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How Hitler got killed ....?


Dec 30, 2012
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So , everybody would be asking why dont i just browse the internet and did some research . Well , i did and got the same fact which i have been listening since long time . They say he shot himself .

Below is what i found :-

1. Hitler got the news that the soviets are just 1 day away from Berlin .

2. He went down to the bunker and met Eva (his mistress) and both went to their studyroom.

3. After some time , guards heard a gunshot . They opened the door to study and found hitler dead with a gunshot wound on his temple while Eva was lying lifeless on sofa . Later it was found that she consumed cynide .

4. They were taken upstairs and their bodies burnt through petrol . The remains were retrieved by Russians .

Now , we come across so many original photos and videos made by war photographers of that time but we dont have a single photo or video of dead hitler ( or his corpse ) . There are just stories but no pics.

Anybody has some light to shed on this ?
@Babbar-Khalsa According to a new research which included advanced DNA testing determined that the alleged Hitler skull soviets had with a bullet hole in Moscow, is actually a FEMALE. Go figure!
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@Babbar-Khalsa According to a new research which included advanced DNA testing determined that the alleged Hitler skull soviets had with a bullet hole in Moscow, is actually a FEMALE. Go figure!

yeah ...so it means it remains a mystry ......too many things are being wrapped from us.
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So , everybody would be asking why dont i just browse the internet and did some research . Well , i did and got the same fact which i have been listening since long time . They say he shot himself .

Below is what i found :-

1. Hitler got the news that the soviets are just 1 day away from Berlin .

2. He went down to the bunker and met Eva (his mistress) and both went to their studyroom.

3. After some time , guards heard a gunshot . They opened the door to study and found hitler dead with a gunshot wound on his temple while Eva was lying lifeless on sofa . Later it was found that she consumed cynide .

4. They were taken upstairs and their bodies burnt through petrol . The remains were retrieved by Russians .

Now , we come across so many original photos and videos made by war photographers of that time but we dont have a single photo or video of dead hitler ( or his corpse ) . There are just stories but no pics.

Anybody has some light to shed on this ?

Hitler informed his personal guard that he would shoot himself so they knew that before the gunshot. And secondly, the Russians never found his body, the piece of skull they have is said to be that of a woman's.

In all honesty, its all mystery and stories, we really will never know what happened to Hitler.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians took him prisoner to one of those gulags.
Hitler informed his personal guard that he would shoot himself so they knew that before the gunshot. And secondly, the Russians never found his body, the piece of skull they have is said to be that of a woman's.

In all honesty, its all mystery and stories, we really will never know what happened to Hitler.

Agree ...so the chancellor ensured that enemies never take him live . So the Allies did just accept that Hitler shot himself and burnt .This is very difficult to digest , since Hitler was enemy no1 and the allied would have made sure that he is correctly identified . Sometimes , i believe that he was given a safe passage and in return he shared many secrets of German industries and scientific achievements .......now dont shoot me.....this thought just came across my mind.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians took him prisoner to one of those gulags.

Dont agree.....they would rather shoot him or hang him publicly rather than taking him prisoner.
Hitler was not such a bad person...after all he was the one who killed Hitler...
Hitler was not such a bad person...after all he was the one who killed Hitler...
Actually he was. He killed the person who killed Hitler. :D

These were comments on Youtube video.
Who killed Hitler, is Elvis alive, Will Osama reconstruct and fly out of the Persian sea like Megatron? who knows these things, and frankly who cares. I just got my box set of Game of Thrones and am too busy watching that to pay attention to anything serious!
Agree ...so the chancellor ensured that enemies never take him live . So the Allies did just accept that Hitler shot himself and burnt .This is very difficult to digest , since Hitler was enemy no1 and the allied would have made sure that he is correctly identified . Sometimes , i believe that he was given a safe passage and in return he shared many secrets of German industries and scientific achievements .......now dont shoot me.....this thought just came across my mind.

Dont agree.....they would rather shoot him or hang him publicly rather than taking him prisoner.

Read what you wrote above your reply to me. Do you not think the Russians would think the same, I wouldn't be surprised if they took him alive for secrets and later he died in their gulags. The West had no need for him as most of the German scientists were given amnesty and refuge in the West. Supposedly the Russians got to him first so it is possible.
Read what you wrote above your reply to me. Do you not think the Russians would think the same, I wouldn't be surprised if they took him alive for secrets and later he died in their gulags. The West had no need for him as most of the German scientists were given amnesty and refuge in the West. Supposedly the Russians got to him first so it is possible.

i think KingMamba93 has got a point there!!
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