SHIPING GIRLS? DO YOU HAVE ANY PARTNERSHIP WITH THEM? DON'T TROLL. northern alliance has a liberal stance on women they support education of women and support a greater role of women in the society. unlike taliban they wants a better civilised society. go and read about northern alliance.

do you really know the meaning of occupied land? afghans are selling their minerals to india. not pakistan's minerals.
Sure you have your rights and am not about to impinge on them. However what makes me curious is why when India does well Pak always harbors "jealousy" - the bad kind that leads to jihadism, etc. etc.

Do you have any rigorous argument / proof to support you attribution of *jealousy* to people of Pakistani heritage ?

By proof I would accept a work, statement, article by an establish academic, journalist, expert (for example Karan Thapar does not qualify)

Now if you don't (which I suspect you will not) - I wonder if your assertion is telling of your mental state - any shrinks on this forum? - our 9 year old friend may need help -

Are 9 year olds allowed membership here?

Look at what you did to "Indian" historical places like mohenjodaro/harappa/etc. Some people in Pak actually think/believe history sstarted with Islam Muhammad bin Qasim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. No wonder such low grade and poor thinking is reflected in the fact that Islam/Muslims are technologically the most backward community in the world barring those who have migrated to the west with some exceptions such as Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia but who were then disowned by Pakistan!

The reset of your post is such an incoherent concatenation of words that no one should have to grace it with a response.
Well ignore that dude he has acute mental disease and take him as serious as the sound of a frog in the dark!

@ topic; who gets what in India is non of our business we need good relations and trade with India :)
Man, this family loots both our countries. All four family players in the same consortium means another corruption scandal. Indian private companies are also good at underestimating yields for extra dirty money so Afghanistan would be wise to set up a watchdog.
Are you a pakistani or not? Or are you going to disown ur country as many of your ilks do in western countries (OMG they prfer to be called Indians!!!!)?

When people run out of arguments/facts they just resort to ..... nothing ... or what gibberish you just dished out.
Are you a pakistani or not? Or are you going to disown ur country as many of your ilks do in western countries (OMG they prfer to be called Indians!!!!)?

When people run out of arguments/facts they just resort to ..... nothing ... or what gibberish you just dished out.

Now my lilliputian dear: Answer the questions I posted - why are you avoid them?


Do you have any rigorous argument / proof to support you attribution of *jealousy* to people of Pakistani heritage ?

By proof I would accept a work, statement, article by an establish academic, journalist, expert (for example Karan Thapar does not qualify)

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