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How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets


The Palestinians in Gaza were attacked, no the other way around. You have lots of reading to do and need to catch up on your history. Do you even know anything about the siege on Gaza? When Israel withdrew in 2005, it do so because it was ungovernable for them. They hate the Palestinian population which wouldn't allow them to steal their land. After Israel left, Gaza was still not sovereign. And the PA was in power at that time. Israel still controlled the borders, air space, and waters. After Hamas was elected into the national government, some of their representatives were elected in 2006. Abbas was still the leader there. They began imposing more severe restrictions than there already were.

You need to learn dude. Don't make premature posts, if you have no knowledge like the OP then refrain from posting.

11:06 AM ET

Brzezinski: Netanyahu 'making a very serious mistake'
Watch"Fareed Zakaria GPS," Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN

Fareed speaks with former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski about Israel's military operation in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on CNN told Wolf Blitzer that the invasion of Gaza was a strategy to demilitarize Gaza, explaining the use of force. But it has been quite a robust use of force…Do you think that it is going to succeed, the Israeli strategy?

No, I think he is making a very serious mistake. When Hamas in effect accepted the notion of participation in the Palestinian leadership, it in effect acknowledged the determination of that leadership to seek a peaceful solution with Israel. That was a real option. They should have persisted in that.

Instead Netanyahu launched the campaign of defamation against Hamas, seized on the killing of three innocent Israeli kids to immediately charge Hamas with having done it without any evidence, and has used that to stir up public opinion in Israel in order to justify this attack on Gaza, which is so lethal.

I think he is isolating Israel. He's endangering its longer-range future. And I think we ought to make it very clear that this is a course of action which we thoroughly disapprove and which we do not support and which may compel us and the rest of the international community to take some steps of legitimizing Palestinian aspirations perhaps in the U.N.


Go ahead prove to me with reliable sources and facts that it was Hamas which provoked this latest Israeli assault. I'll give you 365 days to prove it to me.

It's unfortunate that you would misinterpret my posts as support for Israel and condemnation for Palestine. On the contrary, my posts are out of genuine concern for the Palestinians which is a consideration oft over-looked when anti-Israeli sentiments take the better of us. I really wish I could respond to your posts in detail, but unfortunately they do not address the seriousness of the present situation. You may have assumed I consider Hamas a terror outfit, but in that you are mistaken. I am well-aware of the political victories which Hamas has enjoyed. As a matter of fact I'm well-versed about the popularity which Hamas' rocket-fire enjoyed in the early days soon after the Second Intifada. What I am actually trying to say, brother, is that Hamas has not been able to transform that popularity into effective strategy or even partial victory.

I'm surprised you would justify Hamas' resistance by citing the Al-Amiriyah school massacre of 124 and not mention the massacre of 1800+ in the ongoing Operation Protective Edge. We need not refer to history to assess the present situation. The historical significance and development of the Palestinian movement pales in comparison to the tragedy which it's incessant, and inaccurate, rocket-fire has brought today.

There is no evidence to suggest that the three Israeli children who were kidnapped and killed was the handiwork of Hamas, and I am also not saying Hamas began the hostilities. I am cognizant of the humility and desperation which the residents of Gaza have to endure at the behest of the Israeli army on a daily basis, but under no circumstances is it even remotely possible to pin the blame of the present conflagration solely on the shoulders of the Israeli army.

The shameless murder of women and children by the Israeli terrorists will only end when Hamas stops firing those unguided-missiles over the fence. If they must persist in their aggression, and have absolute disregard for the innocent Palestinian blood that is being spilt, then the very least they can do is ask Iran for rudimentary terminal guidance systems so that those firecrackers can at least hit something useful.

So far, all Hamas has done is enable Israel to commit the genocide of the Palestinians, by giving the Israeli government and their American financiers a cogent reason for perpetrating the atrocities i.e. indiscriminate rocket-fire (which they've branded a violation of international law, LOL) and Israel's right to respond and defend themselves. Destroying a handful of tanks and capturing some equipment is no recompense for the tragedy which Hamas has helped bring upon the very people it claims it is fighting for.

Is this leadership and valour? No. This is embarrassment and murder.

Source: Annihilate Gaza: Israeli official

I understand that even after Hamas ends its hostilities the Israeli war-machine will continue to kill Palestinian women and children. What will change though, is that it won't happen on this scale. But if the Palestinian situation is so desperate that they would all rather put everything they have on the line in a war which it can't win militarily, then I have simply nothing else to offer.
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It's unfortunate that you would misinterpret my posts as support for Israel and condemnation for Palestine. On the contrary, my posts are out of genuine concern for the Palestinians which is a consideration oft over-looked when anti-Israeli sentiments take the better of us. I really wish I could respond to your posts in detail, but unfortunately they do not address the seriousness of the present situation. You may have assumed I consider Hamas a terror outfit, but in that you are mistaken. I am well-aware of the political victories which Hamas has enjoyed. As a matter of fact I'm well-versed about the popularity which Hamas' rocket-fire enjoyed in the early days soon after the Second Intifada. What I am actually trying to say, brother, is that Hamas has not been able to transform that popularity into effective strategy or even partial victory.

I'm surprised you would justify Hamas' resistance by citing the Al-Amiriyah school massacre of 124 and not mention the massacre of 1800+ in the ongoing Operation Protective Edge. We need not refer to history to assess the present situation. The historical significance and development of the Palestinian movement pales in comparison to the tragedy which it's incessant, and inaccurate, rocket-fire has brought today.

There is no evidence to suggest that the three Israeli children who were kidnapped and killed was the handiwork of Hamas, and I am also not saying Hamas began the hostilities. I am in cognizant of the humility and desperation which the residents of Gaza have to endure at the behest of the Israeli army on a daily basis, but under no circumstances is it even remotely possible to pin the blame of the present conflagration solely on the shoulders of the Israeli army.

The shameless murder of women and children by the Israeli terrorists will only end when Hamas stops firing those unguided-missiles over the fence. If they must persist in their aggression, and have absolute disregard for the innocent Palestinian blood that is being spilt, then the very least they can do is ask Iran for rudimentary terminal guidance systems so that those firecrackers can at least hit something useful.

So far, all Hamas has done is enable Israel to commit the genocide of the Palestinians, by giving the Israeli government and their American financiers a cogent reason for perpetrating the atrocities i.e. indiscriminate rocket-fire (which they've branded a violation of international law, LOL) and Israel's right to respond and defend themselves. Destroying a handful of tanks and capturing some equipment is no recompense for the tragedy which Hamas has helped bring upon the very people it claims it is fighting for.

Is this leadership and valour? No. This is embarrassment and murder.

Source: Annihilate Gaza: Israeli official

Let's just simply look at the reason why Hamas is fighting back, its obvious isn't it? If they don't fight back, Israel would have by now captured Gaza too. Simple as that, no one can go in and out from Gaza, this is why tunnels were created, Gaza is an open air prison.
Let's just simply look at the reason why Hamas is fighting back, its obvious isn't it? If they don't fight back, Israel would have by now captured Gaza too. Simple as that, no one can go in and out from Gaza, this is why tunnels were created, Gaza is an open air prison.

The situation there is deplorable. You have the Egyptian army also to curse for closing its borders to the plight of the Palestinians.

Also @Hazzy997 please do not equate me with this Indian teenager @lightoftruth
That was the only part of your post to which I took offence to.
It's unfortunate that you would misinterpret my posts as support for Israel and condemnation for Palestine. On the contrary, my posts are out of genuine concern for the Palestinians which is a consideration oft over-looked when anti-Israeli sentiments take the better of us. I really wish I could respond to your posts in detail, but unfortunately they do not address the seriousness of the present situation. You may have assumed I consider Hamas a terror outfit, but in that you are mistaken. I am well-aware of the political victories which Hamas has enjoyed. As a matter of fact I'm well-versed about the popularity which Hamas' rocket-fire enjoyed in the early days soon after the Second Intifada. What I am actually trying to say, brother, is that Hamas has not been able to transform that popularity into effective strategy or even partial victory.

There is no 'effective strategy' here when the US keeps vetoing UN resolutions against Israel. The Israeli/Palestinian 'conflict' is much worse than any other conflict you can think of. There is unconditional enormous support to Israel in every form to allow it to continue its occupation. Further, like I said, Hamas joined the unity government. Which is why they were attacked, read the above, sir.

I'm surprised you would justify Hamas' resistance by citing the Al-Amiriyah school massacre of 124 and not mention the massacre of 1800+ in the ongoing Operation Protective Edge. We need not refer to history to assess the present situation. The historical significance and development of the Palestinian movement pales in comparison to the tragedy which it's incessant, and inaccurate, rocket-fire has brought today.

Again, by your statements you're implying Hamas brought this on the Palestinian people. No, it did NOT. If you say so then show us sources which suggest so.

Let the rocket fire be symbolic, it's about time the world considers our basic human rights we deserve. No area in the world has to live under the conditions residents in Gaza do. They all have ports, airports, open borders, commerce, etc...

There is no evidence to suggest that the three Israeli children who were kidnapped and killed was the handiwork of Hamas, and I am also not saying Hamas began the hostilities.

Israel already denied that, like I said you have lots of catching up to do.
Hamas May Not Have Kidnapped Israeli Teens -- NYMag

I am in cognizant of the humility and desperation which the residents of Gaza have to endure at the behest of the Israeli army on a daily basis, but under no circumstances is it even remotely possible to pin the blame of the present conflagration solely on the shoulders of the Israeli army.

How so? Because of your meaningless rhetoric?

If they must persist in their aggression

You showed your bias here. Your pointless talk has no relevance to the reality. It is empty slogans, meaningless rhetoric. Try to actually make a point based on the reality.

To say that the Palestinians should surrender because Israel is intentionally killing civilians shows how you have no grasp of the reality in Palestine. Palestinians won't surrender to an assault Israel began until the world and Israel recognizes their basic rights

We wouldn't be having to have this discussion if it wasn't for useless cowardly Muslims who surrender to conditions forced upon them in their own region.

You as a person are speaking from a perspective of someone with a nation. Put yourself in Palestinian shoes.


For you to suggest that Hamas came from the moon and doesn't share the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people is so low. The people on the ground fighting are doing so out of the same exact legitimate grievances. The leaders are also facing the same struggle, they had plenty of family members killed before they joined Hamas. Here is a Hamas fighter:


They are Palestinian students, engineers, etc..., who seek their right to self determination.

But, people like you, keep kissing up to Israel. Even though what the British Empire did was entirely wrong and yet you blame us for everything and exonerate Israel from any blame even though you have seen how much of lunatics they are in the past month.

It pisses me off because this is coming from a Pakistani Muslim. I could care less if it comes from an Indian. Many Indians have not a clue of what is taking place but they are just taking pot shots against Muslims because they have nothing better to do.
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Go ahead prove to me with reliable sources and facts that it was Hamas which provoked this latest Israeli assault. I'll give you 365 days to prove it to me.

"But this morning, NDTV witnessed one such rocket silo being created under a tent right next to the hotel where our team was staying. Minutes later, we saw the rocket being fired, just before the 72-hour ceasefire came into effect.”
a rocket attack on Israel just before ceasefire with video graphic proof not from western media.

@TheFlyingPretzel currently in a position to employ few teenagers.
a rocket attack on Israel just before ceasefire with video graphic proof not from western media.

@TheFlyingPretzel currently in a position to employ few teenagers.

Again, I asked you to prove your assertion. Which had nothing to do with the cease fire. Israel was attacking right before it as well. Israel broke the previous 72 hour cease fire as well by invading Rafah, then fabricated a story of an captured soldier which they later admitted was a whole big lie.

This is what I asked, learn how to read or simply don't post if you can't back up your accusations:
Go ahead prove to me with reliable sources and facts that it was Hamas which provoked this latest Israeli assault. I'll give you 365 days to prove it to me.
There is no 'effective strategy' here when the US keeps vetoing UN resolutions against Israel. The Israeli/Palestinian 'conflict' is much worse than any other conflict you can think of. There is unconditional enormous support to Israel in every form to allow it to continue its occupation. Further, like I said, Hamas joined the unity government. Which is why they were attacked, read the above, sir.

Again, by your statements you're implying Hamas brought this on the Palestinian people. No, it did NOT. If you say so then show us sources which suggest so.

Hamas did not bring it upon the Palestinian people. That's not what I'm saying. But Hamas' continued rocket-fire has ensured that the Israeli Army has continued financial and international support from major Western powers and even the United Nations. The continuous and ineffective barrage of rockets has been nothing but counter-productive.

State Dep't says Israel has a right to defend itself, but can't say the same of Palestinians
US backs Israeli ‘right to defend itself,’ UN chief condemns rockets | The Times of Israel

Can only post two links, struggling with this; posting more after replying.

Let the rocket fire be symbolic, it's about time the world considers our basic human rights we deserve. No area in the world has to live under the conditions residents in Gaza do. They all have ports, airports, open borders, commerce, etc...

Agreed. Let it be symbolic and I sincerely do hope the recent destruction of UN shelters sees some sort of international criminal sanctions against Israel. Some sort, any at all. It is highly unlikely though, and that is shamelessly unfortunate.

Israel already denied that, like I said you have lots of catching up to do.
Hamas May Not Have Kidnapped Israeli Teens -- NYMag
Bro, you're worked up a little. What you are saying is exactly what I said. Hamas did not kill the teenagers.

"There is no evidence to suggest that the three Israeli children who were kidnapped and killed was the handiwork of Hamas, and I am also not saying Hamas began the hostilities."

How so? Because of your meaningless rhetoric?

No because of the links which I have shared above which show that even the UN considered Israel's right to defend itself paramount in the face of the barrage of Hamas rockets.

You showed your bias here. Your pointless talk has no relevance to the reality. It is empty slogans, meaningless rhetoric. Try to actually make a point based on the reality.

To say that the Palestinians should surrender because Israel is intentionally killing civilians shows how you have no grasp of the reality in Palestine. Palestinians won't surrender to an assault Israel began until the world and Israel recognizes their basic rights

We wouldn't be having to have this discussion if it wasn't for useless cowardly Muslims who surrender to conditions forced upon them in their own region.

You as a person are speaking from a perspective of someone with a nation. Put yourself in Palestinian shoes.

I am not biased in favour of Israel. I'm biased against Hamas' rocket-fire. I'd be supporting it if it actually killed Israeli aggressors but unfortunately we both know that's not the case.

Fair enough though. I can imagine the Palestinian plight at the injustice which they are having to endure. In all honesty, if I put myself in a Palestinian's shoes I too would fight to my bloody end. Better one day as a lion than a hundred days as a sheep.

But please do understand that the pictures coming out of Gaza well my eyes up with tears. What's worse is I am part of a nation which has turned a blind-eye to the Palestinian plight. I would offer you excuses, but I really think there is none.

The other links:

Obama: Israel has right to defend against rockets - Israel News, Ynetnews
PressTV - Obama: Israel has right to defend itself

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

osition to employ fe
a rocket attack on Israel just before ceasefire with video graphic proof not from western media.

@TheFlyingPretzel currently in a position to employ few teenagers.

Then I suggest you act like it.
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I agree with most of what you say, there's no point in arguing. Just refrain making those implications even though you may not notice that you are.

The Western world has always supported Israel in this way for their own strategic interests before Hamas came into existence and it has nothing to do with Hamas. I thought you would know better. C'mon brother...

As I said, if Hamas stopped retaliating then Israel will get what it wants. It will allow itself to keep putting Palestinians in an open air prison and kill them like sheep whenever they feel like it. Hamas will keep retaliating until this cynical cycle comes to an end and that there are guarantees from the international community. Unfortunately, all Palestinians have to pay a price. That is because of the useless Muslim world which is focused on immorality and also due to unjust international standards.
For you to suggest that Hamas came from the moon and doesn't share the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people is so low. The people on the ground fighting are doing so out of the same exact legitimate grievances. The leaders are also facing the same struggle, they had plenty of family members killed before they joined Hamas. Here is a Hamas fighter:


They are Palestinian students, engineers, etc..., who seek their right to self determination.

But, people like you, keep kissing up to Israel. Even though what the British Empire did was entirely wrong and yet you blame us for everything and exonerate Israel from any blame even though you have seen how much of lunatics they are in the past month.

It pisses me off because this is coming from a Pakistani Muslim. I could care less if it comes from an Indian. Many Indians have not a clue of what is taking place but they are just taking pot shots against Muslims because they have nothing better to do.

He even almost looks like me. I just have a bigger, bushier beard. If you must know though, as Pakistani Muslims there are two things we don't do and the rest is all Halal. One is eat pork, and two is recognize or support Israel. They will always be terrorists for us, but some of us feel that there may be a better way to deal with them. But like you quite clearly stated, and which I am in complete concurrence with, Israel's atrocities cannot go uncontested. They must be resisted but it's just tragic that the resistance has to come with a colossal loss of innocent Palestinian women and children.

I agree with most of what you say, there's no point in arguing. Just refrain making those implications even though you may not notice that you are.

The Western world has always supported Israel in this way for their own strategic interests before Hamas came into existence and it has nothing to do with Hamas. I thought you would know better. C'mon brother...

As I said, if Hamas stopped retaliating then Israel will get what it wants. It will allow itself to keep putting Palestinians in an open air prison and kill them like sheep whenever they feel like it. Hamas will keep retaliating until this cynical cycle comes to an end and that there are guarantees from the international community. Unfortunately, all Palestinians have to pay a price. That is because of the useless Muslim world which is focused on immorality and also due to unjust international standards.

I hope one day, sooner rather than later, our much vaunted nuclear status can actually be employed to defend the rights of Muslims everywhere. And you're right. My posts may appear to be one-sided and with all honesty that is inadvertent rather than intentional, and I do hope I've made that clear.
Again, I asked you to prove your assertion. Which had nothing to do with the cease fire. Israel was attacking right before it as well. Israel broke the previous 72 hour cease fire as well by invading Rafah, then fabricated a story of an captured soldier which they later admitted was a whole big lie.

This is what I asked, learn how to read or simply don't post if you can't back up your accusations:
Go ahead prove to me with reliable sources and facts that it was Hamas which provoked this latest Israeli assault. I'll give you 365 days to prove it to me.
This is what locals are saying about the conflict.

The ceasefire may well be broken from both sides doesn't make one side(Hamas) holier than thou.Ignoring or being in denial about hamas actions won't work.
This is what locals are saying about the conflict.

The ceasefire may well be broken from both sides doesn't make one side(Hamas) holier than thou.Ignoring or being in denial about hamas actions won't work.

What a joke, those are Egyptians and that is Egyptian private television. Any Arab can tell you that is Egyptian accent as well. Palestinians don't have that accent. This guy is a clown and most Egyptians are embarrassed by him.

Yet, you haven't even supported your assertion. As I figured, take your time.
What a joke, those are Egyptians and that is Egyptian private television. Any Arab can tell you that is Egyptian accent as well. Palestinians don't have that accent. This guy is a clown and most Egyptians are embarrassed by him.

Yet, you haven't even supported your assertion. As I figured, take your time.
Video is from ONA - ONews Agency .is the lady in the first 20 seconds of the video also Egyptian? you are clearly in a denial about everything hamas is doing to the same ppl who they claim to fight for.
Hamas is doing a horrible job of leading Palestinians. They are squandering away all the sympathy the world has for the Palestinian cause. They cannot defeat Israel militarily and just gives them more excuses to continue with the occupation. They need to change tack and instead attack the Israeli and world conscience for allowing this occupation to continue. They need a Gandhi.

Gandhi won't help shoot the F-16s down. They need a chock-full of SAMs.

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