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How India created Bangladesh & lessons for Sri Lanka

Well i guess this is the old story & the whole world knows tht India is the migrane for Asian progress & peace & is totally in the hands of West.

& the same thing india is trying to do again with helping & training terrorists against Pakistan & Srilanka
Why don't you try getting back your aksai chin? you will find out. Then we can get our west bengal and asssam. Pakistan can have the west of India, china can have anuranchal pradesh and whatever they want and sri lanka can have tamil nadu.
Why doesn't China get Arunachal itself now?What is stopping China?Things don't go the way you think.
Using nukes is not a cakewalk...they have been used only 1 time in human history..
Btw,if you are that girl..i don't mind!

yeah so you'd be happy with nukes facing your country? you wouldnt have bullied Bangladesh into getting a transit, you wouldnt be dictating terms to us and certainly not kill a bangladeshi citizen at the border every other day.
India did not create Bangladesh, it HELPED and ASSISTED people of East Pakistan to liberate themselves and form a country where they are free from unequal treatment of West Pakistan. India's reaction was to massive Refugee flow followed by lack of international assistance (cold war period). Bangladesh would never have been created if Bangladeshis were treated at par with what was then West Pakistan..

Well i guess this is the old story & the whole world knows tht India is the migrane for Asian progress & peace & is totally in the hands of West.

& the same thing india is trying to do again with helping & training terrorists against Pakistan & Srilanka
i wish if u see the reality... India has always favored bilateral talks with Pakistan but Pakistan always wanted to drag in America.. it's true that now there is growing anti-American sentiments in Pakistan but that does not mean Pakistan never played American card. for India talks business and not hatred!!
if you start war even with a single neighbour all others will be there to piss off you including your internal indpendence movements, you better realize that you arent enough stronger internaly to get into war.

They realize it very well otherwise they would have attacked Bangladesh in 2001 rather they have had back door policy that resulted 2009 BDR mutiny.
What were Paresh Barua and Anup Chetia doing in Dhaka with national ID card being issued to them, were they staying for Suderbans safari???

But its true, Bangladesh never aided the Maoist.

What was Santu Larma doing in india? How come one rebel leader of BD separatist group enters BD on indian military helicopter to sign agreement?
No wonder why your neighbors hate you!! I must say very lame attitude,there is a huge difference between a self declared daddy and the original one who doesn't need to bark again and again.

You replied to someone who is not in a position to officialy say anything on the behalf of India.

How does that make our neighbors hate India? Was that India's official stand you talked about?

They tried and have failed so far. Akhand Bharat does not necessarily imply physical control. As long as a proxy government is in place the Indians are happy.

When did we try to annex Bangladesh?
As far as I remember, we helped you get independence from the murderers.

So do you support Bangladesh becoming apart of akhand bharat, requires Bangladesh ,Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan first these countries could become like Sikkim.

Dude, please, STFU. Why are you meddling in between without knowing the ground realities?

There is a fear that Bangladesh ,Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan could become another sikkim.

Do you know the situation in Sikkim?

For India to be strong enough to take on China, India needs to annex Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and Pakistan.

And why would India want to take over China?

What would it gain from annexing Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan? They are too small to make any difference.

As for Pakistan, yes, we may gain some strength by including the Punjabi Army but that edge will be lost when we consider the problems caused to India by the instability in the other regions.


Did you read it yourself? Was Bangladesh present in 1947?

Which point are you trying to put from the Indian doctrine? Please bring it on the forum instead of vaguely telling others to read the whole doctrine.

Take my words seriously guys- Many Indian members on this forum are paid propagandists.

And why should anyone take your word seriously?
Just because you are an anonymous member on the internet trolling on a forum with umm... nothing special that helps you know such things. Reason enough??

Submit your cv to the RAW and Best of Luck!

LOL!!! It seems like you know more about RAW than Indians here. I doubt if you are one of the RAW agents you claim we have in Bangladesh. Nice work buddy. Make them feel that you are one of them. :P

yeah so you'd be happy with nukes facing your country? you wouldnt have bullied Bangladesh into getting a transit, you wouldnt be dictating terms to us and certainly not kill a bangladeshi citizen at the border every other day.

Its your responsibility to make sure that you get your side of the bargain in any trade or treaty. No one is dictating terms to you.
If the people feel some government is India's proxy, feel free to remove it. There is no use trying to cry about it on a forum.

To all Bangladeshi members here ---- Do you really think that it was a bad step on the part of India to help you achieve freedom from Pakistani oppression?
I remember only one mistake that the Indians did in 1971. We did not let the Bengalis take revenge from the remaining pakistani troops. but that was on humanitarian grounds.
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