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How Hitler got killed ....?

Agree ...so the chancellor ensured that enemies never take him live . So the Allies did just accept that Hitler shot himself and burnt .This is very difficult to digest , since Hitler was enemy no1 and the allied would have made sure that he is correctly identified . Sometimes , i believe that he was given a safe passage and in return he shared many secrets of German industries and scientific achievements .......now dont shoot me.....this thought just came across my mind.

Besides the code names of the many secret projects, I don't think Hitler personally knew the the ins and outs of the technologically advanced Machines his scientists and engineers were working on, its not like he was working on them along side.

Hitler was of NO value to the Allies or the Russians except that they would parade him around in Red square in Moscow and then send him to the gallows in Nuremberg, he was their enemy and they hated his guts, the only reasonable thing to do would be to humiliate him in front of the world and then execute him.
Read what you wrote above your reply to me. Do you not think the Russians would think the same, I wouldn't be surprised if they took him alive for secrets and later he died in their gulags. The West had no need for him as most of the German scientists were given amnesty and refuge in the West. Supposedly the Russians got to him first so it is possible.

What major secrets could Hitler have possibly possessed that the Soviets would consider? Stalin gave strict orders to his generals to hunt down Hitler's body and take him dead or alive, i doubt they would have sent him to the Gulags though, most likely they would put him up for display in shackles in Red square as they had done with many German Generals and other high ranking officials as a show of proof of Germany's defeat. Perhaps then they would have just tortured Hitler to death.

If the Russians had captured Hitler, dead or alive, they would at least have proof of this in the form of skeletal remains, which they don't. The Skull fragment they possess is that of a female.

Also, Soviets had captured many Nazi blueprints, fully functional models and prototypes, Hitler could not have provided any valuable input besides code names since he himself wasn't personally working on any of the projects.
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