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How is Sri Lanka managing the coronavirus pandemic


Feb 16, 2013
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Long way to go, there can be 2nd or 3rd waves that can be devastating, But to it's credit as a developing nation with limited resources have managed the COVID 19 outbreak with relative success than most of it's peers so far, It's good to see it's efforts being recognized in global forums

How is Sri Lanka managing the coronavirus pandemic

Sri Lanka and Coronavirus

By healthreviewglobal / Leave a Comment / Covid19, Health Economics

How is Sri Lanka managing the coronavirus pandemic -Setting a global example

Sri Lanka, dubbed as the pearl of the Indian ocean, is a very famous tropical destination among thousands. The island nation ranked as the number 01 tourist destination by lonely planet.

We did a thorough analysis of public health measures employed by Sri Lanka.

The point to ponder is how a properly organized preventive care plan can bring about astounding results in a pandemic situation.

Sri Lanka Health System – Brief

Sri Lankan health system has both public and private health care sectors. The public health system is free for all citizens. Going hand in hand, Sri Lanka has a free education system until graduate school for the last 60 years. Thanks to the free education system. Sri Lanka has trained thousands of well-qualified healthcare professionals and paramedical workforce for many decades through 9 well regulated and state of the art medical faculties covering all regions of the country. And, all free of charge. The doctors and paramedical staff receive post-graduate training and continuous medical education throughout their career.

Sri Lanka boasts to a well-planned radial public health institution system. The private health system is tightly regulated under the private health care regulatory commission and the government.

The island nation has a robust century-old community health program. Health statistics such as maternal and child mortality rates are the lowest in the region. In fact, comparable to the western world. The life expectancy is highest in the region. The paradise nation is 100% vaccination covered, and all treatments under the extended program of immunization are administered free of charge.

The ministry of health regulates and sets the guidance to the future policies of the health system.

Coronavirus threat

Since the origin of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan Sri Lankan authorities started to take vigilance in stopping the potential danger. The military forces and the national intelligence service was put on high alert. The government created specialized aviation and border control expert teams, to track the movement of all inbound tourists and with a potential threat.

The first case

27th January:

A 43-year-old lady from Hubei Province, China was the first confirmed case of Covid19 in Sri Lanka. The authorities immediately admitted the patient to the National Infectious Disease Hospital. She was isolated and treated by infectious disease specialists. The patient recovered uneventfully and discharged back to china with a public farewell event.


A warm farewell to the Chinese lady who recovered in Sri Lanka by Minister of Health (Lady with Pink Saree to the left)
One of the first countries to rescue and quarantine

1st February:

Sri Lanka became one of the first countries to send rescue missions to Wuhan, China to evacuate 33 Sri Lankan families. The families were brought down via an exclusive carrier and quarantined in a unique quarantine facility. All potential contacts are observed continuously under quarantine.

The first local case

10th March:

A 52-year-old Sri Lankan becomes positive for Covid 19. The patient has served as a travel guide to a group of Italians. The patient all contacts are quarantined and supervised.

The sequel

12th March:

The second local infected with the virus is detected. The 44-year-old man admitted to the infectious disease hospital, and they traced his contacts.

Sri Lankan government has requested the general public to practice proper hygiene methods and self-quarantine methods to safeguard from the disease.

14 March:

The Sri Lankan government declared 16 March 2020, as a national public holiday to contain the coronavirus spreading in the country.

15 March:

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa proposed plans to combat coronavirus to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) leaders during a video press conference. Sri Lankan President directed the authorities to implement quarantine centres to examine the foreigners and ordered relevant authorities to provide necessary essential services to the general public via the internet.


A Sri Lanka army quarantine facility

16 March:

The Sri Lanka Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) requested the President to extend the Public holiday to 1 week, and close all ports of entry to the country. The government of Sri Lanka extended the public holidays to three days from 17 March to 19 March due to an increase in new cases except for health, banking, food supply and transportation.

17 March:

The President ordered the banking sector not to overburden the coronavirus hit business sector, which is unable to repay the loans and ordered the banking sector further to extend the payback period to another six months.

Ministry of Health revealed that around 24 hospitals are available ready to tackle the coronavirus emergency.

19 March:

The government decided to further extend the public holidays for eight days to both private and public sectors. Therefore, work from home for eight days was declared. The state-imposed island wise curfew to cease all public gatherings and movement. All potential contacts and people with travel history were registered by the local police authorities.


Sri Lanka Air Force, conducting fumigation at the famous ” Temple of the Tooth Relic.”
21 March:

The government also urged the public not to utilize chloroquine at will. Many leading 4-star hotels offered their facilities to the government as quarantine facilities.


Hotels offered as quarantine centres to the government
23 March:

Sri Lankan authorities have reported 86 positive coronavirus cases and 0 deaths.

We have studied the responses of many countries to the coronavirus pandemic. We at healthreviewglobal.com decided to select Sri Lanka for its swift and impressive response to the global epidemic despite being a second world economy. On top of it, we learned the importance of investing in public health.

26 March:

Sri Lankan authorities have published details of 2 more positive cases after a day of silence. The government has extended the local curfew for three urban districts suspecting more sporadic cases. According to local media, the police and state and private sector have arranged door to door food and necessity delivery services. Work at home policy got extended as well.

The island nation has closed its airports for arrivals since last week.

healthreviewglobal.com team brings more updates on the global coronavirus pandemic


  1. https://www.army.lk/news/national-operation-centre-prevention-covid-19-outbreak-appeals-all-entered-without-quarantine
  2. http://www.pmdnews.lk/army-commander-shavendra-silva-heads-national-operation-center-for-prevention-of-covid-19-outbreak/
  3. http://www.health.gov.lk/moh_final/english/
  4. https://www.gmoa.lk/
Long way to go, there can be 2nd or 3rd waves that can be devastating, But to it's credit as a developing nation with limited resources have managed the COVID 19 outbreak with relative success than most of it's peers so far, It's good to see it's efforts being recognized in global forums

How is Sri Lanka managing the coronavirus pandemic

Sri Lanka and Coronavirus

By healthreviewglobal / Leave a Comment / Covid19, Health Economics

How is Sri Lanka managing the coronavirus pandemic -Setting a global example

Sri Lanka, dubbed as the pearl of the Indian ocean, is a very famous tropical destination among thousands. The island nation ranked as the number 01 tourist destination by lonely planet.

We did a thorough analysis of public health measures employed by Sri Lanka.

The point to ponder is how a properly organized preventive care plan can bring about astounding results in a pandemic situation.

Sri Lanka Health System – Brief

Sri Lankan health system has both public and private health care sectors. The public health system is free for all citizens. Going hand in hand, Sri Lanka has a free education system until graduate school for the last 60 years. Thanks to the free education system. Sri Lanka has trained thousands of well-qualified healthcare professionals and paramedical workforce for many decades through 9 well regulated and state of the art medical faculties covering all regions of the country. And, all free of charge. The doctors and paramedical staff receive post-graduate training and continuous medical education throughout their career.

Sri Lanka boasts to a well-planned radial public health institution system. The private health system is tightly regulated under the private health care regulatory commission and the government.

The island nation has a robust century-old community health program. Health statistics such as maternal and child mortality rates are the lowest in the region. In fact, comparable to the western world. The life expectancy is highest in the region. The paradise nation is 100% vaccination covered, and all treatments under the extended program of immunization are administered free of charge.

The ministry of health regulates and sets the guidance to the future policies of the health system.

Coronavirus threat

Since the origin of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan Sri Lankan authorities started to take vigilance in stopping the potential danger. The military forces and the national intelligence service was put on high alert. The government created specialized aviation and border control expert teams, to track the movement of all inbound tourists and with a potential threat.

The first case

27th January:

A 43-year-old lady from Hubei Province, China was the first confirmed case of Covid19 in Sri Lanka. The authorities immediately admitted the patient to the National Infectious Disease Hospital. She was isolated and treated by infectious disease specialists. The patient recovered uneventfully and discharged back to china with a public farewell event.


A warm farewell to the Chinese lady who recovered in Sri Lanka by Minister of Health (Lady with Pink Saree to the left)
One of the first countries to rescue and quarantine

1st February:

Sri Lanka became one of the first countries to send rescue missions to Wuhan, China to evacuate 33 Sri Lankan families. The families were brought down via an exclusive carrier and quarantined in a unique quarantine facility. All potential contacts are observed continuously under quarantine.

The first local case

10th March:

A 52-year-old Sri Lankan becomes positive for Covid 19. The patient has served as a travel guide to a group of Italians. The patient all contacts are quarantined and supervised.

The sequel

12th March:

The second local infected with the virus is detected. The 44-year-old man admitted to the infectious disease hospital, and they traced his contacts.

Sri Lankan government has requested the general public to practice proper hygiene methods and self-quarantine methods to safeguard from the disease.

14 March:

The Sri Lankan government declared 16 March 2020, as a national public holiday to contain the coronavirus spreading in the country.

15 March:

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa proposed plans to combat coronavirus to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) leaders during a video press conference. Sri Lankan President directed the authorities to implement quarantine centres to examine the foreigners and ordered relevant authorities to provide necessary essential services to the general public via the internet.


A Sri Lanka army quarantine facility

16 March:

The Sri Lanka Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) requested the President to extend the Public holiday to 1 week, and close all ports of entry to the country. The government of Sri Lanka extended the public holidays to three days from 17 March to 19 March due to an increase in new cases except for health, banking, food supply and transportation.

17 March:

The President ordered the banking sector not to overburden the coronavirus hit business sector, which is unable to repay the loans and ordered the banking sector further to extend the payback period to another six months.

Ministry of Health revealed that around 24 hospitals are available ready to tackle the coronavirus emergency.

19 March:

The government decided to further extend the public holidays for eight days to both private and public sectors. Therefore, work from home for eight days was declared. The state-imposed island wise curfew to cease all public gatherings and movement. All potential contacts and people with travel history were registered by the local police authorities.


Sri Lanka Air Force, conducting fumigation at the famous ” Temple of the Tooth Relic.”
21 March:

The government also urged the public not to utilize chloroquine at will. Many leading 4-star hotels offered their facilities to the government as quarantine facilities.


Hotels offered as quarantine centres to the government
23 March:

Sri Lankan authorities have reported 86 positive coronavirus cases and 0 deaths.

We have studied the responses of many countries to the coronavirus pandemic. We at healthreviewglobal.com decided to select Sri Lanka for its swift and impressive response to the global epidemic despite being a second world economy. On top of it, we learned the importance of investing in public health.

26 March:

Sri Lankan authorities have published details of 2 more positive cases after a day of silence. The government has extended the local curfew for three urban districts suspecting more sporadic cases. According to local media, the police and state and private sector have arranged door to door food and necessity delivery services. Work at home policy got extended as well.

The island nation has closed its airports for arrivals since last week.

healthreviewglobal.com team brings more updates on the global coronavirus pandemic


  1. https://www.army.lk/news/national-operation-centre-prevention-covid-19-outbreak-appeals-all-entered-without-quarantine
  2. http://www.pmdnews.lk/army-commander-shavendra-silva-heads-national-operation-center-for-prevention-of-covid-19-outbreak/
  3. http://www.health.gov.lk/moh_final/english/
  4. https://www.gmoa.lk/

Good job.
Small population and no land border are two huge assets in global contagion.

60% of the cases are Sri Lankan returnees from Italy, Germany, India and Britain and few foreign tourists, 30% odd are people who have had direct contact with those returnees, Further 19,000 are in self quarantine, Who are family members and others who have had direct contact with confirmed cases.. All are strictly monitored by authorities

To date

106 Total cases
99 Active cases
7 Recovered
3 Critical Cases
0 Fatalities

Detailed coverage updated regularly on https://covid.iq.lk/
Sri Lanka village in Covid-19 lockdown as zero Coronavirus cases reported for second day
Saturday March 28, 2020 08:01:30

ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka has locked down a village South of the capital Colombo after a confirmed Coronavirus patient was found who had contacts with at least 26 persons, while nationwide curfews continue to combat the spread of Covid-19.

Sri Lanka recorded the second day with no new infections on March 27, since Sri Lanka’s Second Wave infections started with infections from Italy.

Sri Lanka has so far confirmed 106 cases, and 238 are in hospitals under observation. Six patients including a Wave I patient from Wuhan had recovered up to March 27 morning.

Surgical Lockdown

Sri Lanka has been aggressively quarantining arrivals, chasing down contacts and putting the country under curfew to contain the virus.

“In the Bandaragama divisional secretary area, in the village of Atalugama we found that Coranvirus case had close contacts with over 26 percents,” Sri Lanka’ Army Commander Shavendra Silva who heads an anti-Coronavirus task force in the island in a recorded video.

“These 26 persons have been quarantined in a centre in the same area.

“Under the advice of health authorities others are asked to be in self-quarantine.”

Atalugama had been put in surgical quarantine with police setting up barricades at all entry points. No one is allowed to enter or leave the village.

Meanwhile the military had also released another 501 persons from quarantine, taking the total released up to now to 1,174, General Silva said. In the quarantine centres 2,871 remain. Another 300 would be released on Saturday he said.

Sri Lanka has been aggressively chasing contacts of all confirmed Coroanvirus cases, while there are nation-wide curfews to prevent the spread of the disease.

Out of 106 confirmed cases 33 were from quarantine centres, who had returned from abroad.

“If these people were not quarantined, there would be big calamity in the country,” Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said.

Sri Lanka has since barred all arrivals, whether foreigners or citizens.

The government on Friday asked overseas citizens to wait until the work currently being done to contain the diseases in the island is completed.

Many countries have closed borders, but many are also allowing citizens to return.

Vietnam which is also aggressively chasing contacts has so far quarantined

Under Watch

By Saturday March 28, 14 days had elapsed since a ‘Big Match’ between Colombo’s Royal and St. Thomas’ College where a Coronavius patient was found. The big match had been a key concern for authorities.

Other incidents include a father-son duo who had attended the Red Mosque in Colombo. In Jaffna, indefinite curfews are also in place after an infected Swiss pastor held a service and one of his associates were infected.

However the curfews have put severe economic hardship of day wage earners as well as companies.
A 6,000 rupee credit has been given to Samurdhi income supplement recipients.

The government has announced a multiple economic measures including credit relief.

Sri Lanka Ports Authority Friday exempted ships from entry fees and demurrage and shippers from warehouse rents and container storage charges.

First Coronavirus death reported from Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka confirmed its first death from the novel coronavirus, Health Authorities said on Saturday.

A 60 year-old from Marawila passed away short while ago. Doctors said he had several other medical complications as well.

He was subject to a kidney transplant several years ago and also suffered from diabetes and high blood pressure.

The number of confirmed cases in the country has reached 110 and while 09 people have recovered from COVID-19.




COVID19 Spread Projection in Sri Lanka.
Calculated on: 5 Apr 2020, 11:50 PM



Exposure History of Covid-19 Diagnosed cases of Sri Lanka as on 22 Mar 2020




On a lighter note.. How Lankans are practicing social distancing


As a tribute to the healthcare workers, Security forces and others providing vital services in the fight against Covid19 in Lanka, They illuminated the lotus tower in red, Last evening in Colombo

Last edited:
SL ranked 9th in Global Response to Infectious Diseases (GRID) index

Sri Lanka have been ranked 9th in the Global Response to Infectious Diseases (GRID) index.

The GRID index is designed to rank how efficiently and effectively the leadership of the country and the preparedness of its health system were in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results are published in a paper titled GRIDTM Index: Tracking the Global Leadership Response in the COVID-19 Crisis by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Australia) (ICMA).

New Zealand’s and its leader Jacinta Arden have been ranked 1st in the GRID) index. The USA, led by President Donald Trump in its COVID-19 responses fares abysmally in the rankings.

Other countries that did well in the GRID Index were Singapore, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Canada, South Korea, Hong Kong, , the UAE, Japan and Taiwan.


SL ranked 9th in Global Response to Infectious Diseases (GRID) index

Sri Lanka have been ranked 9th in the Global Response to Infectious Diseases (GRID) index.

The GRID index is designed to rank how efficiently and effectively the leadership of the country and the preparedness of its health system were in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results are published in a paper titled GRIDTM Index: Tracking the Global Leadership Response in the COVID-19 Crisis by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Australia) (ICMA).

New Zealand’s and its leader Jacinta Arden have been ranked 1st in the GRID) index. The USA, led by President Donald Trump in its COVID-19 responses fares abysmally in the rankings.

Other countries that did well in the GRID Index were Singapore, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Canada, South Korea, Hong Kong, , the UAE, Japan and Taiwan.


Where is Pakistan?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Sri Lanka - Analytics Dashboard
  • Last Updated: 16 Apr 2020, 5:50 PM
Total Cases

Daily New Cases

1 in ICU
Active Cases

Recovered Cases

Fatal Cases

Observation Cases

Tested Cases

+/-1Confidence Variance
Predicted Final Spread

Districts Affected

Growth Rate

Recovery Rate

Fatality Rate




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