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How Iran Threw the World's Greatest Party In a Desert

Dai Toruko

Mar 14, 2017
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In 1971, Iran threw an extravagant and exclusive party to commemorate the 2500th anniversary of the Persian empire. The party had a grandeur never seen before in the world's recorded history. It had delicious food from the world's best restaurant, exquisite drinks, luxurious accommodations, medieval European style decorations, and more importantly - the party had the most decorated guestlist - heads of states from 65 different countries, emperors, kings and queens, princes and princesses, sheiks, sultans, and business figures of all kinds from 5 different continents. The venue of the event was not some ancient castle or a seven-star hotel, instead, everything was organized from scratch, in the middle of a desert, by building plastic tents. The cost of all of this? Not a million dollars; Not a billion dollars; this party almost cost a dynasty. It proved to be a stepping stone for the rise of the Iranian revolution and the fall of the Iranian Monarchy that changed the country forever.
Well,thats what happens when you have a corrupt us vassal dictatorship running the country squandering money on idiotic displays of vanity like this,or vast quantities of weapons that they dont need.

Heres the inside of the banqueting hall TENT at the 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire,its so over the top I think it would make even the saudis blush[LOL!]

Basically under the pahlavi regime iran was literally the persian version of saudi arabia,and no thats NOT a compliment,far from it.So its not very surprising that they had a revolution and kicked his arse out,one wonders when the locals in the rest of the us backed dictatorships in the region will wake up and kick out the us propped up stinky old sheiks and other assorted despots.

Strangely despite his dads corruption and incompetence.....or maybe because of it?,its his son the clown prince pahlavi jnr,that the west would really like to see running any post iri iran,funny that eh?

A us vassal dictator and a would be us vassal dictator......why looking at them its almost impossible to tell one from the other,they could almost be twins.:haha:
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I agree the situation more or less is still the same in SA for decades a family rules the country...
Not only rules over the country and controls all of the country by nepotism, but has changed the official name of the country and put the name of their family in it which is unique in modern history, I believe.
Back then, Iranians had to pay Extra insurance money to westerners who worked in Iran, because according to them, Iranians were uncivilized savages. In some American bars, they would even put stickers that read “no dogs or Iranians allowed” So the Shah held this arrangement to demonstrate 2500 years of Iranian history and civilization to the world

In 1971, Iran threw an extravagant and exclusive party to commemorate the 2500th anniversary of the Persian empire. The party had a grandeur never seen before in the world's recorded history. It had delicious food from the world's best restaurant, exquisite drinks, luxurious accommodations, medieval European style decorations, and more importantly - the party had the most decorated guestlist - heads of states from 65 different countries, emperors, kings and queens, princes and princesses, sheiks, sultans, and business figures of all kinds from 5 different continents. The venue of the event was not some ancient castle or a seven-star hotel, instead, everything was organized from scratch, in the middle of a desert, by building plastic tents. The cost of all of this? Not a million dollars; Not a billion dollars; this party almost cost a dynasty. It proved to be a stepping stone for the rise of the Iranian revolution and the fall of the Iranian Monarchy that changed the country forever.

Is this the mighty Turkish delegation gettin humiliated by being asked to stand under the statute of Catherine the Great who defeated the Turks 11 times? Erdogan made an EPIC MISTAKE!

Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 8.38.18 PM.png

Is this the big Erdogan sitting under statute of Catherine the Great?
Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 8.44.05 PM.png
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Is this the mighty Turkish delegation gettin humiliated by being asked to stand under the statute of Catherine the Great who defeated the Turks 11 times? Erdogan made an EPIC MISTAKE!

View attachment 611368

Is this the big Erdogan sitting under statute of Catherine the Great?
View attachment 611370
I`m sure thats just a coincidence.........really,.........I mean theres probably lots of antique statues and stuff in the kremlin.......,right?;)
That is simply beautiful.:enjoy:
Shah had an obsession with appearing as “royalty” even though deep down there was no royal blood. His father was a mere officer who was picked by the West to be a puppet.

No matter what Shah did his family was at the end of the day a dictatorship with no lineage to any of Iran’s Imperial Dynasty. (impossible to prove lineage to Cyrus or Darius or Xerxes anyway as there is no DNA).

Not to mention Shah suffered from schizophrenia and paranoia. Severe mental illness’ for someone in charge of a country.

If he actually spent money developing Iran and promoting religious freedom (In the beginning Khomeini wanted to partner with the Shah) his family would likely still be in power today.
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