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How is life under economic crisis?

Family back home hasn’t reported any dire situation or circumstances. Yes inflation is happening alot but otherwise things r pretty normal

Pakistan is a very very resilient country. In fact, its sitting on massive untapped natural resources. Future is looking great
Family back home hasn’t reported any dire situation or circumstances. Yes inflation is happening alot but otherwise things r pretty normal

Pakistan is a very very resilient country. In fact, its sitting on massive untapped natural resources. Future is looking great
If we bring political stability (not dictatorship) - sky's the limit

If we keep doing what we have been doing for decades ie dictators, hybrid government, unstable Parliamentry governments - future is bleek

Potential alone is nothing, if it was Congo would lead the world

Pakistani public is set, no collapse on that front.

The Pakistani government is in danger of being default. But it seems increasingly likely they will be bailed out by IMF but the conditions would be tough, for their own good.
Honestly, I think IMF 's tough love might exactly be the thing our dumb patwari politicians need

Unfortunately it'll end all subsidies
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Pakistanis have this strong culture of charity and donations, welfare organizations like Edhi aren't running on their own. If it comes to that, you will see Pakistanis taking care of lower strata of populace more actively.

Inflation has hit badly but the most worrisome part is ever increasing trust deficit. People don't like politicians in general and now military in particular. It is these two classes who have to decide how things go from here, we cannot anymore afford this culture of corruption and dynastic politics. Everything has to be on merit now, or else obviously everything will be lost.

It is the beginning of realisation, personally I believe we are at crossroads.
If we bring political stability (not dictatorship) - sky's the limit
If an election is held, do you foresee a possibility of an intelligent, honest but not power-hungry leader emerging? Who may be in that candidate pool? If not now, more philosophically than politically, do you think such a leader can emerge in Pakistan?
its ok if you are politician, drug dealer, arms dealer, farmer, property owner, cash n carry owner or a mujra whore. i think the city hard labourer will have it hard, you know the kind that get paid pittance to pick up atta bags or heavy luggage all day.
@Paitoo :rofl: :rofl: dk what to say,

This January- dec I visited Pakistan for a month proper went to malls like 3 times and I swear on everything dear to me

It was filled to the BRIM, I could literally smell everyone's weird mix of sweat and perfume, especially the last time on Friday night, went to local KFC same thing - took me 15-20 minutes to just order my food, same with most famous local restaurants

I took the Metro on I think Tuesday evening 6 ish and station was filled just like the Friday night mall
Mostly regular people but I could definitely see women, men dressed up with makeup and all, going out and about for leisurely activities

Same thing with an amusement park I went to on a workday - filled to the brim

For the bowling alley, it took us 20-30 minutes to get our space, housing societies every f-ing where

But That's on an individual level , I think we have to pay 1.2 $ billion luxury car import bill too Afaik

in the same country a LOT of people are really struggling with inflation, especially after the floods most of our country is struggling, atleast 2-3 beggars on every stop, children selling stuff to feed their family

There's a huge economic divide and no it's not elites, elites alone can't fill out entire Malls, amusement Parks, restaurants etc"


Post #4
This January- dec I visited Pakistan for a month proper went to malls like 3 times and I swear on everything dear to me

It was filled to the BRIM, I could literally smell everyone's weird mix of sweat and perfume, especially the last time on Friday night, went to local KFC same thing - took me 15-20 minutes to just order my food, same with most famous local restaurants

I took the Metro on I think Tuesday evening 6 ish and station was filled just like the Friday night mall
Mostly regular people but I could definitely see women, men dressed up with makeup and all, going out and about for leisurely activities

Same thing with an amusement park I went to on a workday - filled to the brim

For the bowling alley, it took us 20-30 minutes to get our space, housing societies every f-ing where

But That's on an individual level , I think we have to pay 1.2 $ billion luxury car import bill too Afaik

in the same country a LOT of people are really struggling with inflation, especially after the floods most of our country is struggling, atleast 2-3 beggars on every stop, children selling stuff to feed their family

There's a huge economic divide and no it's not elites, elites alone can't fill out entire Malls, amusement Parks, restaurants etc"


Post #4
Few reason of all this.

#1. Cities are overcrowded and facilities are few, what you see at these locations are just a small percentage of total city population.

#2. Families whose incomes based is overseas Pakistanis are Unaffected by Rupee devaluation and their purchasing power hasn’t been effected.

#3. Salaries for govt employees and profits margins for businesses are also keeping up with the inflation. Although overall standard of living is declining but so far they are doing fine.

Once country go default, large businesses and govt employees will hit hard but overseas income families will largely remain unaffected. Small businesses will survive while fulfilling everyday needs to those who still have money.

Virgin Atlantic announces suspension of services to Pakistan​

Panic over blocked imports in crisis-stricken Pakistan​

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