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How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets


Mar 10, 2012
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In the minutes before the ceasefire kicked in at Gaza this morning, Hamas fired a flurry of rockets towards Israel - 30 according to some counts.

Israel has argued that that these rockets are fired from civilian areas, and this is why its retaliatory strikes can result in civilian casualties.

But this morning, NDTV witnessed one such rocket silo being created under a tent right next to the hotel where our team was staying. Minutes later, we saw the rocket being fired, just before the 72-hour ceasefire came into effect.

It began with a mysterious tent with a blue canopy that bobbed up yesterday (August 4) at 6:30 am in an open patch of land next to our window. We saw three men making a multitude of journeys in and out of the tent, sometimes with wires.

An hour later, they emerged, dismantled the tent, changed their clothes and walked away.

The next morning - today - we woke to news of the 72-hour ceasefire but just before it was to take effect, the rocket next to our hotel was fired. There was a loud explosion and a whooshing sound. The cloud of smoke that rose was captured by our cameraperson.

This report is being aired on NDTV and published on ndtv.com after our team left the Gaza strip - Hamas has not taken very kindly to any reporting of its rockets being fired. But just as we reported the devastating consequences of Israel's offensive on Gaza's civilians, it is equally important to report on how Hamas places those very civilians at risk by firing rockets deep from the heart of civilian zones.
NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets - NDTV
video in the link .
Hamas rocket made of TNT , 5 mega ton bomb ... right ? lolz :sarcastic:
First of all, this isn't Hamas but most likely a smaller military faction of amateurs. Hamas is professional and semi-military. They wouldn't waste all this effort to fire one small rocket.

They have underground launchers in concealed areas.
Here is PIJ:

Hamas professional concealed firing:


Will post more in second post
First of all, this isn't Hamas but most likely a smaller military faction of amateurs. Hamas is professional and semi-military. They wouldn't waste all this effort to fire one small rocket.

They have underground launchers in concealed areas.
Here is PIJ:

Hamas professional concealed firing:


Will post more in second post

I was also thinking the same.
Hamas 2 years ago, skip to 1:18 under sand:
Obviously they only fire salvos:

Looks like they wanted to get some foreign reporters killed this time.

And lame to say it was someone else because hamas rules the place and can not keep ducking responsibility like every terrorist org.
The reason many civilians are being killed is because Israel is targeting the homes of any military faction member, even low rank ones. But, also due to their ground invasion strategy known as the 'Dahiya doctrine'.

Human Rights Watch explains this for people:
Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians | Human Rights Watch

(Gaza) – Israeli air attacks in Gaza investigated by Human Rights Watch have been targeting apparent civilian structures and killing civilians in violation of the laws of war. Israel should end unlawful attacks that do not target military objectives and may be intended as collective punishment or broadly to destroy civilian property. Deliberate or reckless attacks violating the laws of war are war crimes, Human Rights Watch said.

Israeli attacks in Gaza since July 7, 2014, which Israeli officials said delivered more than 500 tons of explosives in missiles, aerial bombs, and artillery fire, killed at least 178 people and wounded 1,361 as of July 14, including 635 women and children, according to the United Nations. Preliminary UN reports identified 138 people, about 77 percent of those killed, as civilians, including 36 children, and found that the attacks had destroyed 1,255 homes, displacing at least 7,500 people.

“Israel’s rhetoric is all about precision attacks but attacks with no military target and many civilian deaths can hardly be considered precise,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Recent documented cases in Gaza sadly fit Israel’s long record of unlawful airstrikes with high civilian casualties.”


Israel isn't targeting rocket launchers, it would be a waste of time and effort. They can't do it, most are concealed. They only go after certain ones which are limited in number and underground in sand. Such as these:

First of all, this isn't Hamas but most likely a smaller military faction of amateurs. Hamas is professional and semi-military. They wouldn't waste all this effort to fire one small rocket.

Hamas it is, firing rockets from highly populated civilian areas at the day ceasefire was announced,small or big doesn't matter its more than enough for a retaliation.

Hamas clearly isn't fighting for gazans ,they are a sunni extremist organisation and rightly declared a terrorist organization by many countries.

First of all, this isn't Hamas but most likely a smaller military faction of amateurs. Hamas is professional and semi-military. They wouldn't waste all this effort to fire one small rocket.

They have underground launchers in concealed areas.
Here is PIJ:

Hamas professional concealed firing:


Will post more in second post
All these clown videos they make in peace time for show. During the war time they fire from civilian areas.


M75 rocket launched from the coastal strip into Israel by militants of Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of Hamas movement, in Gaza City, July 11, 2014. Photo: EPA


M75 rocket launched from the coastal strip into Israel by militants of Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of Hamas movement, in Gaza City, 09 July 2014. Israel launched the military operation Protective Edge, which came in response to a renewed wave of rockets out of the Gaza Strip, for some of which Palestinian group Hamas has claimed responsibility. It is the first time since 2012 that Hamas has done so, claiming that intervening attacks were sent up by groups working outside its control.

Credit: EPA


A rocket was launched into Israel by the Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of the Hamas movement, in Gaza on July 9, 2014.Photo: EPA
Hamas it is, firing rockets from highly populated civilian areas at the day ceasefire was announced,small or big doesn't matter its more than enough for a retaliation.

Hamas clearly isn't fighting for gazans ,they are a sunni extremist organisation and rightly declared a terrorist organization by many countries.

You can have your opinion all you want but you need to back it up with facts. Use a source or two. All of Gaza is considered a highly populated area, there are open areas where they can fire from.

If you believe they are extremist that is fine, your opinion. But, the reality is that they're moderate. You clearly don't know the situation on the ground either, the armed wing has huge support.

Again, contrary to what you're saying. Hamas is fighting for the Palestinian people's rights.

This is a cheap attempt by you to exonerate Israel from it's intentional targeting of civilians which no one has disagreed with is. Everyone has condemned them for targeting whole families.

All these clown videos they make in peace time for show. During the war time they fire from civilian areas.

Yeah, if you makes it feel better to believe that, sure. :lol:


A rocket was launched into Israel by the Ezz Al-Din Al Qassam militia, the military wing of the Hamas movement, in Gaza on July 9, 2014.Photo: EPA

You've used the same two photos for the past almost month. Even if we believe you, these are two examples. Even though, at this angle you can't see the empty area they're firing from. There us vast agricultural land in that area if you look to the lower right corner of the white building.

That being said, as I reiterated. Israel isn't targeting launchers, it's almost impossible in some cases. Except the ones I mentioned above.

This is what Israel's doing:

This is what they're doing:
Human Rights Watch explains this for people:
Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians | Human Rights Watch

(Gaza) – Israeli air attacks in Gaza investigated by Human Rights Watch have been targeting apparent civilian structures and killing civilians in violation of the laws of war. Israel should end unlawful attacks that do not target military objectives and may be intended as collective punishment or broadly to destroy civilian property. Deliberate or reckless attacks violating the laws of war are war crimes, Human Rights Watch said.

Israeli attacks in Gaza since July 7, 2014, which Israeli officials said delivered more than 500 tons of explosives in missiles, aerial bombs, and artillery fire, killed at least 178 people and wounded 1,361 as of July 14, including 635 women and children, according to the United Nations. Preliminary UN reports identified 138 people, about 77 percent of those killed, as civilians, including 36 children, and found that the attacks had destroyed 1,255 homes, displacing at least 7,500 people.

“Israel’s rhetoric is all about precision attacks but attacks with no military target and many civilian deaths can hardly be considered precise,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Recent documented cases in Gaza sadly fit Israel’s long record of unlawful airstrikes with high civilian casualties.”

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Again, contrary to what you're saying. Hamas is fighting for the Palestinian people's rights.

This is a cheap attempt by you to exonerate Israel from it's intentional targeting of civilians which no one has disagreed with is. Everyone has condemned them for targeting whole families.

This is a cheap attempt by you to exonerate Israel from it's intentional targeting of civilians which no one has disagreed with is. Everyone has condemned them for targeting whole families.

Hamas has done a poor job of fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people. It's rocket-fire has resulted in more dead women and children in Palestine than it has resulted in the Palestinians rights being restored. Condemnation from the international community is not even remotely adequate reparation for all the innocent Palestinian blood that the Zionists have spilt. Hamas needs to reconsider their strategy. Israel has faced the brunt of international criticism since it's very inception. When has it ever made a difference to them?
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Hamas has done a poor job of fighting for the rights of the Palestinian people. It's rocket-fire has resulted in more dead women and children in Palestine than it has resulted in the Palestinian's rights being restored. Condemnation from the international community is not even remotely adequate reparation for all the innocent Palestinian blood that the Zionists have spilt. Hamas needs to reconsider their strategy. Israel has faced the brunt of international criticism since it's very inception. When has it ever made a difference to them?

Disagree with you, it's easy for an outsider to make it seem like a plight which can be perfected tomorrow. Hamas is only acting in self-defense, it is demanding the basic rights of the Palestinian people as conditions for the truce. Palestinians have been killed by Israel wherever they are and decades before Hamas existed. Hamas isn't the only organization which prepared for armed resistance.

Hamas doesn't believe in attacking Israel at any moment. It believes in creating a deterrence for the Palestinian people. It refuses to sign off our cause in a scam by Israel. Hamas will agree to a genuine two state solution based on 1967 borders or one state solution. They believe in the Palestinian right to security and right to arm.

You need to learn a thing or two before you talk and you should condemn Israel:
Analysis: Gaza resistance will not be crushed | Maan News Agency

The resistance movement in Gaza is often misrepresented intentionally at times, and at other times innocuously. In the heat of the information battle that has ensued since Israel unleashed its latest war many facts and essential context have gone missing.

Historically, Gaza has been a hub for uninterrupted popular resistance since the ethnic cleansing of Palestine at the hands of Zionist militias, and later the Israeli army, in 1947-48. An estimated 200,000 of Palestine’s then nearly 800,000 refugees were forced there, with most enduring squalid and humiliating conditions.

Despite the shock of war and the humiliation of defeat, Gazans fought back almost immediately. There was no Fatah, no Hamas, and no siege -- in comparison to its current definition -- and Gazans did not organize around any political factions, or ideologies. Rather they assembled in small groups known to Gazans as Fedayeen -- freedom fighters.

These were dispossessed refugees still unaware of the complexity of their political surroundings, and the Fedayeen were mostly young Palestinian refugees fighting to return to their home. But their operations grew bolder day by day.

They would sneak back into their towns -- which then eventually became part of Israel -- with primitive weapons and homemade bombs. They would kill Israeli soldiers, steal their weapons and return with the new weapons the second night.

Some would secretly go back to their villages in Palestine to 'steal' food, blankets and whatever money they had failed to retrieve in the rush of war. Those who never returned received the funerals of martyrs, with thousands of fellow refugees marching with symbolic coffins to graveyards. Hundreds never returned and few bodies were ever recovered.

Following every Fedayeen strike, the Israeli army would hit back at Gaza's refugees, inspiring yet more support and recruits for the growing commando movement.

The prowess of those young refugee fighters was on full display in November 1956, when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and large swathes of Sinai following the Suez Crisis. Egyptians fought the Israeli army with much courage, but the Palestinian garrison based in Khan Younis -- now a major target in the latest Israeli war -- refused to surrender.

When the fighting was over, Israel moved into Khan Younis and carried out what is now etched in the Palestinian collective memory as one of the most horrific mass killings in Gaza's history -- a massacre of 124 men and boys in the Rafah refugee camp known as al-Amiriyah School Massacre.

You can have your opinion all you want but you need to back it up with facts. Use a source or two. All of Gaza is considered a highly populated area, there are open areas where they can fire from.

If you believe they are extremist that is fine, your opinion. But, the reality is that they're moderate. You clearly don't know the situation on the ground either, the armed wing has huge support.

Again, contrary to what you're saying. Hamas is fighting for the Palestinian people's rights.

This is a cheap attempt by you to exonerate Israel from it's intentional targeting of civilians which no one has disagreed with is. Everyone has condemned them for targeting whole families.
No longer can one remain blind to the aggression from hamas specially at the time of ceasefire announcements,what kind of rights of palestinians are going to be protected by deliberately endangering them from an israeli retaliation ?

their are videos available of them making and firing rockets,which moderate would rather chose an armed conflict over a ceasefire ?

people of gaza have no representation in this conflict they are clearly victims who are getting crushed from both sides.

The Palestinians in Gaza were attacked, no the other way around. You have lots of reading to do and need to catch up on your history. Do you even know anything about the siege on Gaza? When Israel withdrew in 2005, it do so because it was ungovernable for them. They hate the Palestinian population which wouldn't allow them to steal their land. After Israel left, Gaza was still not sovereign. And the PA was in power at that time. Israel still controlled the borders, air space, and waters. After Hamas was elected into the national government, some of their representatives were elected in 2006. Abbas was still the leader there. They began imposing more severe restrictions than there already were.

You need to learn dude. Don't make premature posts, if you have no knowledge like the OP then refrain from posting.

11:06 AM ET

Brzezinski: Netanyahu 'making a very serious mistake'
Watch"Fareed Zakaria GPS," Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN

Fareed speaks with former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski about Israel's military operation in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on CNN told Wolf Blitzer that the invasion of Gaza was a strategy to demilitarize Gaza, explaining the use of force. But it has been quite a robust use of force…Do you think that it is going to succeed, the Israeli strategy?

No, I think he is making a very serious mistake. When Hamas in effect accepted the notion of participation in the Palestinian leadership, it in effect acknowledged the determination of that leadership to seek a peaceful solution with Israel. That was a real option. They should have persisted in that.

Instead Netanyahu launched the campaign of defamation against Hamas, seized on the killing of three innocent Israeli kids to immediately charge Hamas with having done it without any evidence, and has used that to stir up public opinion in Israel in order to justify this attack on Gaza, which is so lethal.

I think he is isolating Israel. He's endangering its longer-range future. And I think we ought to make it very clear that this is a course of action which we thoroughly disapprove and which we do not support and which may compel us and the rest of the international community to take some steps of legitimizing Palestinian aspirations perhaps in the U.N.


No longer can one remain blind to the aggression from hamas specially at the time of ceasefire announcements,what kind of rights of palestinians are going to be protected by deliberately endangering them from an israeli retaliation ?

their are videos available of them making and firing rockets,which moderate would rather chose an armed conflict over a ceasefire ?

people of gaza have no representation in this conflict they are clearly victims who are getting crushed from both sides.

Go ahead prove to me with reliable sources and facts that it was Hamas which provoked this latest Israeli assault. I'll give you 365 days to prove it to me.
Hamas is doing a horrible job of leading Palestinians. They are squandering away all the sympathy the world has for the Palestinian cause. They cannot defeat Israel militarily and just gives them more excuses to continue with the occupation. They need to change tack and instead attack the Israeli and world conscience for allowing this occupation to continue. They need a Gandhi.

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