I would not like West Bengal to secede from India.....but I definitely want swaraj/self rule..........all subjects in union list of India should be transferred to state list except defense, external affairs and rivers.......it should be completely federal, not quasi -federal sh!t we have now....... I'm for complete self rule of not only West Bengal but every other state.......Governance is better delivered when divided into small regions......and defense is better served when the armed forces r united.....
Today, much of mineral deposits whether be it coal or iron or aluminium are concentrated around the eastern part of India, around chhota nagpur plateau......The eastern region also holds most fertile land in whole of india for its Gangetic plains......yet, the eastern part(Bihar, Bengal, Jharkhand & Orissa) is one of the poorest states in whole of India........and still we see major projects of central govt. like DRDO, ISRO, Medical colleges, Research institutes go to goes to South India(Andhra, Karnataka), west - Mumbai, Pune etc and North - Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi etc. Today the W.B govt. gets back only 34% of what it earns from W.B.....the remaining 66% is spent else where through projects of planning commission(except defense and few other).....and there has been hardly any central govt. project in W.B, Bihar, Orissa & Jharkhand.....
Subsequent regimes in W.B (communists, and now TMC) speak of how our state has been deprived of what is rightfully ours.....so is the case with Bihar & Orissa. Bcoz there is such feeling among the public. Those who do not agree with this and can do some research of how many central govt. funded research institutes, medical colleges, are there in which part of the country.....
Also, I do not like the attitudes North Indians have towards Bengalis & Assamese......I have travelled many parts of India for my job and have often been subject to jeering for being a bong and for my pronunciation.........I have also seen South Indians facing same behaiviour and attitudes by North & West Indians........and the same case with north-eastern people who r called chinks( chinese) for their ethnicity.
These r some problems we Bengalis face in "united" India.