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How India’s QR-SAM has poured Cold water on Pakistan’s NASR

Believe it or not Pakistan too fears escalation of war to a level, from which there is no return. An example of that was, Indian surgical strikes across the LOC. Though such strikes, albeit on a smaller scale have been going on for decades by either sides, but they were hush hush.
Oh God, they're still trying to convince us that the "sir ji kaal" strikes were real...

oh chanda...forget sir ji kaal strikes, you can't even push a tiny little off the shelf drone through. We're proven time and time again, from 1999 to the present day, from shooting down mig-21s to mig-27s to indian choppers to drones that you cannot step across an inch without spelling out the end of india.

take my advice, auqaat may raho aur zinda raho.
Oh God, they're still trying to convince us that the "sir ji kaal" strikes were real...

oh chanda...forget sir ji kaal strikes, you can't even push a tiny little off the shelf drone through. We're proven time and time again, from 1999 to the present day, from shooting down mig-21s to mig-27s to indian choppers to drones that you cannot step across an inch without spelling out the end of india.

take my advice, auqaat may raho aur zinda raho.

Wether real or not.

If a neighbor openly claimed on a loudspeaker nonetheless, that they entered my house, beat me and my family up and dared me to a fight, wether he did actually enter my house and beat me up or not.

I would have readily accepted his challenge and gone to his house and beaten the $hit out him, just because, he dared to make, such a claim and not hid in my, house, saying - no, no nothing like that happened, I will not leave my house.

That is fear of escalation, I was explaining in my earlier post.
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You should feel sorry for Pakistan citizen who will die in Nasr nuclear attack in Pakistan.
I feel sorry for the indians stuck on the indian side of the no man's land. as soon as any sizable indian force enters their side of the dmz will result in a rain of NASR missiles.

I don't think the indians on this forum realize what the real issue is. perhaps short sightedness on their side. the real issue is NOT that the bulk of the indian forces will get eradicated at the hands of merely a dozen or so NASRs. The real issue is that AFTER they are eradicated, they won't have anyone to defend against a counter Pakistani offensive which would be massive on scale. Pakistan may not do that across the international border, but will do so across the LOC.

Wether real or not.

If some one openly claimed on loudspeaker nonetheless, that they entered my house, beat me and my family up and dared me to a fight. I would have readily accepted the challenge, and not hid in my, house, saying - no, no nothing like that happened, I will not leave my house.
on the contrary, when low-life little thugs in a neighborhood scream that they entered someone's house and beat someone up, the rest of the neighborhood ignores their rants given the insignificant existence of such people. As you can see below:
I feel sorry for the indians stuck on the indian side of the no man's land. as soon as any sizable indian force enters their side of the dmz will result in a rain of NASR missiles.

I don't think the indians on this forum realize what the real issue is. perhaps short sightedness on their side. the real issue is NOT that the bulk of the indian forces will get eradicated at the hands of merely a dozen or so NASRs. The real issue is that AFTER they are eradicated, they won't have anyone to defend against a counter Pakistani offensive which would be massive on scale. Pakistan may not do that across the international border, but will do so across the LOC.

on the contrary, when low-life little thugs in a neighborhood scream that they entered someone's house and beat someone up, the rest of the neighborhood ignores their rants given the insignificant existence of such people. As you can see below:
Well come back Sir!
Capture a small amount of area before enemy can mobilize
That's where the policy falls apart - Pakistan is not going to allow for a small amount of area to be captured, there will inevitably be escalation and full scale war.
I feel sorry for the indians stuck on the indian side of the no man's land. as soon as any sizable indian force enters their side of the dmz will result in a rain of NASR missiles.

I don't think the indians on this forum realize what the real issue is. perhaps short sightedness on their side. the real issue is NOT that the bulk of the indian forces will get eradicated at the hands of merely a dozen or so NASRs. The real issue is that AFTER they are eradicated, they won't have anyone to defend against a counter Pakistani offensive which would be massive on scale. Pakistan may not do that across the international border, but will do so across the LOC.

on the contrary, when low-life little thugs in a neighborhood scream that they entered someone's house and beat someone up, the rest of the neighborhood ignores their rants given the insignificant existence of such people. As you can see below:
Feeling so lonely with out you!
Otherwise it is hard find examples in history, where a nation openly claims, that we entered your country and killed your countrymen, but the other nation says, no no nothing like that happened, hence we do not need respond.
Here too you are wrong - the Indian contention is that insurgents from Pakistan carry out cross-LoC strikes, which this alleged event was a response to. 'Surgical strikes', in terms of what the Indian's are alleging, can be carried out by both sides. Pakistan could in fact use the alleged 'surgical strikes' as an excuse to escalate cross-Loc strikes by its own troops using the official Indian claim as justification. In either case the threshold would not be crossed.

That's why the 'surgical strikes' claim (in terms of being anything more than what has occurred historically) is a farce, since Pakistan would have jumped at the opportunity to increase the number and intensity of similar strikes against the Indian security forces.
Here too you are wrong - the Indian contention is that insurgents from Pakistan carry out cross-LoC strikes, which this alleged event was a response to. 'Surgical strikes', in terms of what the Indian's are alleging, can be carried out by both sides. Pakistan could in fact use the alleged 'surgical strikes' as an excuse to escalate cross-Loc strikes by its own troops using the official Indian claim as justification. In either case the threshold would not be crossed.

That's why the 'surgical strikes' claim (in terms of being anything more than what has occurred historically) is a farce, since Pakistan would have jumped at the opportunity to increase the number and intensity of similar strikes against the Indian security forces.
iran constantly claims that they struck isreal left right and center. isreal doesn't even bother to respond let alone deny that iran did anything.

north korea constantly threatens the u.s. and the u.s. eventually just stopped responding.

Can't ignore the fact that toothless dogs can only bark. people with braincells normally ignore such barks. They have better things to do.

oh and let's not forget, india's own bjp party members calling it fake...
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Here too you are wrong - the Indian contention is that insurgents from Pakistan carry out cross-LoC strikes, which this alleged event was a response to. 'Surgical strikes', in terms of what the Indian's are alleging, can be carried out by both sides. Pakistan could in fact use the alleged 'surgical strikes' as an excuse to escalate cross-Loc strikes by its own troops using the official Indian claim as justification. In either case the threshold would not be crossed.

That's why the 'surgical strikes' claim (in terms of being anything more than what has occurred historically) is a farce, since Pakistan would have jumped at the opportunity to increase the number and intensity of similar strikes against the Indian security forces.

Yes, Pakistan could have used, Indian claim of strikes across LOC to strike across the LOC, but it did not, Why ?
Qucik mobilization, and quick capture of enemy area, before the enemy can mobilize(which is what cold start is), means, it will be India, which will be defending and Pakistan, which will be attacking to recapture the areas lost, once its own army has mobilized.

i like cold start concept but again this is the same indian army which initiated operation brasstacks,operation parakram.as i have said earlier,india have no experience.also if you even capture a small part of pakistan,pakistan might retaliate but after capturing indian part in some distant location.obviously we don't wait for india to vacate our part.i think we will initiate our own attack on some distant location.in this way,we can recapture lost territory.i don't think that pakistan will even send more army men to recapture.we will hit our own territory with missiles and you know,we will not allow india to come closer to a city because of the population.we will do it on plains,deserts.i still feel that india have more disadvantage in this doctrine.
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