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How far can India go with Israel

India and Israel friendship is like friendship of Raj and Howard....:agree:


Somr Indians support Israel and some support Iran.
and some don't give a damn.

we Iranian do not give a damn.
who cares if they want to be an ally?
Your stand is appreciated, Sir...
As where you were at the time of 71 and 99...???
Israelis were helping us and they deserved this place...:agree:
No doubt we support iran against any kind of aggression from US or israel..
Good point but when push comes to shove it is asserted India is in Israels camp

I also think that the two philosophies in vogue in India and Israel have a lot in common


Even petulant children do not play camp these days. International relations is about business and most countries are mature enough to know that.

We have good relations with Israel & Iran and USA & Russia and France & UK and Malaysia & Singapore.

Pakistanis should learn something from that, instead of making immature silly comments that only make them look silly. After their monumental foreign policy blunders and running from one major power to another in hopes of freebies and weapons and free oil and hard cash for over half a century, one thought they had learned something.

Push comes to shove India is with Indian interests, little petulant children :lol::lol::lol:
Push comes to shove India is with Indian interests, little petulant children :lol::lol::lol:

Which some would say India has chosen lie with Israel for the reasons asserted by your former Ambassador and diplomat
Which some would say India has chosen lie with Israel for the reasons asserted by your former Ambassador and diplomat

You have major comprehension issues, or you are as always in a hurry to post a three month old article and troll and post that third rate zionism analyses of yours. Learn to differentiate between the voices in your head and whats written in the article.

If any thing Bhadrakumar is telling us to be more careful and seek Israeli assurance on responsible behaviour. And our EMA said only this

We will have to work out a strategy as to how we address ourselves to the scourge o international terrorism which has become the curse for the entire humanity. I think our efforts should be to checkmate and ultimately eradicate terrorists from the face of the earth.

which is pretty open and obvious to even the least credible poster here. You must learn to stop taking every anti terrorism comment personally.
If any thing Bhadrakumar is telling us to be more careful and seek Israeli assurance on responsible behaviour. And our EMA said only this


Personal insults from you do not add to your argument. In any event my suggestion and the writers is that India is not getting or seeking those reassurances.
Somr Indians support Israel and some support Iran.
and some don't give a damn.

we Iranian do not give a damn.
who cares if they want to be an ally?

And most like both Iran and Israel. We'd hate to be forced to choose between either country and neither yourselves or the Israelis have expressed any discontent with our dealings with the other.

If you guys sort your issues out amongst yourselves, we'd be one of the happiest countries there.
Unintentionally you are quoting the below.

1. You know that Pakistan is a client state of USA, like most Pakistanis you do not like it.
2. You hate India and wants India like Pakistan i.e a proxy/client state of USA and its not happening. You get angry more day by day.
3. Envy of our diplomacy and soft power, so digging up toilet stories to satisfy yourself.

Pretty much nailed it.

Just one more part, a bit of the need. ;)
Personal insults from you do not add to your argument. In any event my suggestion and the writers is that India is not getting or seeking those reassurances.

And repeating the same thing over and over a hundred times like a trained zombie does?

Whatever be Bhadra's opinion on what Israel is doing, our own statement he is quoting is only about cooperation against terrorism. Let me also repeat, don't take that personally.
Another great indian feat

India a country is desperate to be whiter than white and Israelis being fair skinned and willing to sell anything have sure become India's sweet spot. The friendship lies in few basic principles. India has same fascist hegemonic ambitions which Israel dreams day and night.

For some reason, even though you seem to be an Arab wannabe but claim that you know something about India!

We are not second class Arab wannabes and we couldn't care less for what you prescribe to India. ;)
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Bhadra is one of those from the pre-91 era when relations with Israel has not been established and India was gungho with the Islamic world as the last pillar of Non-Aligned Movement. Totally irrelevant and out of place in 2012.
And most like both Iran and Israel. We'd hate to be forced to choose between either country and neither yourselves or the Israelis have expressed any discontent with our dealings with the other.

If you guys sort your issues out amongst yourselves, we'd be one of the happiest countries there.

India has already chosen the white master
Actually India does not opt for any long term relationship with Israel. The thing is, both of them got a common enemy: Pakistan. .

Don't give too much importance where it is not due...The sun doesn't revolve around Pakistan.
It has been said before here that Mr. Bhadra kumar's name is being used by some other person to write these articles. Don't know how much truth there is in it.
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