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How Islam is spread in Indonesia

Your welcome brother

Well actually Indonesian in general dont know the problem in Kashmir since local news rarely talk about it and honestly I am just aware of the problem after I become an active member of PDF since middle of 2013. Indonesian people mostly know about the suffering that happen with Palestinian, Rohingya, Uigyur.

This is not because Indonesian regard Kashmir less than those people, but merely due to not knowing about the problem.

I thought that was the case, but wasn't sure.
It seems high ups are keeping the issue out of the public eye by design, possibly they are afraid of how the public might react. I know of one incident few years ago, when Pakistan embassy started holding an annual information event and they were asked not to, its sad.

Nearly 100,000 people have been killed, that's the worse disaster facing any Muslim group around the world. Hopefully with social media, people will find out more with time. Thanks again, its been a pleasure to meet you, stay blessed.
Hinduism is a dying and evil religion and has been on retreat all over SE Asia except Singapore (Singapore PAP mass import Indians).

Islam is far more superior than Hinduism.

Singapore future is shyt hole of SE Asia.
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